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7 Days to Die | Adding an Admin - Steam or Epic
SERVERS RUNNING ALPHA 20.4 OR ABOVE DO THESE STEPS: You can use either SteamID64 or Epic Online...
7 Days to Die | Admin Commands
You will need to add yourself as an admin to your server before using these commands, please...
7 Days to Die | ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary
If you receive the following error in the logs on your server, you may have a corrupted Power.dat...
7 Days to Die | Cheat Mode
If you are an admin on your server, you should be able to type the command : cm into the console...
7 Days to Die | Darkness Falls (Installation, RAM requirements and map names)
Instructions to install Darkness Falls mod pack on your server: (See table below for minimum RAM...
7 Days to Die | Day/Night cycle explained
For the day/night settings you need to adjust the sliders for "Day Night Length" and "Day Light...
7 Days to Die | Delete a player from the server
NEW - Alpha 20+ In the file manager under Saves and your world, there is a Players.xml file and...
7 Days to Die | Edit Server Description & URL
If you tick the 'Web Details' checkbox (near the bottom of the configuration file page), this...
7 Days to Die | FPS issues
7 Days to Die | FPS issuesTroubleshooting FPS issues ( 18.x ) To potentially help with FPS...
7 Days to Die | FormatException: An invalid IP address was specified
No longer an issue. On the post a18+ versions, the game port will sometimes lock open after a...
7 Days to Die | FrontRunnerTeks Server Manager: Connecting to your server
The tool can be found here http://games.frontrunnertek.com/7-days- ... r#downloadInstall it to...
7 Days to Die | How To: Change the World Size Seed
*ONLY FOR RANDOM GEN WORLDS*This will make the playable area smaller, meaning the borders of the...
7 Days to Die | How To: Discord bot integration
In order to use the discord integration mod in our mod manager you must follow these steps Log...
7 Days to Die | How To: Re-install your server whilst keeping your save
If you need to re-install your service but want to keep your save (for example if you have...
7 Days to Die | How much RAM do I need?
7 Days to Die | How much RAM do I need? Figuring out how much RAM you need for your server...
7 Days to Die | How to Enable Telnet (RCON)
Stop your server. In your game panel, click Configuration Files. Open the Configuration...
7 Days to Die | How to generate a random world
This guide shows you how to generate a random world on your 7 Days to Die server. Stop your...
7 Days to Die | How to have colours in server description
Go here get a colour code: http://html-color-codes.com/ Go to your Pingperfect.xml Edit the...
7 Days to Die | How to keep day count through server stop/reboot
New Method: Click "Save World" button in game panel Old Method: Log into the 7dtd panel...
7 Days to Die | How to make Server PVE
It's very simple to make your 7 Days to Die server PVE only. Select "Configuration Files"...
7 Days to Die | How to setup Live Map
Stop server. Click "Configuration Files" Click "Config Editor" next to "Pingperfect.xml"...
7 Days to Die | How to setup Live Map - Pre Alpha 20
OLD - ONLY APPLIES TO SERVERS RUNNING ALPHA 20 OR LOWER You will first need to install Alloc's...
7 Days to Die | How to setup RAT Server Manager - A19 or A20
Download RAT Server Manager from here:Alpha 19 ->...
7 Days to Die | How to turn off Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC)
You can turn off EAC by unchecking the EAC box in the main config. Looking for a game server...
7 Days to Die | How to update server to Version 1.0
1. In your gamepanel click the "Migrate to 1.0" button. Wait for it to say "Complete. Please run...
7 Days to Die | How to update to Alpha 21 / A21
This guide will walk you through installing the Alpha 21 build to your service.Please note, Alpha...
7 Days to Die | How to update to a Beta version
Please note that experimental updates usually require world wipes. If you want to try one out...
7 Days to Die | How to upload an existing world
Game Version 1.0 - Instructions Note: you can only upload worlds also generated in the same...
7 Days to Die | How to use: Backup Config / Restore Config
How to use Backup Config:1. Select "Configuration Files"2. Use the Config Editor to set up the...
7 Days to Die | How to view Live Map
Stop server. Click "Configuration Files" Click "Config Editor" next to "Pingperfect.xml"...
7 Days to Die | How to view Live Map - Pre Alpha 20
OLD - ONLY APPLIES TO SERVERS RUNNING ALPHA 20 OR LOWER You will need to have Alloc's server...
7 Days to Die | How to: Create a new world
Create a new world whilst keeping the old Log into game panel Select game server Go to...
7 Days to Die | How to: Disable LiteNetLib
You will need to do the following. 1. Stop the server. 2. Open the Pingperfect.xml in a text file...
7 Days to Die | I cant find my server / Modded server list
In 7DTD there are several server lists, Standard, Modded, Peer, Friends, History and LAN below is...
7 Days to Die | Install Modlets to the server
With the introduction of Alpha 17 experimental, the concept of a modlet was introduced. Modlets...
7 Days to Die | Issue: Blood moon day variance
At this time the blood moon variance feature is not really working. It has been reported to the...
7 Days to Die | Land Claim Blocks / Keystones
Keystones (also known as Land Claim Blocks or LCB) are a special block used to claim a chunk of...
7 Days to Die | Modify Trader Hours on a19+
Modify Trader Hours on a19+ Since a19 hand-editing the traders.xml no longer works as the game...
7 Days to Die | Placeholder
7 Days to Die | Revert back to 18 stable from 18.x (experimental)
To revert your 7 days to die server back to 18 (stable) from 18.x (experimental) Stop your...
7 Days to Die | Revert back to a17.x from 18.x
Note: the worlds generated in 18.x are not usable in 17, you will have to remove the existing...
7 Days to Die | Roll back to older than current version
Click "Steam Beta Update" Enter alpha<version number> example: alpha20.7 Click...
7 Days to Die | Scheduled Server Messages
Click "Configuration Files" Select "Config Editor" on the 'pingperfect.xml' config file, find...
7 Days to Die | Server Configuration
It's easy to configure your Pingperfect 7 Days to Die Server. Just follow the steps below....
7 Days to Die | Server is only accepting one player
You have likely changed the gamemode in the server config to gamemodesurvivalsp this is for...
7 Days to Die | Server lists/requirements to show up
In 7DTD there are several server lists, Standard, Modded, Peer, Friends, History and LAN below is...
7 Days to Die | Server won't load Using CSMM
If your server doesn't load after a restart and you're running CSMM on your server check to see...
7 Days to Die | Setting up CSMM on a Pingperfect server
Install CSMM for 7 Days to Die Version 1.0 It is very easy to set up CSMM for a Pingperfect.com...
7 Days to Die | Stop server when empty
The developers have changed the game so that when no players are online, the server time stops...
7 Days to Die | Stuck in dying state when connecting onto server
You should have someone else who is connected on the server remove your bedroll. This will then...
7 Days to Die | Twitch Integration
This guide covers the setup process for Twitch integration on your Pingperfect hosted 7 Days to...
7 Days to Die | Update to 18.x latest experimental from 18
This is to update to the latest experimental version ( 18.4 currently) from a server already...
7 Days to Die | Updating to 7 Days to Die Alpha 18.4 (experimental) from 17 | World Generation Times
Note: If you are already running v18 you can skip to step 4 To update to Alpha 18.4 just follow...
7 Days to Die | Uploading a Nitrogen World
1. You'll need to download and install Nitrogen on your PC and use it to generate the RWG World -...
7 Days to Die | Valmod question marks in the UI
Valmod needs to be installed on the Server and each player must also add the same version of the...
7 Days to Die | World Generation Times
World Generation Table-Of-Reference Please note all times are averages and your world may...
To add yourself as an admin within the game follow this guide1. Log into the game panel, select...
TEST To add yourself as an admin within the game follow this guide 1. Log into the game panel,...
TEST To add yourself as an admin within the game follow this guide 1. Log into the game panel,...
TEST To add yourself as an admin within the game follow this guide 1. Log into the game panel,...
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