Project Zomboid | How to Log in as Admin

  • Project Zomboid How to Log in as Admin, project zomboid how to log in as admin, project zomboid, Project Zomboid, How to Log in as Admin, how to log in as admin
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    Method 1:

    1. Startup your server.

    2. Click "Web Console"

    3. Use this command: SetAccessLevel <username> <level>

      Making sure to replace <username> with your in-game name and <level> with one of the admin levels below.

      Admin Levels:


      •   Toggle god mod (on himself only)
      •   Toggle invisible (on himself only)
      •   See players connected (/players)
      •   Teleport to a player (can't teleport a player elsewhere)
      •   Can toggle noclip (on himself only)
      •   Teleport to coordinates
      •   See server options
      •   Can open locked doors
      •   Can go inside safehouses
      •   Can't be kicked if too laggy
      •   Can always join server (even if full)
      •   Can talk even being invisible
      •   Sees invisible players
      •   Can't be hit by players
      •   Log directly invisible/invincible
      •   Can see players stats (name, skill, traits...) with click on player -> Check Stats (but can't modify them)


      •   Everything an Observer can use, plus:
      •   Toggle god mod (on himself and others)
      •   Toggle invisible (on himself and others)
      •   Can toggle noclip (on himself and others)
      •   Teleport to a player to another player  
      •   Use /alarm, /gunshot, /thunder and /chopper
      •   Start/Stop rain
      •   Add item
      •   Add xp


      •   Everything a GM can use, plus:
      •   Create horde
      •   Kick user
      •   Display server message
      •   See connection info of a player
      •   Disconnect a player by connection number (/disconnect)
      •   Use /nightlengthmodifier
      •   Can modify player stats in the player stats UI
      •   Can ban a player from /all chat


      •   Everything an Overseer can use, plus:
      •   Ban/Unban user (including steam ID)
      •   Manipulate whitelist (/adduser, /addusertowhitelist, /addalltowhitelist, /removeuserfromwhitelist
      •   Change access level (can't set admin)
      •   Can setup safehouses


      •   Everything a Moderator can use, plus:
      •   Save world
      •   Quit world
      •   Change access level (including admin)
      •   Reload server options
      •   Change server options
      •   Send pulse
      •   Reload Lua files
      •   Bypass Lua checksum


    Method 2:

    1. Click "Commandline Manager"

    2. Click "Selected" on the current commandline to edit it, then change the admin password if you desire and make note of it

    3. Log into the server with the username "admin" and the admin password you set in the commandline, as well as the other server details. As shown below:

      A list of admin commands can be found here:


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