Eco | How to Generate a New World

  • Eco, generate new, World size, world, Eco How to Generate a New World, How to Generate a New World, Generate a New World, New World, eco, ECO
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    To generate a new world, just follow these steps

    1. In your Gamepanel stop your server.
    2. Click the "Wipe Save Data" button (this will delete your current world, so make sure to back it up if you want to keep it for future)
    3. Start the server.

    It's as simple as that, however there are a few caveats:

    If you are regenerating your world as you want to make changes to the configuration file you must make sure that the world dimensions fit within your purchased ram
    We recommend not generating a world that's going to use more than 75% of your purchased ram amount so you have space for players
    World size must be divisible by 4 (e.g.,72x72, 84x84, 96x96, 108x108, 120x120, 132x132, 144x144, 156x156 and so on, currently it is not advisable to go beyond 200x200)

    Change World Size
    • Dimensions — Changes the size of the world. The X and Y values ​​must be the same and divisible by 4. However, not all worlds with dimensions that follow these rules will be stable.
    NOTE: The server (EcoServer32.exe) that is bundled with the Eco game client can only run worlds up to 100x100. To run larger worlds, the server must be downloaded separately, through Steam or the Strange Loop Games website.

    Below are the current recommendations for world sizes. Worlds built outside these recommendations may experience playability, performance, and stability issues that are outside the capabilities of Strange Loop Games support staff:
    • (72,72) — 0.52 km2 — This is the default size, recommended for singleplayer and coop games.
    • (100,100) — 1 km2 — This is the maximum size the 32-bit Server (executed by Singleplayer) can handle and the recommended size for small public servers. (Used by official servers to create a challenge-focused experience, despite them being medium to large sized)
    • (140,140) — 1.96 km2 — This is the recommended size for medium to large public servers.
    • (160,160) — 2.56 km2 — The biggest size supported by Strange Loop Games, recommended for the biggest public servers out there. (Used by official server White-Tiger)

    The following world sizes are known to be stable on servers with an above average performance, but are not recommended to be used, given they will not allow any meaningful impact on Ecology. Strange Loop Games does not guarantee to provide support for worlds of this size.
    • (172,172) — 2.96 km2
    • (200,200) — 4 km2

    The following world sizes can be stable on servers and for clients that are both having strong to extremely strong performance, but are not recommended to be used, given they will not allow any meaningful impact on Ecology and are not suitable for the vast majority of use cases. Strange Loop Games does not provide support for worlds of these sizes and does not guarantee to take bug reports that involve worlds of these sizes.
    • (224,224) — 5.02 km2
    • (240,240) — 5.76 km2
    • (248,248) — 6.15 km2
    • (272,272) — 7.4 km2
    • (296,296) — 8.76 km2
    • (300,300) — 9 km2
    • (360,360) — 12.6 km2
    • (400,400) — 16 km2

    Worlds over 400x400 may be possible to generate without the server crashing, but are extremely likely to be unstable, even with the most performant hardware available on clients and the server. Strange Loop Games does generally not provide any support nor take bug reports for worlds with such sizes.

    NOTE: The maximum world volume ((L*10)*(W*10)*H) = 2,147,483,647. Attempting to create a world larger than this will cause a server crash. For example, a (400,400) world with a height of 160 would be ((400*10)*(400*10)*160) = 2,560,000,000, which would cause a crash.

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