Rust | Server Configuration

  • Rust Server Configuration, rust server configuration, Rust, rust, Server Configuration, server configuration, Rust server.cfg, server.cfg, config options, Rust config options, Rust server config, Rust all settings, Rust server settings
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    It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Rust Server. Just follow the steps below.

    1. Select the 'Config Editor' or 'Text-Editor' option next to 'server\Pingperfect\cfg\server.cfg'

      Whichever method you choose, you must stick to, as they overwrite each other!

    2. Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.
    aibrainsenses.humanknownplayerslosupdateinterval (0.2)
    aibrainsenses.knownplayerslosupdateinterval (0.5)
    aibrainsenses.updateinterval (0.5)
    aithinkmanager.animalframebudgetms (2.5)
    aithinkmanager.framebudgetms (2.5)
    aithinkmanager.petframebudgetms (1)
    baseboat.generate_paths (True)
    basefirework.maxactivefireworks (25)
    basefishingrod.forcefail (False)
    basefishingrod.forcesuccess (False)
    basefishingrod.immediatehook (False)
    basemission.missionsenabled (True)
    basenavigator.basenavmovementframeinterval How many frames between base navigation movement updates (2)
    basenavigator.maxstepupdistance The max step-up height difference for pet base navigation (1.7)
    basenavigator.navtypedistance (1)
    basenavigator.navtypeheightoffset (0.5)
    basenavigator.stucktriggerduration How long we are not moving for before trigger the stuck event (10)
    basepet.movementupdatebudgetms (1)
    basepet.onlyqueuebasenavmovements (True)
    basepet.queuedmovementsallowed (True)
    baseplayer.lifestoryframebudgetms (0.25)
    baseridableanimal.decayminutes How long before a horse dies unattended (180)
    baseridableanimal.dungtimescale (1)
    baseridableanimal.framebudgetms (1)
    basesubmarine.deepwaterdecayminutes How long before a submarine loses all its health while in deep water (120)
    basesubmarine.outsidedecayminutes How long before a submarine loses all its health while outside. If it's in deep water, deepwaterdecayminutes is used (180)
    basesubmarine.oxygenminutes How long a submarine can stay underwater until players start taking damage from low oxygen (10)
    bear.population Population active on the server, per square km (2)
    bigwheelgame.spinfrequencyseconds (45)
    boar.population Population active on the server, per square km (5)
    boombox.backtracklength (30)
    boombox.serverurllist A list of radio stations that are valid on this server. Format: NAME,URL,NAME,URL,etc ()
    cargoship.egress_duration_minutes (10)
    cargoship.event_duration_minutes (50)
    cargoship.event_enabled (True)
    cargoship.loot_round_spacing_minutes (10)
    cargoship.loot_rounds (3)
    cassette.maxcassettefilesizemb (5)
    chicken.population Population active on the server, per square km (3)
    cinematicentity.hideobjects Hides cinematic light source meshes (keeps lights visible) (False)
    clothlod.clothloddist distance cloth will simulate until (20)
    codelock.lockoutcooldown (900)
    codelock.maxfailedattempts (8)
    global.allowadminui Controls whether the in-game admin UI is displayed to admins (True)
    ai.accuratevisiondistance (True)
    ai.allowdesigning (True)
    ai.animal_ignore_food If animal_ignore_food is true, animals will not sense food sources or interact with them (server optimization). (default: true) (True)
    ai.frametime (5)
    ai.groups (True)
    ai.ignoreplayers (False)
    ai.move (True)
    ai.nav_carve_height The height of the carve volume. (default: 2) (2)
    ai.nav_carve_min_base_size The minimum size we allow a carving volume to be. (default: 2) (2)
    ai.nav_carve_min_building_blocks_to_apply_optimization The minimum number of building blocks a building needs to consist of for this optimization to be applied. (default: 25) (25)
    ai.nav_carve_size_multiplier The size multiplier applied to the size of the carve volume. The smaller the value, the tighter the skirt around foundation edges, but too small and animals can attack through walls. (default: 4) (4)
    ai.nav_carve_use_building_optimization If nav_carve_use_building_optimization is true, we attempt to reduce the amount of navmesh carves for a building. (default: false) (False)
    ai.navthink (True)
    ai.npc_alertness_drain_rate npc_alertness_drain_rate define the rate at which we drain the alertness level of an NPC when there are no enemies in sight. (Default: 0.01) (0.01)
    ai.npc_alertness_to_aim_modifier This is multiplied with the current alertness (0-10) to decide how long it will take for the NPC to deliberately miss again. (default: 0.33) (0.5)
    ai.npc_alertness_zero_detection_mod npc_alertness_zero_detection_mod define the threshold of visibility required to detect an enemy when alertness is zero. (Default: 0.5) (0.5)
    ai.npc_cover_compromised_cooldown npc_cover_compromised_cooldown defines how long a cover point is marked as compromised before it's cleared again for selection. (default: 10) (10)
    ai.npc_cover_info_tick_rate_multiplier The rate at which we gather information about available cover points. Minimum value is 1, as it multiplies with the tick-rate of the fixed AI tick rate of 0.1 (Default: 20) (20)
    ai.npc_cover_path_vs_straight_dist_max_diff npc_cover_path_vs_straight_dist_max_diff defines what the maximum difference between straight-line distance and path distance can be when evaluating cover points. (default: 2) (2)
    ai.npc_cover_use_path_distance If npc_cover_use_path_distance is set to true then npcs will look at the distance between the cover point and their target using the path between the two, rather than the straight-line distance. (True)
    ai.npc_deliberate_hit_randomizer The percentage away from a maximum miss the randomizer is allowed to travel when shooting to deliberately hit the target (we don't want perfect hits with every shot). (default: 0.85f) (0.85)
    ai.npc_deliberate_miss_offset_multiplier The offset with which the NPC will maximum miss the target. (default: 1.25) (1.25)
    ai.npc_deliberate_miss_to_hit_alignment_time The time it takes for the NPC to deliberately miss to the time the NPC tries to hit its target. (default: 1.5) (1.5)
    ai.npc_door_trigger_size npc_door_trigger_size defines the size of the trigger box on doors that opens the door as npcs walk close to it (default: 1.5) (1.5)
    ai.npc_enable If npc_enable is set to false then npcs won't spawn. (default: true) (True)
    ai.npc_families_no_hurt If npc_families_no_hurt is true, npcs of the same family won't be able to hurt each other. (default: true) (True)
    ai.npc_gun_noise_silencer_modifier The modifier by which a silencer reduce the noise that a gun makes when shot. (Default: 0.15) (0.15)
    ai.npc_htn_player_base_damage_modifier Baseline damage modifier for the new HTN Player NPCs to nerf their damage compared to the old NPCs. (default: 1.15f) (1.15)
    ai.npc_htn_player_frustration_threshold npc_htn_player_frustration_threshold defines where the frustration threshold for NPCs go, where they have the opportunity to change to a more aggressive tactic. (default: 3) (3)
    ai.npc_ignore_chairs If npc_ignore_chairs is true, npcs won't care about seeking out and sitting in chairs. (default: true) (True)
    ai.npc_junkpile_a_spawn_chance npc_junkpile_a_spawn_chance define the chance for scientists to spawn at junkpile a. (Default: 0.1) (0.1)
    ai.npc_junkpile_dist_aggro_gate npc_junkpile_dist_aggro_gate define at what range (or closer) a junkpile scientist will get aggressive. (Default: 8) (8)
    ai.npc_junkpile_g_spawn_chance npc_junkpile_g_spawn_chance define the chance for scientists to spawn at junkpile g. (Default: 0.1) (0.1)
    ai.npc_max_junkpile_count npc_max_junkpile_count define how many npcs can spawn into the world at junkpiles at the same time (does not include monuments) (Default: 30) (30)
    ai.npc_max_population_military_tunnels npc_max_population_military_tunnels defines the size of the npc population at military tunnels. (default: 3) (3)
    ai.npc_max_roam_multiplier This is multiplied with the max roam range stat of an NPC to determine how far from its spawn point the NPC is allowed to roam. (default: 3) (3)
    ai.npc_only_hurt_active_target_in_safezone If npc_only_hurt_active_target_in_safezone is true, npcs won't any player other than their actively targeted player when in a safe zone. (default: true) (True)
    ai.npc_patrol_point_cooldown npc_patrol_point_cooldown defines the cooldown time on a patrol point until it's available again (default: 5) (5)
    ai.npc_reasoning_system_tick_rate_multiplier The rate at which we tick the reasoning system. Minimum value is 1, as it multiplies with the tick-rate of the fixed AI tick rate of 0.1 (Default: 1) (1)
    ai.npc_respawn_delay_max_military_tunnels npc_respawn_delay_max_military_tunnels defines the maximum delay between spawn ticks at military tunnels. (default: 1920) (1920)
    ai.npc_respawn_delay_min_military_tunnels npc_respawn_delay_min_military_tunnels defines the minimum delay between spawn ticks at military tunnels. (default: 480) (480)
    ai.npc_sensory_system_tick_rate_multiplier The rate at which we tick the sensory system. Minimum value is 1, as it multiplies with the tick-rate of the fixed AI tick rate of 0.1 (Default: 5) (5)
    ai.npc_spawn_on_cargo_ship Spawn NPCs on the Cargo Ship. (default: true) (True)
    ai.npc_spawn_per_tick_max_military_tunnels npc_spawn_per_tick_max_military_tunnels defines how many can maximum spawn at once at military tunnels. (default: 1) (1)
    ai.npc_spawn_per_tick_min_military_tunnels npc_spawn_per_tick_min_military_tunnels defineshow many will minimum spawn at once at military tunnels. (default: 1) (1)
    ai.npc_speed_crouch_run npc_speed_crouch_run define the speed of an npc when in the crouched run state, and should be a number between 0 and 1. (Default: 0.25) (0.25)
    ai.npc_speed_crouch_walk npc_speed_walk define the speed of an npc when in the crouched walk state, and should be a number between 0 and 1. (Default: 0.1) (0.1)
    ai.npc_speed_run npc_speed_walk define the speed of an npc when in the run state, and should be a number between 0 and 1. (Default: 0.4) (0.4)
    ai.npc_speed_sprint npc_speed_walk define the speed of an npc when in the sprint state, and should be a number between 0 and 1. (Default: 1.0) (1)
    ai.npc_speed_walk npc_speed_walk define the speed of an npc when in the walk state, and should be a number between 0 and 1. (Default: 0.18) (0.18)
    ai.npc_use_new_aim_system If npc_use_new_aim_system is true, npcs will miss on purpose on occasion, where the old system would randomize aim cone. (default: true) (True)
    ai.npc_use_thrown_weapons If npc_use_thrown_weapons is true, npcs will throw grenades, etc. This is an experimental feature. (default: true) (True)
    ai.npc_valid_aim_cone npc_valid_aim_cone defines how close their aim needs to be on target in order to fire. (default: 0.8) (0.8)
    ai.npc_valid_mounted_aim_cone npc_valid_mounted_aim_cone defines how close their aim needs to be on target in order to fire while mounted. (default: 0.92) (0.92)
    ai.npcswimming (True)
    ai.ocean_patrol_path_iterations (100000)
    ai.sensetime (1)
    ai.setdestinationsamplenavmesh (True)
    ai.sleepwake (True)
    ai.spliceupdates (True)
    ai.think (True)
    ai.tickrate (5)
    ai.usecalculatepath (True)
    ai.usegrid (True)
    ai.usesetdestinationfallback (True)
    antihack.admincheat (True)
    antihack.build_losradius (0.01)
    antihack.build_terraincheck (True)
    antihack.debuglevel (1)
    antihack.enforcementlevel (1)
    antihack.eye_clientframes (2)
    antihack.eye_forgiveness (0.5)
    antihack.eye_history_forgiveness (0.1)
    antihack.eye_history_penalty (100)
    antihack.eye_losradius (0.2)
    antihack.eye_noclip_backtracking (0.01)
    antihack.eye_noclip_cutoff (0.01)
    antihack.eye_noclip_margin (0.21)
    antihack.eye_penalty (0)
    antihack.eye_protection (4)
    antihack.eye_serverframes (2)
    antihack.eye_terraincheck (True)
    antihack.flyhack_extrusion (2)
    antihack.flyhack_forgiveness_horizontal (1.5)
    antihack.flyhack_forgiveness_horizontal_inertia (10)
    antihack.flyhack_forgiveness_vertical (1.5)
    antihack.flyhack_forgiveness_vertical_inertia (10)
    antihack.flyhack_margin (0.05)
    antihack.flyhack_maxsteps (15)
    antihack.flyhack_penalty (100)
    antihack.flyhack_protection (3)
    antihack.flyhack_reject (False)
    antihack.flyhack_stepsize (0.1)
    antihack.forceposition (True)
    antihack.maxdeltatime (1)
    antihack.maxdesync (1)
    antihack.maxviolation (100)
    antihack.melee_clientframes (2)
    antihack.melee_forgiveness (0.5)
    antihack.melee_losforgiveness (0.2)
    antihack.melee_penalty (0)
    antihack.melee_protection (4)
    antihack.melee_serverframes (2)
    antihack.melee_terraincheck (True)
    antihack.modelstate (True)
    antihack.noclip_backtracking (0.01)
    antihack.noclip_margin (0.09)
    antihack.noclip_maxsteps (15)
    antihack.noclip_penalty (0)
    antihack.noclip_protection (3)
    antihack.noclip_reject (True)
    antihack.noclip_stepsize (0.1)
    antihack.objectplacement (True)
    antihack.projectile_anglechange (60)
    antihack.projectile_backtracking (0.01)
    antihack.projectile_clientframes (2)
    antihack.projectile_desync (1)
    antihack.projectile_forgiveness (0.5)
    antihack.projectile_losforgiveness (0.2)
    antihack.projectile_penalty (0)
    antihack.projectile_protection (6)
    antihack.projectile_serverframes (2)
    antihack.projectile_terraincheck (True)
    antihack.projectile_trajectory (1)
    antihack.projectile_velocitychange (1.1)
    antihack.relaxationpause (10)
    antihack.relaxationrate (0.1)
    antihack.reporting (True)
    antihack.speedhack_forgiveness (2)
    antihack.speedhack_forgiveness_inertia (10)
    antihack.speedhack_penalty (0)
    antihack.speedhack_protection (2)
    antihack.speedhack_reject (True)
    antihack.speedhack_slopespeed (10)
    antihack.terrain_kill (True)
    antihack.terrain_padding (0.3)
    antihack.terrain_penalty (100)
    antihack.terrain_protection (1)
    antihack.terrain_timeslice (64)
    antihack.tickhistoryforgiveness (0.1)
    antihack.tickhistorytime (0.5)
    antihack.userlevel (2)
    app.alarmcooldown Cooldown time before alarms can send another notification (in seconds) (30)
    app.listenip (
    app.maxconnections (500)
    app.maxconnectionsperip (5)
    app.notifications Enables sending push notifications (True)
    app.port (28282)
    app.publicip (
    app.queuelimit Max number of queued messages - set to 0 to disable message processing (100)
    app.serverid (cf9aa435-74be-4b20-91c7-0eb2398ca49f)
    app.update Disables updating entirely - emergency use only (True)
    batching.verbose (0)
    bradley.enabled (True)
    bradley.respawndelayminutes (60)
    bradley.respawndelayvariance (1)
    chat.enabled (True)
    chat.serverlog (True)
    construct.frameminutes (30)
    craft.instant (False)
    debug.callbacks (False)
    debug.checkparentingtriggers (True)
    debug.checktriggers (False)
    debug.debugdismounts Shows some debug info for dismount attempts. (False)
    debug.disablecondition Do not damage any items (False)
    debug.log (True)
    decay.bracket_0_blockcount Between 0 and this value are considered bracket 0 and will cost bracket_0_costfraction per upkeep period to maintain (15)
    decay.bracket_0_costfraction blocks within bracket 0 will cost this fraction per upkeep period to maintain (0.1)
    decay.bracket_1_blockcount Between bracket_0_blockcount and this value are considered bracket 1 and will cost bracket_1_costfraction per upkeep period to maintain (50)
    decay.bracket_1_costfraction blocks within bracket 1 will cost this fraction per upkeep period to maintain (0.15)
    decay.bracket_2_blockcount Between bracket_1_blockcount and this value are considered bracket 2 and will cost bracket_2_costfraction per upkeep period to maintain (125)
    decay.bracket_2_costfraction blocks within bracket 2 will cost this fraction per upkeep period to maintain (0.2)
    decay.bracket_3_blockcount Between bracket_2_blockcount and this value (and beyond) are considered bracket 3 and will cost bracket_3_costfraction per upkeep period to maintain (200)
    decay.bracket_3_costfraction blocks within bracket 3 will cost this fraction per upkeep period to maintain (0.333)
    decay.debug (False)
    decay.delay_metal How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours (0)
    decay.delay_override When set to a value above 0 everything will decay with this delay (0)
    decay.delay_stone How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours (0)
    decay.delay_toptier How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours (0)
    decay.delay_twig How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours (0)
    decay.delay_wood How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours (0)
    decay.duration_metal How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours (8)
    decay.duration_override When set to a value above 0 everything will decay with this duration (0)
    decay.duration_stone How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours (5)
    decay.duration_toptier How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours (12)
    decay.duration_twig How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours (1)
    decay.duration_wood How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours (3)
    decay.outside_test_range Maximum distance to test to see if a structure is outside, higher values are slower but accurate for huge buildings (50)
    decay.scale (1)
    decay.tick (600)
    decay.upkeep Is upkeep enabled (True)
    decay.upkeep_grief_protection How many minutes can the upkeep cost last after the cupboard was destroyed? default : 1440 (24 hours) (1440)
    decay.upkeep_heal_scale Scale at which objects heal when upkeep conditions are met, default of 1 is same rate at which they decay (1)
    decay.upkeep_inside_decay_scale Scale at which objects decay when they are inside, default of 0.1 (0.1)
    decay.upkeep_period_minutes How many minutes does the upkeep cost last? default : 1440 (24 hours) (1440)
    demo.recordlist ()
    demo.recordlistmode Controls the behavior of recordlist, 0=whitelist, 1=blacklist (0)
    demo.splitmegabytes (200)
    demo.splitseconds (3600) (20)
    env.month (5)
    env.oceanlevel (0)
    env.progresstime (True)
    env.time (12.8739)
    env.year (2024)
    fps.limit (256)
    gc.enabled (True)
    gc.incremental_enabled (True)
    gc.incremental_milliseconds (3)
    global.developer (0)
    global.maxthreads (8)
    global.perf (0)
    global.skipassetwarmup (False)
    global.sprayinauthduration How long sprays will last when sprayed inside a players TC auth (30)
    global.spraynoauthduration How long sprays will last when sprayed outside a players TC auth (30)
    halloween.enabled (False)
    halloween.murdererpopulation Population active on the server, per square km (0)
    halloween.scarecrow_beancan_vs_player_dmg_modifier Modified damage from beancan explosion vs players (Default: 0.1). (0.1)
    halloween.scarecrow_body_dmg_modifier Modifier to how much damage scarecrows take to the body. (Default: 0.25) (0.25)
    halloween.scarecrow_chase_stopping_distance Stopping distance for destinations set while chasing a target (Default: 0.5) (0.5)
    halloween.scarecrow_throw_beancan_global_delay The delay globally on a server between each time a scarecrow throws a beancan (Default: 8 seconds). (8)
    halloween.scarecrowpopulation Population active on the server, per square km (0)
    halloween.scarecrows_throw_beancans Scarecrows can throw beancans (Default: true). (True)
    net.visdebug (False)
    net.visibilityradiusfaroverride (-1)
    net.visibilityradiusnearoverride (-1)
    heli.bulletaccuracy (2)
    heli.bulletdamagescale (1)
    heli.guns (1)
    heli.lifetimeminutes (15)
    physics.autosynctransforms (True)
    physics.batchsynctransforms (True)
    physics.bouncethreshold (2)
    physics.droppedmode The collision detection mode that dropped items and corpses should use (2)
    physics.gravity Gravity multiplier (1)
    physics.groundwatchdebug (False)
    physics.groundwatchdelay (0.1)
    physics.groundwatchfails (1)
    physics.minsteps The slowest physics steps will operate (8)
    physics.sendeffects Send effects to clients when physics objects collide (True)
    physics.sleepthreshold (0.005)
    physics.solveriterationcount The default solver iteration count permitted for any rigid bodies (default 7). Must be positive (3)
    physics.steps The amount of physics steps per second (16)
    player.tickrate_cl (20)
    player.tickrate_sv (16)
    pool.debug (False)
    pool.enabled (True)
    pool.mode (2)
    pool.prewarm (True)
    sentry.hostileduration how long until something is considered hostile after it attacked (120)
    sentry.targetall target everyone regardless of authorization (False)
    server.arrowarmor (1)
    server.arrowdamage (1)
    server.artificialtemperaturegrowablerange (4)
    server.authtimeout (60)
    server.bansserverendpoint HTTP API endpoint for centralized banning (see wiki) ()
    server.bansserverfailuremode Failure mode for centralized banning, set to 1 to reject players from joining if it's down (see wiki) (0)
    server.bansservertimeout Timeout (in seconds) for centralized banning web server requests (5)
    server.bleedingarmor (1)
    server.bleedingdamage (1)
    server.branch ()
    server.bulletarmor (1)
    server.bulletdamage (1)
    server.ceilinglightgrowablerange (3)
    server.ceilinglightheightoffset (3)
    server.censorplayerlist Censors the Steam player list to make player tracking more difficult (True)
    server.cinematic (False)
    server.combatlogdelay (10)
    server.combatlogsize (100)
    server.composterupdateinterval (300)
    server.compression (False)
    server.corpsedespawn (300)
    server.corpses (True)
    server.crawlingmaximumhealth Maximum initial health given when a player dies and moves to crawling wounded state (12)
    server.crawlingminimumhealth Minimum initial health given when a player dies and moves to crawling wounded state (7)
    server.cycletime (500)
    server.debrisdespawn (30)
    server.description (Welcome to a gameserver!\nVisit to rent your's today)
    server.dropitems (True)
    server.encryption (2)
    server.entitybatchsize (100)
    server.entitybatchtime (1)
    server.entityrate (16) (True)
    server.funwaterdamagethreshold (0.8)
    server.funwaterwetnessgain (0.05)
    server.gamemode (vanilla)
    server.globalchat (True)
    server.headerimage (
    server.hostname ( TESTING)
    server.identity (Pingperfect)
    server.idlekick (30)
    server.idlekickadmins (1)
    server.idlekickmode (1)
    server.incapacitatedrecoverchance Base chance of recovery after incapacitated wounded state (0.1)
    server.ip (
    server.ipqueriespermin (30)
    server.itemdespawn (180)
    server.level (Procedural Map)
    server.leveltransfer (True)
    server.levelurl ()
    server.logoimage ()
    server.maxconnectionsperip (5)
    server.maxpacketsize (5000000)
    server.maxpacketsize_command (100000)
    server.maxpacketspersecond (1500)
    server.maxpacketspersecond_command (100)
    server.maxpacketspersecond_rpc (200)
    server.maxpacketspersecond_rpc_signal (50)
    server.maxpacketspersecond_tick (300)
    server.maxpacketspersecond_voice (100)
    server.maxpacketspersecond_world (1)
    server.maxplayers (200)
    server.maxreceivetime (20)
    server.maxunack (4)
    server.meleearmor (1)
    server.meleedamage (1)
    server.metabolismtick (1)
    server.modifiertickrate (1)
    server.motd ()
    server.netcache (True)
    server.netcachesize (2214666)
    server.netlog (False)
    server.nonplanterdeathchancepertick (0.005)
    server.official (False)
    server.optimalplanterqualitysaturation (0.6)
    server.packetlog_enabled (False)
    server.plantlightdetection (True)
    server.planttick (60)
    server.planttickscale (1)
    server.playerserverfall (True)
    server.playertimeout (60)
    server.port (28215)
    server.pve (False)
    server.queriespersecond (2000)
    server.queryport (0)
    server.radiation (True)
    server.respawnresetrange (50)
    server.rewounddelay (60)
    server.rpclog_enabled (False)
    server.salt (1)
    server.savebackupcount (2)
    server.savecachesize (4141737)
    server.saveinterval (300)
    server.schematime (1800) (True)
    server.seed (123456789)
    server.showholstereditems (True)
    server.sprinklereyeheightoffset (3)
    server.sprinklerradius (3)
    server.stability (True)
    server.stats (False)
    server.tags Comma-separated server browser tag values (see wiki) (,,)
    server.tickrate (30)
    server.updatebatch (128)
    server.updatebatchspawn (1024)
    server.url ()
    server.useminimumplantcondition (True)
    server.worldsize (3000)
    server.woundedmaxfoodandwaterbonus Maximum percent chance added to base wounded/incapacitated recovery chance, based on the player's food and water level (0.25)
    server.woundedrecoverchance Base chance of recovery after crawling wounded state (0.2)
    server.woundingenabled (True)
    spawn.max_density (1)
    spawn.max_rate (1)
    spawn.min_density (0.5)
    spawn.min_rate (0.5)
    spawn.player_base (100)
    spawn.player_scale (2)
    spawn.respawn_groups (True)
    spawn.respawn_individuals (True)
    spawn.respawn_populations (True)
    spawn.tick_individuals (300)
    spawn.tick_populations (60)
    stability.accuracy (0.001)
    stability.collapse (0.05)
    stability.stabilityqueue (9)
    stability.strikes (10)
    stability.surroundingsqueue (3)
    stability.verbose (0)
    time.fixeddelta (0.0625)
    time.maxdelta (0.125)
    time.pausewhileloading (True)
    time.timescale (1)
    tree.global_broadcast (False)
    vehicle.boat_corpse_seconds (300)

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