All of these commands can be used by pressing F1 in-game, some can be used with RCON.
In order to use the following commands, you must have admin/moderator privileges, you can view our guide on how to add admins/moderators HERE.
Most useful commands are in the tables that follow - for a full list of admin commands, please go to the very bottom of this page!
Utility Commands
The following commands are useful for administrating your server.
Command |
Usage |
Description |
ban |
ban "steamid64" "reason" |
Bans and kicks the targeted player from the server and sends a ban announcement to the server. |
banid |
banid "steamid64" "reason" |
Adds the targeted ID to the server ban list. Does not kick targeted player if they are connected to the server. (Generally used for offline banning) |
unban |
unban "steamid64" |
Unbans the targeted ID from the server. |
kick |
kick "steamid64" "reason" |
Kicks the targeted player from the server and sends a kick announcement to the server. |
teleport |
teleport "steamid64" |
Teleports you to the targeted player. Leaving 'steamid' blank will teleport you to a random player. |
spectate |
spectate |
Puts you into spectate mode, which spectates random players. Controls: Spacebar - Cycles through random players Left Alt - Goes back one player. F3 - Changes the camera angles. |
spectate target |
spectate "steamid64" |
Spectates the targeted player. |
noclip |
noclip |
Puts you into noclip mode allowing you to fly and ignore collisions. Useful to bind to a key, example: bind v noclip |
god |
god |
Your player will not take any damage. |
say |
say "message to server" |
Broadcasts a message as SERVER through chat. |
entwho |
ent who |
Returns the SteamID of the player who placed the entity you are currently looking at. |
entkill |
ent kill |
Destroys the entity you are looking at. |
Give Item Commands
The following commands are useful for giving yourself and other players items more efficiently. Item short names can be found here:
Command |
Usage |
Description |
inventory.give |
inventory.give "" "quantity" |
Adds specified item and quantity to your own inventory. |
inventory.giveall |
inventory.giveall "" "quantity" |
Adds specified item and quantity to all player's inventories. |
inventory.giveto |
inventory.giveto "player name" "" "quantity" |
Adds specified item and quantity to the specified player's inventory, using their name. |
inventory.giveid |
inventory.giveid "steamid64" "" "quantity" |
Adds specified item and quantity to the specified player's inventory, using their SteamID. |
inventory.givearm |
inventory.givearm "player name" "" "quantity" |
Adds specified item and quantity to the specified player's inventory belt. |
World Manipulation Commands
These commands commands are useful for manipulating the world and environment.
Command |
Usage |
Description |
env.time |
env.time "0-24" |
Sets the time on the server. (Times: 12 = noon | 24 = midnight) |
weather.load |
weather.load "weather type" |
Sets the weather type on the server. (Weather types: Clear | Dust | Fog | Overcast | RainHeavy | RainMild | Storm) |
sv oceanlevel |
sv oceanlevel "0-1000" |
Sets the level of the ocean on the server. |
weather.reset |
weather.reset |
Resets the weather system back to the default dynamic weather system. |
ai.move |
ai.move "true/false" |
Toggles animals and scientists' ability to move. |
ai.think |
ai.think "true/false" |
Toggles animals and scientists' ability to think. |
Miscellaneous Commands
Command |
Usage |
Description |
status |
status |
Returns the server status in the console, including the server address and other information as well as information of connected players. |
global.god |
global.god "true/false" |
Toggles god mode for the server. |
debugcamera |
debugcamera |
Toggles free cam for yourself. | | |
Starts a patrol helicopter event on the server. |
heli.calltome |
heli.calltome |
Starts a patrol helicopter event on the server but the helicopter will fly to you before starting its default patrols. |
teleportany |
teleportany "entity" |
Teleports you to a specified entity. (Horse, Bear, Stone) |
sleep |
sleep |
Forces your character to sleep. |
wakeup |
wakeup |
Forces your character to wakeup. |
Additional Information
In order to get a user's SteamID, you can either use the status command or find the user's Steam profile and copy their profile ink to and copy their SteamID64 which looks like 76561197854018763.
Commands:boombox.clearradiobyuser( )
cassette.clearcassettes( )
cassette.clearcassettesbyuser( )
commands.echo( )
commands.find( )
global.adminui_requestplayerlist( )
global.adminui_requestserverconvars( )
global.adminui_requestserverinfo( )
global.ban( ) ban [optional duration]
global.banid( ) banid [optional duration]
global.banlist( ) List of banned users (sourceds compat)
global.banlistex( ) List of banned users - shows reasons and usernames
global.bans( ) List of banned users
global.buildinfo( ) Get information about this build
global.carstats( ) Get information about all the cars in the world
global.clientperf( )
global.entid( )
global.injureplayer( )
global.kick( )
global.kickall( )
global.killplayer( )
global.listid( ) List of banned users, by ID (sourceds compat)
global.moderatorid( )
global.mute( )
global.mutelist( ) Print a list of currently muted players
global.ownerid( )
global.playerlist( ) Get a list of players
global.players( ) Print out currently connected clients etc
global.recoverplayer( )
global.removemoderator( )
global.removeowner( )
global.say( ) Sends a message in chat
global.serverinfo( ) Get a list of information about the server
global.skipqueue( )
global.sleepingusers( ) Show user info for players on server.
global.sleepingusersinrange( ) Show user info for sleeping players on server in range of the player.
global.stats( ) Print out stats of currently connected clients
global.status( ) Print out currently connected clients
global.teaminfo( )
global.unban( )
global.unmute( )
global.users( ) Show user info for players on server.
global.usersinrange( ) Show user info for players on server in range of the player.
ai.brainstats( )
ai.killscientists( )
ai.selectnpclookatserver( )
ai.sleepwakestats( )
ai.wakesleepingai( )
app.connections( ) )
app.pair( )
app.resetlimiter( )
bradley.quickrespawn( )
chat.cardgamesay( )
chat.say( ) )
chat.tail( )
chat.teamsay( ) )
console.tail( )
craft.add( )
craft.cancel( )
craft.canceltask( )
craft.fasttracktask( )
data.export( )
debug.breakheld( ) Break the current held object
debug.breakitem( ) Break all the items in your inventory whose name match the passed string
debug.drink( ) )
debug.flushgroup( ) Takes you in and out of your current network group, causing you to delete and then download all entities in your PVS again
debug.heal( )
debug.hurt( )
debug.puzzlereset( ) reset all puzzles
debug.refillvitals( )
debug.renderinfo( )
debug.resetsleepingbagtimers( )
debug.stall( )
demo.record( )
demo.stop( )
entity.debug_toggle( )
entity.deleteby( ) Destroy all entities created by provided users (separate users by space)
entity.deletebytextblock( ) Destroy all entities created by users in the provided text block (can use with copied results from ent auth)
entity.find_entity( )
entity.find_group( )
entity.find_id( )
entity.find_parent( )
entity.find_radius( )
entity.find_self( )
entity.find_status( )
entity.nudge( )
entity.spawnlootfrom( )
entity.spawn( )
entity.spawnitem( )
env.addtime( )
gamemode.set( )
gamemode.setteam( )
gc.alloc( )
gc.collect( )
gc.unload( )
global.breakclothing( )
global.breakitem( )
global.colliders( )
global.error( ) )
global.injure( )
global.kill( )
global.objects( )
global.queue( )
global.quit( )
global.recover( ) )
global.respawn( )
global.respawn_sleepingbag( )
global.respawn_sleepingbag_remove( )
global.restart( )
global.setinfo( )
global.sleep( )
global.spectate( )
global.status_sv( )
global.subscriptions( )
global.sysinfo( )
global.sysuid( )
global.teleport( )
global.teleport2autheditem( )
global.teleport2death( )
global.teleport2marker( )
global.teleport2me( )
global.teleport2owneditem( )
global.teleportany( )
global.teleportlos( )
global.teleportpos( )
global.textures( )
global.version( ) )
hierarchy.del( ) )
inventory.copyto( ) Copies the players inventory to the player in front of them
inventory.defs( )
inventory.deployloadout( ) Deploys the given loadout to a target player. eg. inventory.deployLoadout testloadout jim
inventory.deployloadoutinrange( ) Deploys a loadout to players in a radius eg. inventory.deployLoadoutInRange testloadout 30
inventory.endloot( )
inventory.equipslot( )
inventory.equipslottarget( )
inventory.give( )
inventory.giveall( )
inventory.givearm( )
inventory.giveid( )
inventory.giveto( )
inventory.lighttoggle( )
inventory.listloadouts( ) Prints all saved inventory loadouts
inventory.reloaddefs( )
inventory.resetbp( )
inventory.saveloadout( ) Saves the current equipped loadout of the calling player. eg. inventory.saveLoadout loaduoutname
inventory.unlockall( )
manifest.printmanifest( )
manifest.printmanifestraw( )
memsnap.full( )
memsnap.managed( )
memsnap.native( ) )
heli.calltome( )
heli.drop( )
heli.strafe( )
heli.testpuzzle( )
player.abandonmission( )
player.cinematic_gesture( )
player.cinematic_play( )
player.cinematic_stop( )
player.copyrotation( )
player.createskull( )
player.dismount( )
player.fillwater( )
player.gesture_radius( )
player.gotosleep( )
player.markhostile( )
player.mount( )
player.printpresence( )
player.printstats( )
player.resetstate( ) Resets the PlayerState of the given player
player.stopgesture_radius( )
player.swapseat( )
player.wakeup( )
player.wakeupall( )
pool.clear_assets( )
pool.clear_memory( )
pool.clear_prefabs( )
pool.export_prefabs( )
pool.print_assets( )
pool.print_memory( )
pool.print_prefabs( )
profile.start( )
profile.stop( )
server.backup( ) Backup server folder
server.cheatreport( )
server.combatlog( ) Get the player combat log
server.combatlog_outgoing( ) Get the player combat log, only showing outgoing damage
server.fps( )
server.packetlog( )
server.playerlistpos( ) Prints the position of all players on the server
server.printeyes( ) Print the current player eyes.
server.printpos( ) Print the current player position.
server.printrot( ) Print the current player rotation.
server.readcfg( )
server.rpclog( ) ) Force save the current game
server.sendnetworkupdate( ) Send network update for all players
server.setshowholstereditems( ) Show holstered items on player bodies
server.snapshot( ) This sends a snapshot of all the entities in the client's pvs. This is mostly redundant, but we request this when the client starts recording a demo.. so they get all the information.
server.start( ) Starts a server
server.stop( ) Stops a server
server.writecfg( ) Writes config files
spawn.cargoshipevent( )
spawn.fill_groups( )
spawn.fill_individuals( )
spawn.fill_populations( ) )
spawn.scalars( )
stability.refresh_stability( ) )
supply.drop( )
vehicle.fixcars( )
vehicle.swapseats( )
weather.load( ) )
weather.reset( )
workshop.print_approved_skins( )
world.renderlabs( ) Renders a PNG of the current map's underwater labs, for a specific floor
world.rendermap( ) Renders a high resolution PNG of the current map
world.rendertunnels( ) Renders a PNG of the current map's tunnel network
xmas.refill( )
cui.endtest( )
cui.test( )
global.dump( )
global.steamrelayinit( )
global.steamstatus( )
growableentity.growall( )
meta.add( ) add - adds amount to convar
note.update( )
relationshipmanager.acceptinvite( )
relationshipmanager.addtoteam( )
relationshipmanager.fakeinvite( )
relationshipmanager.kickmember( )
relationshipmanager.leaveteam( )
relationshipmanager.promote( )
relationshipmanager.rejectinvite( )
relationshipmanager.sendinvite( )
relationshipmanager.sleeptoggle( )
relationshipmanager.trycreateteam( )
relationshipmanager.wipe_all_contacts( )
relationshipmanager.wipecontacts( )
ridablehorse.sethorsebreed( )
santasleigh.drop( )
telephonemanager.printallphones( )
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