- Stop server
- Click "Configuration Files"
- Click "Text-Editor" next to "RaidTimes.json"
- Make the desired changes, referring to the explanation below if unsure.
- Click "Save and Exit" on the nav bar
- Start server.
The limit for the raid times is set to 50 different entries, this means that you can have 50 raid times set up. every day, even if in the same string will count as
1 entry (example "day": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday" will count as 3 different entries).
By default, active raid times and days will be displayed with the welcome message and with the message of the day.
If nothing is set in the RaidTimes.json, protection for bases will not be active.
If there is any issue with the RaidTimes.json configuration, error messages will be displayed in the raid_protection.log.
The same day can be used in different "raiding-times" entries unless it has overlapping times. (Also shown in the example below)
Example of RaidTimes.Json:
"raiding-times": [
"day": "Weekdays",
"time": "17:00-19:00,23:00-23:45",
"start-announcement-time": "30",
"end-announcement-time": "30"
"day": "Sa,Sunday",
"time": "02:00-19:30,23:00-23:45",
"start-announcement-time": "30",
"end-announcement-time": "30"
"day": "Sunday",
"time": "20:00-21:30",
"start-announcement-time": "30",
"end-announcement-time": "30"
Explanation of individual fields:
day - determines the days on which raiding times will be active.
Possible arguments:
- "day": "Weekend" - It will include Saturday and Sunday as active days.
- "day": "Weekdays" - It will include Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday as active days of raiding.
- "day": "Monday-Wednesday" - It will include all days in between the range given.
- "day": "Monday,Wednesday,Friday" - It will include individual days as active days of raiding.
- "day": "Thursday" - It will include only the given day as an active day of raiding.
- "day": "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su" - All of the days can also be written with short variants (first 2 letters of the name)
time - determines the times when raiding will be allowed.
start-announcement-time - this determines the amount of time in minutes for the announcement to be made before raiding time starts.
-If set to 0 there will be no announcement.
end-announcement-time - this determines the amount of time in minutes for the announcement to be made before raiding time ends.
-If set to 0 there will be no announcement.
- Writes local server time.
- Accessible to all players.
- Writes global raid protection raid times in chat. (Visible to everyone)
- If global raid protection is not selected, it will state so in the message when the command is used.
- Accessible to all players.
Server settings related to global raid protection:
-scum.RaidProtectionType=3 - If set to 3 over the ServerSettings.ini it will change the current raid protection to global raid protection.
This setting is called "RAID PROTECTION TYPE*" in the in-game server settings.
-scum.RaidProtectionGlobalShouldShowRaidTimesMessage=1 - Enables or disables raid times being written in the welcome message and the message of the day.
This setting is called "SHOW GLOBAL RAID TIMES MESSAGE" in the in-game server settings.
-scum.RaidProtectionGlobalShouldShowRaidAnnouncementMessage=1 - Enables or disables announcements before the start or end of the raiding period.
This setting is called "SHOW GLOBAL RAID ANNOUNCEMENT MESSAGE" in the in-game server settings.
-scum.RaidProtectionGlobalShouldShowRaidStartEndMessages=1 - Enables or disables announcements upon starting or ending the raid period.
This setting is called "SHOW GLOBAL RAID START/END MESSAGES" in the in-game server settings.