It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Battlefield 2142 Server. Just follow the steps below.
- Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
- Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'ServerSettings.con'
- Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.
sv.serverName "BF2142 Server" //Server name, exactly as it will be displayed in the in-game server browser
sv.password "" //Server password, when set, will need to be entered by anyone who wants to join the server
sv.internet 1 //1 for Internet, 0 for LAN, do not change as it will stop your server from operating correctly
sv.bandwidthChoke 0 //0 for no bandwidth limit, 1 for bandwidth limit
sv.serverIP "" //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly
sv.serverPort 17567 //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly
sv.welcomeMessage "Welcome to another gameserver" //Welcome message, exactly as it will be displayed when a player joins the server
sv.punkBuster 1 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.allowFreeCam 0 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.allowExternalViews 1 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.allowNoseCam 1 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.hitIndicator 1 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.maxPlayers 1 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.numPlayersNeededToStart 1 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.notEnoughPlayersRestartDelay 15 //Increase value to increase not enough players to start delay, decrease value to decrease the not enough players to start delay
sv.startDelay 15 //Increase value to increase the start delay, decrease value to decrease start delay
sv.endDelay 15 //Increase value to increase the end delay, decrease value to decrease end delay
sv.spawnTime 15 //Increase value to increase the spawn time, decrease value to decrease spawn time
sv.manDownTime 15 //Increase value to increase man down time, decrease value to decrease man down time
sv.endOfRoundDelay 3 //Increase value to increase end of round delay, decrease value to decrease end of use delay
sv.ticketRatio 100 //Increase value to increase number of tickets, decrease value to decrease number of tickets
sv.roundsPerMap 3 //Increase value to increase the number of rounds per map, decrease value to decrease the number of rounds per map
sv.timeLimit 0 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.scoreLimit 0 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.soldierFriendlyFire 100 //Increase value to increase solider friendly fire damage, decrease value to decrease soldier friendly fire damage
sv.vehicleFriendlyFire 100 //Increase value to increase vehicle friendly fire damage, decrease value to decrease vehicle friendly fire damage
sv.soldierSplashFriendlyFire 100 //Increase value to increase soldier splash friendly fire damage, decrease value to decrease soldier splash friendly fire damage
sv.vehicleSplashFriendlyFire 100 //Increase value to increase vehicle splash friendly fire damage, decrease value to decrease vehicle splash friendly fire damage
sv.tkPunishEnabled 1 //1 to Enable player is kicked when they perform a team kill, 0 to disable player is kicked when they perform a team kill
sv.tkNumPunishToKick 3 //Change this to change how many times a player can team kill before they are punished and kicked from the server
sv.tkPunishByDefault 0 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.votingEnabled 1 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.voteTime 90 //Change this to change the time of a vote on the server
sv.minPlayersForVoting 2 //Change this to change the minimum (lowest) amount of players for a vote to take place
sv.gameSpyPort 17568 //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly
sv.allowNATNegotiation 0 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.interfaceIP "" //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly
sv.autoRecord 0 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.demoIndexURL http:// //Do not change unless you know what you are doing, will stop your server from operating correctly if you don't
sv.demoDownloadURL http:// //Do not change unless you know what you are doing, will stop your server from operating correctly if you don't
sv.autoDemoHook "adminutils/demo/rotate_demo.exe" //Do not change unless you know what you are doing, will stop your server from operating correctly if you don't
sv.demoQuality 1 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.adminScript "default" //Do not change unless you know what you are doing, will stop your server from operating correctly if you don't
sv.timeBeforeRestartMap 30 //Increase value to increase the time before the map restarts, decrease value to decrease the time before the map restarts
sv.autoBalanceTeam 0 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.teamRatioPercent 100 //Change this to change the team ratio on the server
sv.voipEnabled 0 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.voipQuality 3 //Increase value to increase the VOIP (Voice chat) quality, decrease value to decrease the VOIP (voice chat) quality on the server
sv.voipServerRemote 0 //1 to Enable, 0 to disable
sv.voipServerRemoteIP "" //Do not change unless you know what you are doing, will stop your server from operating correctly if you don't
sv.voipServerPort 55125 //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly
sv.voipBFClientPort 55123 //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly
sv.voipBFServerPort 55124 //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly
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