V Rising | Server Configuration

  • V Rising Server Configuration, V Rising Server Config, V Rising, Server Configuration, Server Config, V Rising Server
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    Please make sure that you stop the server before making any changes, this will ensure that all changes take effect correctly. If you have any issues, please do not hesitate to contact our support team via submitting a ticket from your client area.

    It's easy to configure your Pingperfect V Rising Server. Just follow the steps below.

    1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
    2. Select the 'Configuration Editor' option next to ServerHostSettings.json
    3. Refer to the Configuration settings below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires

      "Name": "v-rising Server"
      "Description": "Hosted by Pingperfect.com, enjoy!"
      "MaxConnectedAdmins": 1
      "SaveName": "world1"
      "Password": ""
      "Secure": true,
      "ListOnMasterServer": true
      "GameSettingsPreset": ""
      "AdminOnlyDebugEvents": true
      "DisableDebugEvents": false
    4. You can also modify the gameplay settings by using the "Text-Editor" method on the ServerGameSettings.json file - one thing to note is that you MUST have the "GameSettingsPreset" set to "None" in the file above for these settings to be enabled.

        "GameModeType": "PvP",
        "CastleDamageMode": "Always",
        "SiegeWeaponHealth": "Normal",
        "PlayerDamageMode": "Always",
        "CastleHeartDamageMode": "CanBeDestroyedByPlayers",
        "PvPProtectionMode": "Medium",
        "DeathContainerPermission": "Anyone",
        "RelicSpawnType": "Unique",
        "CanLootEnemyContainers": true,
        "BloodBoundEquipment": true,
        "TeleportBoundItems": true,
        "AllowGlobalChat": true,
        "AllWaypointsUnlocked": false,
        "FreeCastleClaim": false,
        "FreeCastleDestroy": false,
        "InactivityKillEnabled": true,
        "InactivityKillTimeMin": 3600,
        "InactivityKillTimeMax": 604800,
        "InactivityKillSafeTimeAddition": 172800,
        "InactivityKillTimerMaxItemLevel": 84,
        "DisableDisconnectedDeadEnabled": true,
        "DisableDisconnectedDeadTimer": 60,
        "InventoryStacksModifier": 1.0,
        "DropTableModifier_General": 1.0,
        "DropTableModifier_Missions": 1.0,
        "MaterialYieldModifier_Global": 1.0,
        "BloodEssenceYieldModifier": 1.0,
        "JournalVBloodSourceUnitMaxDistance": 25.0,
        "PvPVampireRespawnModifier": 1.0,
        "CastleMinimumDistanceInFloors": 2,
        "ClanSize": 4,
        "BloodDrainModifier": 1.0,
        "DurabilityDrainModifier": 1.0,
        "GarlicAreaStrengthModifier": 1.0,
        "HolyAreaStrengthModifier": 1.0,
        "SilverStrengthModifier": 1.0,
        "SunDamageModifier": 1.0,
        "CastleDecayRateModifier": 1.0,
        "CastleBloodEssenceDrainModifier": 1.0,
        "CastleSiegeTimer": 420.0,
        "CastleUnderAttackTimer": 60.0,
        "AnnounceSiegeWeaponSpawn": true,
        "ShowSiegeWeaponMapIcon": true,
        "BuildCostModifier": 1.0,
        "RecipeCostModifier": 1.0,
        "CraftRateModifier": 1.0,
        "ResearchCostModifier": 1.0,
        "RefinementCostModifier": 1.0,
        "RefinementRateModifier": 1.0,
        "ResearchTimeModifier": 1.0,
        "DismantleResourceModifier": 0.75,
        "ServantConvertRateModifier": 1.0,
        "RepairCostModifier": 1.0,
        "Death_DurabilityFactorLoss": 0.25,
        "Death_DurabilityLossFactorAsResources": 1.0,
        "StarterEquipmentId": 0,
        "StarterResourcesId": 0,
        "VBloodUnitSettings": [],
        "UnlockedAchievements": [],
        "UnlockedResearchs": [],
        "GameTimeModifiers": {
          "DayDurationInSeconds": 1080.0,
          "DayStartHour": 9,
          "DayStartMinute": 0,
          "DayEndHour": 17,
          "DayEndMinute": 0,
          "BloodMoonFrequency_Min": 10,
          "BloodMoonFrequency_Max": 18,
          "BloodMoonBuff": 0.2
        "VampireStatModifiers": {
          "MaxHealthModifier": 1.0,
          "MaxEnergyModifier": 1.0,
          "PhysicalPowerModifier": 1.0,
          "SpellPowerModifier": 1.0,
          "ResourcePowerModifier": 1.0,
          "SiegePowerModifier": 1.0,
          "DamageReceivedModifier": 1.0,
          "ReviveCancelDelay": 5.0
        "UnitStatModifiers_Global": {
          "MaxHealthModifier": 1.0,
          "PowerModifier": 1.0
        "UnitStatModifiers_VBlood": {
          "MaxHealthModifier": 1.0,
          "PowerModifier": 1.0
        "EquipmentStatModifiers_Global": {
          "MaxEnergyModifier": 1.0,
          "MaxHealthModifier": 1.0,
          "ResourceYieldModifier": 1.0,
          "PhysicalPowerModifier": 1.0,
          "SpellPowerModifier": 1.0,
          "SiegePowerModifier": 1.0,
          "MovementSpeedModifier": 1.0
        "CastleStatModifiers_Global": {
          "TickPeriod": 5.0,
          "DamageResistance": 0.0,
          "SafetyBoxLimit": 1,
          "TombLimit": 12,
          "VerminNestLimit": 4,
          "PylonPenalties": {
            "Range1": {
              "Percentage": 0.0,
              "Lower": 0,
              "Higher": 2
            "Range2": {
              "Percentage": 0.0,
              "Lower": 3,
              "Higher": 3
            "Range3": {
              "Percentage": 0.0,
              "Lower": 4,
              "Higher": 4
            "Range4": {
              "Percentage": 0.0,
              "Lower": 5,
              "Higher": 5
            "Range5": {
              "Percentage": 0.0,
              "Lower": 6,
              "Higher": 254
          "FloorPenalties": {
            "Range1": {
              "Percentage": 0.0,
              "Lower": 0,
              "Higher": 20
            "Range2": {
              "Percentage": 0.0,
              "Lower": 21,
              "Higher": 50
            "Range3": {
              "Percentage": 0.0,
              "Lower": 51,
              "Higher": 80
            "Range4": {
              "Percentage": 0.0,
              "Lower": 81,
              "Higher": 160
            "Range5": {
              "Percentage": 0.0,
              "Lower": 161,
              "Higher": 254
          "HeartLimits": {
            "Level1": {
              "Level": 1,
              "FloorLimit": 30,
              "ServantLimit": 3
            "Level2": {
              "Level": 2,
              "FloorLimit": 80,
              "ServantLimit": 5
            "Level3": {
              "Level": 3,
              "FloorLimit": 150,
              "ServantLimit": 7
            "Level4": {
              "Level": 4,
              "FloorLimit": 250,
              "ServantLimit": 9
          "CastleLimit": 2
        "PlayerInteractionSettings": {
          "TimeZone": "Local",
          "VSPlayerWeekdayTime": {
            "StartHour": 17,
            "StartMinute": 0,
            "EndHour": 23,
            "EndMinute": 0
          "VSPlayerWeekendTime": {
            "StartHour": 17,
            "StartMinute": 0,
            "EndHour": 23,
            "EndMinute": 0
          "VSCastleWeekdayTime": {
            "StartHour": 17,
            "StartMinute": 0,
            "EndHour": 23,
            "EndMinute": 0
          "VSCastleWeekendTime": {
            "StartHour": 17,
            "StartMinute": 0,
            "EndHour": 23,
            "EndMinute": 0

    Looking for a game server host known for brilliant 24/7 customer support and quality hardware?
    Try a Pingperfect V Rising server today! https://pingperfect.com/gameservers/v-rising-server-hosting-rental.php  

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