Planet Explorers | Server Configuration

  • Planet Explorers Server Configuration, Planet Explorers server configuration, Planet Explorers, planet explorers, Server Configuration, server configuration
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    It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Planet Explorers Server. Just follow the steps below.

    1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
    2. Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'ServerConfig.conf'
    3. Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.
    	"LobbyIP" : "",//Do not change - will likely stop the server from operating correctly.
    	"LobbyPort" : 12534,//Do not change - will likely stop the server from operating correctly.
    	"ProxyIP": "",//Do not change - will likely stop the server from operating correctly.
    	"ProxyPort" : 12535,//Do not change - will likely stop the server from operating correctly.
    	"TeamNum": 2, //1-4 Number of teams on the server
    	"NumPerTeam" : 16, //1-32 (TeamNum * NumPerTeam <= 32)Number of players per team on the server
    	"GameMode": 1, //0-story,1-adventure,2-build,3-custom
    	"GameType": 1, //0-coop,1-VS,2-survival
    	"MonsterYes" : true,//true or false
    	"ServerName" : "PlanetExplorer",//Server name as it will be displayed in the server browser
    	"MapName": "",//custom map's name
    	"MapSeed": "patheamaria",//random map seed in adventure and build modes
    	"TerrainType" : 1,//1-grassland,2-forest,3-desert,4-red stone,5-rainforest
    	"ClimateType" : 1,//0-dry,1-temperate,2-water,3-random
    	"VegetationType" : 1,//1-grassland,2-forest,3-desert,4-redstone,5-rainforest (this one should be the same with TerrianType)
    	"MasterRoleName" : "Unknown",//Do not change - will likely stop the server from operating correctly.
    	"Password": "",//Server password, when set, players will need to enter this password to join the server.
    	"PublicServer": false,//true or false
    	"Proxy": false,//true or false
    	"UseSkillTree": false,//true or false
    	"DropDeadPercent" : 10,//(0-100)
    	"UnlimitedRes": false,//true or false
    	"TerrainHeight": 512, //128m, 256m, 512m(this is the height of the whole map including sky)
    	"MapSize": 2,//4-2km*2km, 3-4km*4km, 2-8km*8km, 1-20km*20km, 0-40km*40km
    	"RiverDensity": 1,//1-100
    	"RiverWidth": 1,//1-100
    	"PlainHeight": 20,//1-100(this is the height of land)
    	"Flatness": 25,//1-100
    	"BridgeMaxHeight" : 100, //0-100
    	"AICount": 3,//the total amount of teams in game
    	"ScriptsAvailable" : true//true or false

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