Conan Exiles | RCon Configuration + RCon Commands

  • Conan Exiles RCON Commands, Conan Exiles, conan exiles, RCON Commands, Rcon Commands, RCON Commands List, RCON, Rcon, rcon
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    The RCON Commands can be run by using:

    • Run manually at any time of your choosing with the 'RCON Client' function of the Gamepanel found inside the "Current Activity and Stats" menu
    • Our Gamepanel's 'Scheduled Task' system (this method allows you to automate them)
    • Using a third party tool such as mcrcon (Created by Tiiffi and available here: mcrcon )

    Method 1: Using our Gamepanel's built-in RCON Client

    1. Click "Current Activity and Stats".
    2. Then click "RCON Client".
    3. Type in your RCON password in the password field, and type in the command you want to execute.
    4. The output will be displayed in the same window.

    Method 2: Automating RCON Commands using our Gamepanel's Scheduled Tasks system

    1. Click "Scheduled Tasks" in your server's Gamepanel home page.
    2. Click "New".
    3. Change the "Task Type" to 'Console/RCON Command'
    4. Click the blue "New" button to create the task.
    5. Type in your RCON Password into the RCON Password field.
    6. Type in the command you want to automate in the Command to Execute field.
    7. Type a name for the task in the name field.
    8. Change Type to the time period you desire the task to run for E.G Daily
    9. Type or use the calendar/time buttons to set the date/time the task will run at E.G 11:59 PM
    10. Save the task in the top left.
    11. This task will now run automatically on the time/date set with no further interaction required from you!

    Method 3: Using an external third-party RCON client

    1. Download and install a third-party RCON client such as mcrcon
    2. Connect to your server using the RCON Info on your server's Gamepanel home page.
    3. Execute any RCON Commands you desire.

                    Usage: whitelistplayer <userid|platformid>
                    Usage: unwhitelistplayer <userid|platformid>
                    Usage: unbanplayer <userid|platformid>
                    Usage: sql <query>.
                    Usage: netprofile (enable|disable)
                    Usage: memreport
                    Usage: listplayers
                    Usage: listbans
                    Usage: kickplayer (index|name|userid|platformid|player) <identification> <message>
                    Usage: help "Optional command name filter". lists all available rcon commands.
                    Usage: dumpticks
                    Usage: con <id> <command> <args>. Where <id> is a valid online player ID, and <command> being a regular console command
                    Usage: broadcast <message>
                    Usage: banplayer (index|name|userid|platformid|player) <identification> <message>

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