Minecraft | How to Make Someone OP / Operator Without Commands

  • Minecraft, Minecraft OP, Minecraft Operator, Minecraft Admin, ops.json
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    Version 1.7.8 and below

    1. Click "Configuration Files"

    2. Click "Text-Editor" next to "ops.txt"

    3. Add each operator using their in-game username (which can be found via the server logs if you are unsure), each username on a new line.

      For Example:

    4. Save the file in the top left.


    Versions above 1.7.8

    1. Click "Configuration Files"

    2. Click "Text-Editor" next to "ops.json"

    3. Find your UUID using this site: https://mcuuid.net/

    4. Add the code:

      For multiple operators
      For a single operator


    5. Change the UUID, Name and Level to reflect the player you want to make an operator.

      OP Level is explained further below.

    6. Save the file in the top left.


    Each level grants additional privileges over previous (lower levels)

    1 = Ops can bypass spawn protection. No commands are assigned for this level.

    2 = Ops can use /clear, /difficulty, /effect, /gamemode, /gamerule, /give, /summon, /setblock and /tp, and can edit command blocks. (Single player cheating)

    3 = Ops can use /ban, /deop, /whitelist, /kick, and /op. (Multiplayer management)

    4 = Ops can use /stop, /save, /save-all. (Server management)

    4 is the highest OP level, and a level 4 operator can use all the commands from levels 1 to 3.


    Unless this file is exactly correct, it will reset when the server starts. If this doesn't work for you, drop us a ticket explaining you followed this guide.


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