SCUM | Economy Override Settings Explained

  • SCUM Economy Override Settings Explained, SCUM, SCUM Economy Override Settings, SCUM Economy Override, SCUM Economy
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    Economy Override Section

    Variable Name Description Possible Settings
    enable-economy Enable or disable the economy system & trader spawning. 1 to enable or 0 to disable
    economy-reset-time-hours How many real-life hours it takes for the trader to reset their funds to 0 & any stocked items to their set default values. Any number which translates to hours, for example 2.0
    Default = -1.0
    prices-randomization-time-hours How many real-life hours it takes to randomize prices at a trader, if the value is less than 0 the trader will never randomize prices. Any number which translates to hours, for example 2.0
    Default = -1.0
    fully-restock-tradeable-hours How many real-life hours it takes to fully restock the tradeable amount in the trader's stock, if the value is less than 0 the trader will never restock. Any number which translates to hours, for example 2.0
    Default = 2.0
    trader-funds-change-rate-per-hour-multiplier How fast traders will refill their available funds in real-life hours. Any number which translates to hours, for example 2.0
    Default = 1.0
    traders-unlimited-funds If set to 1 (enabled), the trader's funds will never deplete when a player sells tradeable items to them. 1 to enable or 0 to disable
    limited-vehicles Limits how many vehicles in total can be present in the world for purchase. Purchasable vehicles are counted differently to spawned vehicles. Any number which translates to the limit on vehicle amount, for example 10

    Traders Section

    Please take note of the following template for new entries:
    {"tradeable-code" : "itemspawnname", "base-purchase-price" : "-1", "base-sell-price" : "-1", "delta-price" : "-1.0", "can-be-purchased" : "default"},

    Variable Name Description Possible Settings
    "tradeable-code" : "itemspawnname" Specify the item you wish to control, replacing "itemspawnname" with the item name. Available item names can be found here Example: "tradeable-code" : "BP_Frag_Grenade"
    "base-purchase-price" : "-1" Specify the base purchase price of the specified item. Any numerical value
    Default is -1 which will set the value to the default price
    "base-sell-price" : "-1" Specify the base sell price of the specified item. Any numerical value
    Default is -1 which will set the value to the default price
    "delta-price" : "-1.0" Multiplier to the base price, which determines the increase or decrease of the price displayed in the trader's store. The default of -1 means the delta is determined by random chance, if the edited value is 0 or more, the delta will never change, even after price randomization. Any numerical value
    Default is -1 which means the delta is determined by random chance
    "can-be-purchased" : "default" Specify if the item can or cannot be purchased at the trader. default, true or false
    "default" gives the item vanilla availability, "true" is enabled & "false" is disabled.


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