Ground Branch | How to change / restrict kit color

  • Red Vs Blue, Ground Branch, Ground Branch restrict kit color, Ground Branch restrict kit colour, Ground Branch Kit Color, Ground Branch Kit Colour, Kit Colour, Kit Color, Ground Branch Kit restriction, Kit Restriction
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    It is possible to set up kit colour restrictions, the developers have stated that here:

    First, you need to enable "Team Restrictions".

    Select the "Change All Settings" command line in the command line manager, tick the tick box next to "Use Team Restrictions?" and then click the "Blue" apply button.

    Then click "Configuration Files", click "Text-Editor" next to "Maplist.ini" and add the following to the end of each map's line:


    For example:


    Save the file in the top left.


    Now it's time to make the files edits that change / restrict kit color.

    The files you need to edit are the Blue.res and Red.res files found at GroundBranch\Content\GroundBranch\DefaultLoadouts\Blue.res and GroundBranch\Content\GroundBranch\DefaultLoadouts\Red.res

    Those two files can be found in the "Configuration Files" section of the game panel for easy editing.

    Stop your server, then make the edits as follows:


    			"AssetType": "HeadGear",
    			"Whitelist": [



    			"AssetType": "HeadGear",
    			"Whitelist": [

    You are changing the Whitelist value to your desired colour for that type of clothing. You can perform this change for all clothing types.


    If you want to set up your server so that the Blue team's clothing is restricted to Blue/Black combo and the Red team's clothing is restricted to Red/Khaki so that each team is very distinct, make the changes below:


    	"Skins": [
    			"AssetType": "HeadGear",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "Shirt",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "Pants",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "EyeWear",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "FaceWear",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "Gloves",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "FootWear",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "Platform",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "Belt",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "Holster",
    			"Whitelist": [

    Blue team characters would look like this:


    	"Skins": [
    			"AssetType": "HeadGear",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "Shirt",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "Pants",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "EyeWear",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "FaceWear",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "Gloves",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "FootWear",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "Platform",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "Belt",
    			"Whitelist": [
    			"AssetType": "Holster",
    			"Whitelist": [

    Red team characters would look like this:

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