DayZ | How to change Central Loot Economy Settings Part 2 Print

  • DayZ How to change Central Loot Economy Settings, dayz, DayZ, Dayz, How to change Central Loot Economy Settings, DayZ change Central Loot Economy Settings, DayZ Central Loot Economy Settings, Central Loot Economy Settings
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It's nice and easy to edit the Central Loot Economy Settings on your DayZ server. All you need to do is edit the values found in the cfgeconomycore.xml file.
Part 1 can be found Here

The process is:

  1. Stop your server.
  2. Click "File Manager"
  3. Click the folders to get to the path: mpmissions\<MissionServerIsCurrentlyUsing>\cfgeconomycore.xml
    For example, mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\cfgeconomycore.xml
  4. Find the values you want to change (refer to the table below)
  5. Change the values to your desired values.
  6. Save the file in the top left.
  7. Startup your server.
Variable Type Default Description
world_segments Integer 12 Defines how in many segments world will be split by CE - this affects save, load, cleanup and other processing events - it's performance wide for huge maps (note that default value is for Chernarus map!)
backup_period Integer 60 Period of regular backup creation (minutes)
backup_count Integer 12 Count of backups to keep - folders
backup_startup Boolean false Process backup at startup of server
dyn_radius Float 20 Default value for dynamic infected zone - size of the zone (meters)
dyn_smin Float 0 Default value for dynamic infected zone - minimal static count
dyn_smax Float 0 Default value for dynamic infected zone - maximal static count
dyn_dmin Float 0 Default value for dynamic infected zone - minimal dynamic count
dyn_dmax Float 5 Default value for dynamic infected zone - maximal dynamic count
save_events_startup Boolean on If disabled, no data/events.bin is created at startup (usefull for minimal hive setup)
save_types_startup Boolean on If disabled, no data/types.bin is created at startup (usefull for minimal hive setup)
log_hivewarning Boolean on enable/ disable some of the hive warning messages in console
log_storageinfo Boolean off enable/ disable periodic storage info messages in console (if CE stores files)
log_missionfilewarning Boolean on enable/ disable console warning messages about mission files (typically sandbox mode does not require them all)
log_celoop Boolean off enable/ disable logging of CE loop timing and basic statistical info
log_ce_dynamicevent Boolean off enable/ disable logging of CE specific - dynamic events specific
log_ce_vehicle Boolean off enable/ disable logging of CE specific - vehicle specific
log_ce_lootspawn Boolean off enable/ disable logging of CE specific - loot spawn specific
log_ce_lootcleanup Boolean off enable/ disable logging of CE specific - cleanup specific (not just loot actually)
log_ce_lootrespawn Boolean off enable/ disable logging of CE specific - loot respawn specific
log_ce_statistics Boolean off enable/ disable logging of CE specific - statistical data
log_ce_zombie Boolean off enable/ disable logging of CE specific - infected related
log_ce_animal Boolean off enable/ disable logging of CE specific - animal related

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