How to setup automated steam updates

  • Automatic, automatic, Automation, automation, Server Automation, Server automation, server automation, Setup Automatic Steam Updates, Setup Automatic Steam Update, setup automatic steam updates, setup automatic steam update
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    IMPORTANT: Do not set two tasks to run at the same time, they will clash and neither will work properly. For example, if you set up automated backups to occur every 2 hours starting at 12:00AM, do not also set up server restarts to occur every 2 hours at 12:00AM

    IMPORTANT: Avoid creating tasks within an hour either side of 04:00 AM to avoid performing scheduled task during our disaster recovery backup window/time.

    How to set up automatic steam updates:

    To set up reoccurring automatic steam updates follow these simple steps:

    1. Click the "Scheduled Tasks" button.
    2. Create a new scheduled task and pick the "Steam Update" option.
    3. Create a name for the scheduled task.
    4. Choose a date and time for the first Steam Update
    5. In the "Type" field, choose either Weekly or Monthly.
    6. If you have chosen Weekly, select the day of the week you would like the Steam Update to be performed.
    7. If you have chosen Monthly, select the month/s and day/s you would like the Steam Update to be performed.
    8. Save the scheduled task.



    How to choose time zone:

    When logged into the control panel, navigate to My Profile, from here you will see a list of editable content, changing time zone here will change the time that automatic restarts take place, for example if your time zone is set to UTC and you create a restart for 6PM this will take place at 6PM UTC however if you update your time zone to UTC + 2 the server would restart at 8PM UTC


    If after following this guide you still have issues, please raise a support ticket via your client area.

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