Wreckfest | Server Configuration Print

  • Wreckfest, wreckfest, Wreckfest Server Configuration, wreckfest server configuration
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It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Wreckfest Server. Just follow the steps below.

  1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
  2. Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'server_config.cfg'
  3. Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.

# Set basic server info

# Character limits: server_name (63), welcome_message (254), password (31)

server_name=Wreckfest PP Test   ** This is you where type your chosen server name (Max 63 characters) **

welcome_message=   ** This is where you type your welcome message (Max 254 characters)

password=   ** This is where you type your server password (Max 31 characters)

max_players=12   ** Do not change this value - it will break the server when gamepanel checks this value against the player slots you have purchased if they do not match **

# Clear previous user privileges every time when executing start_server_initial.bat

# 0 = keep, 1 = clear


# Give host privileges to the first user who joins (for example yourself)

# 0 = first to join receives owner privileges, 1 = doesn't receive owner privileges


Comma separated list of Steam IDs (steamID64) of users that will be auto-granted admin privileges - First of all, Remove the #. Then, to obtain steamID64, grab the steam profile web address, navigate to this website : https://steamid.io/lookup  and paste in your web address into the "input..." field. Then press "lookup" and the steamID64 will be presented to you.

Here is a example; a several administrator list would look like this : admin_steam_ids=76561198023797802,76561198023797803,76561198023797803



# Setup server for local area network play only # 0 = use Steam, 1 = without Steam

lan=0     ** Do not change this value - it will break the server when gamepanel checks this value against the predetermined value if they do not match **

# Set server ports

# Only used when lan=0

# Server is visible in LAN search only for query ports 27015-27020 and 26900-26905.

steam_port=19511    ** Do not change this value - it will break the server when gamepanel checks this value against the predetermined value if they do not match **

game_port=19512     ** Do not change this value - it will break the server when gamepanel checks this value against the predetermined value if they do not match **

query_port=19513     ** Do not change this value - it will break the server when gamepanel checks this value against the predetermined value if they do not match **

# Set track, list available track names with command: tracks


# Set game mode, list available game modes with command: gamemodes


# Prepopulate server with bots, 0-24


# Number of teams in team game modes, 2-4


# Amount of laps in race game modes, 1-60


# Deathmatch time limit in minutes


# Elimination interval time for elimination race: 0, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120

# (0 means elimination each lap, others are seconds)


# Set vehicle damage to normal or realistic


# Allow only vehicles with a maximum class of a, b, c or d


# Allow only one specific car, list available cars with command: cars


# Disallow use of special vehicles


# Disable car resets


# Set car reset delay to 0 (no delay) or 1-20 seconds


# Disable speed limit for players that drive the wrong way


# Set event weather, list available weather names with command: weathers


# Set server update frequency to low or high


# Enable mod(s) on the server, mod folder names in a comma separated list


# Save server messages to Log File


# Event Loop (el) settings.


#  If enabled, server will automatically rotate pre-configured events.

#  Using "el_add=trackname" you can add as many events to the rotation as you wish.

#  Note that "el_*" parameters override corresponding global settings for the event.

#  Remove the first # from setup parameters to enable.

#  Use the console command /eventloop to enable/disable rotation.


## Add first event to Loop










## Add second event to Loop


#el_gamemode="team race"









## Add third event to Loop








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