Empyrion | Add Yourself as an Admin

  • Empyrion Add Yourself as an Admin, Empyrion, empyrion, Add Yourself as an Admin, Add yourself as an Admin, Admins, admins, admin, Admin
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    1. Go to the game panel and click on telnet details
    2. Download Putty (https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgt ... atest.html)
    3. Connect to your server using your IP/Telnet Port
    4. When prompted enter your password, please note Putty will always reject the first password entry so when it does just enter it again
    5. Type in the following

    setrole [steam64id] [admin level]
    (replacing [steam64id] with your steam64 id and [admin level] with the permission level you want i.e. admin, moderator or gm)
    e.g. setrole 11111111111111111 admin

    If you need some extra help connecting to Putty please see this guide. https://pingperfect.com/index.php/knowledgebase/295/How-to-connect-to-Putty.html

    Alternate Method (this may not always work)

    1. In your game panel go to game services > your Empyrion server
    2. Click on configuration files
    3. Edit adminconfig.yaml
    4. replace the below (You can find your steam 64 id here https://steamid.co/ )

    - Id: 00000000000000000 # put the correct SteamID64 here
    Permission: 3 # make this user a GameMaster, for example
    - Id: 11111111111111111
    Permission: 6

    with (for example)

    - Id: yoursteam64id # put the correct SteamID64 here
    Permission: 3 # make this user a GameMaster, for example
    - Id: someoneelse'ssteam64id
    Permission: 6

    5. Save the file
    6. reboot the server

    Looking for a game server host known for brilliant 24/7 customer support and quality hardware?
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