PingPerfect.com | Support Levels


Our game server support outperforms most other Game Server Providers (GSP’s) by far, all our support technicians are knowledgeable about the game you are renting and want to help you have the best server you can have.

Normal Support

Our normal support level is for users who want an unmanaged service – you will make changes to config files, install mods, alter command lines. When you contact us, we will provide the instructions and information necessary to resolve the problem you are experiencing, configure the server to your desires, or add new features/functionality.

With this support level, we provide guidance, but you make the changes to the server yourself (unless the changes can only be performed by us)

Platinum Support

Our Platinum support level is for users who want a managed service, if you don’t want to touch a config file, learn how to install mods, or mess around with command lines this is the option for you. When you contact us, we will resolve the problem you are experiencing, configure the server to your desires, or add new features/functionality.

With this support level, we will make changes to the server for you.

Platinum Support costs £30 per month per service due to the extra time staff will need to spend on your service, you can purchase this level of support at service creation or by contacting support.

Subject to the following:

1. We cannot guarantee mods will work with the version of the game that is out currently, our game panel, or with each other. Mods are on a best endeavour basis and will be installed as and when techs have time to do so

2. We will not test mods in-game for you, if the server doesn’t work after adding mods we will still do the changes in our game panel for you removing mods until it works, but you will need to test the server in-game each time.

3. This is subject to a fair use policy, we won’t spend hours on your service every day.

Platinum Setup

Our platinum setup is a one-off charge which means we will set up your server as you want it ONCE. You tell us what mods/settings/etc you want, and we will make it happen.

Once the setup has been completed with your desired configuration, mods, etc and you have confirmed that everything is working, we will no longer be able to make any platinum related changes to your service afterwards.

Subject to the following:

1. We cannot guarantee mods will work with the version of the game that is out currently, our game panel, or with each other. Mods are on a best endeavour basis and will be installed as and when techs have time to do so

2. We will not test mods in-game for you, if the server doesn’t work after adding mods we will still do the changes in our game panel for you removing mods until it works, but you will need to test the server in-game each time.

3. This is subject to a fair use policy, we won’t spend hours on your service.

Need immediate support?

If you have any problems, queries or questions, please feel free to contact us using the button below, and we will be happy to assist you.

submit support ticket


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