Minecraft | Dedicated IP / Domain Name

  • Minecraft Dedicated IP Domain Name, Minecraft, minecraft, Dedicated IP Domain Name, Domain Name, Dedicated IP, Minecraft Dedicated IP, Minecraft Domain Name
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    A dedicated IP address is an IP address that's assigned to your server that is not used by any other server. This results in you being able to connect to your Minecraft server without needing to specify the port.

    Without Dedicated IP Address

    With Dedicated IP Address

    If you would like a dedicated IP address for your server please contact us using a support ticket from your client area: https://pingperfect.com/clientarea.php

    Having a dedicated IP address also means you can redirect the IP address to a domain name (you have to already own a domain, purchase a domain or contact us for a free subdomain) so that instead of typing the IP address to join your server, players can use the domain name. For example:

    If you want to configure this, you'll need to already own a domain name, purchase one, or use a free subdomain and then perform the steps covered in this guide: https://pingperfect.com/index.php/knowledgebase/815/How-To-Configure-an-A-or-SRV-record-for-a-Game-Server-Connection.html


    Looking for a game server host known for brilliant 24/7 customer support and quality hardware?

    Try a Pingperfect Minecraft server today! https://pingperfect.com/gameservers/minecraft-game-server-hosting-rental.php

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