HumanitZ | Admin Commands

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    HumanitZ Console Commands

    HumanitZ Server Commands


    ****** CONSOLE COMMANDS ******
    /AdminAccess [password] => Grants a client admin privileges (password can be indicate in server settings ini file)
    /Shutdown [SECONDS] => Shuts down the server and save players, notifies everyone in chat (Requires admin access). Example shutting down in 1min /Shutdown 60
    /SuperAdmin => Enable you to fly around the map where no one can see you, calling the same command will toggle this mode (Requires admin access or being a host)
    /Spawn item_[Name] => Spawn a pickup ex /Spawn item_Apple (Requires admin access or being a host)
    /spawn car_[Name] => Spawn a car ex /Spawn Car_Suv (Requires admin access or being a host)
    /spawn Dog => spawn dog companion
    /spawn ai_[REPLACE] => spawn ai, see list below. Example spawn ai_bear
    /fspawn => same as spawn but forced (ignores collision check)
    /exp [X] => Grants exp ex /spawn 500
    /ExecCmd [command] => Execute an unreal engine command ex /ExecCmd t.maxfps 144 (Requires admin or being a host)
    /DogSetName [Name] => Sets a name for your dog companion
    /TPDog => Teleport dog companion to you
    /unstuck => use if unable to interact or stuck in geometry
    /unstuckgeo => Force unstuck from geometry
    /god => Toggle god mode. Immunne to damage (Requires admin access or being a host).
    /SaveGame => Do a save immediately. Need admin access or being the host.

    [Cars you can spawn]
    (car_rv, car_gaztiger, car_edmond, car_hatchback, car_Jeep, car_suv, car_pickup, car_policesuv, car_sport, car_sport2, car_sport3, car_truck, car_van, car_suv2, car_boxvan, car_lazer, car_rally, car_amero, car_augh)

    [AI you can spawn]
    (ai_bear, ai__zbear, ai_zdog, ai_rabbit, ai_doe, ai_buck, ai_stag, ai_wolf, ai_chicken, ai_zombie, ai_zombiebig, ai_zombiebelly, ai_zombiegirl, ai_zombiemutant, ,ai_zombiepolice ,ai_humanmelee ,ai_humanshotty ,ai_humanrifle ,ai_humandog)

    [Example Pickups you can spawn]
    Apple, NailedBat, SledgeHammer, Bow, Pistol, PumpShotgun, Axe, AK47, AR15, AWM, DesertEagle, HuntingRifle, Knife, L85A2, TacticalShotgun, UMP45, Uzi, Revolver, PorknBeans, SawBladeBat, Water, Bandage, EnergyDrink, Hatchet, RawMeat, Katana, Rice, Tuna, Whisky, Wrench, Screwdriver, FishingRod, CarBattery, HandSaw, RepairKit, FuelCan, Bot
    tlePainkillers, MedKit, 9mm, 12G, 308win, 45ACP, 50Cal, 556, 762, 357, Crossbow, TomatoSoup, ChocolateBar, ScrapMetal, CookedMeat, CrossBowBolt, Arrow, Compass, Wood, Gear, Rope, Log, SulfuricAcid, NitrousAcid, PainKillers, CookedRice, Nails, BoxNails, Hammer, Carrot, SeedCarrot, DirtyWater, Sticks, Rock, Tarp, Shovel, LockPick, MeatCarrotStew, CoffeeBeans,
    CoffeeBag, Coffee, Milk, PocketWatch, SheetMetal, Electronics, EmptyTin, Fiber, GunRepair, BaseballBat, ImproTorch, KitchenKnife, Potato, Jam, Kola, MilitaryVest, Battery, FireAxe, SeedPotato, KnifeSpear, GolfClub, FireArrow, AnimalFat, Oil, CrowBar, CashewNuts, Crisps, Soda, BakedPotato, DuctTape, Jack, Fireworks, IrrPlasma, Treatment, Mine, GasMask, Police
    Vest, AdvancedArmor, Machette, Barbwire, RPG, RPGAmmo, PerchFish, SalmonFish, PikeFish, BarbedBat, Bait, CookedFish, Molotov, BoxMatches, Matches, StoneKnife, CookedPerch, CookedSalmon, CookedPike, ElectricalCable, EmptyJar, ImproAxe, BikeHelmetBlueWhite, FlashLight, PeanutButter, WaterTabs, WaterPurifyPills, CleanWater, Binos, WoodWeapon, NailWoodWeapon, Me
    atPotatoStew, CarrotStew, PotatoStew, RuinedClothes, ClothRag, DogFood, HockeyMask, ImproBatCleaver, CanOfPeas, Cereal, ImproHammer, ImproBackpack, RawEgg, BoiledEgg, PickAxe, SprayCan, DrillKit, HockeyMaskUSA, ComboundBow, BikeHelmetRedWhite, StoneKnifeSpear, Shiv, Baton, PipeWrench, TestBaseRangedWeapon, CowBoyHat, Coal, Copper, Saltpeter, Zinc, Iron, Gunp
    owder, BrassCasing, IronRefined, EnergyBar, WoodBow, ScarL, Mushrooms, Cement, VeggieSoup, PacketCarrots, PacketTaters, Malbro, Cabbage, SeedCabbage, Tomato, SeedTomato, RedShirt, Fertilizer, BlackGloves, BluePants, BlackBoots, BlueShirt, BlackShirt, BrownShirt, BlackPants, BrownPants, BlackTrainers, BrownBoots, BlackHoodie, RedHoodie, BlueMaxTrainers, Green
    Trainers, CamoHoodie, CamoPants, BikerJacket, BlackBeanie, RedCap, YellowShirt, DenimRippedPantsShort, BlackWhiteTrainers, TimBoots, ArmyBootsSand, BlueWhiteSportJacket, YellowGloves, GreenWhiteHoodie, WhiteShirt, FuelPump, FanBelt, StarterMotor, Grenade, WhiteTrainers, RedTrainers, BlackRedHoodie, BlueHoodie, GreenHoodie, GreenPants, BrownGloves, 1911, Brow
    nHoodie, HockeyMaskWarrior, GreenBeanie, NailBomb, BasicDiyMine, BearTrap, YellowBlackJacket, CamoGloves, CamoJacket, GreenSportShirt, BlackCap, USAShirt, MedMask, Syringe, DesertEagle50, GoldChain, GoldBracelet, Hose, Funnel, Gunparts, BrownWinterJacket, CamoCap, RedBeanie, BlueCap, PinkMaxTrainers, YellowMaxTrainers, CowBoyHatBlack, MetalPipe, MRE, Jerky,
    EmptyFuelCan, BlackRedStripeShirt, SmileyShirt, GreenWinterJacket, CDChillout, DexCough, BrownBeanie, WhiteHoodie, GasMask2, Letter_Survivor, RadioReceiver, SpartanHelmet, Sword, Guitar, HockeyMaskBrazil, HockeyMaskGerman, HockeyMaskFrance, HockeyMaskWales, HockeyMaskChile, HockeyMaskChina, HockeyMaskKorea, HockeyMaskPoland, HockeyMaskSpain, HockeyMaskPortug
    al, HockeyMaskItaly, HockeyMaskIreland, SpartanSpear, HockeyMaskSkull, HockeyMaskRussia, HockeyMaskScotland, HockeyMaskUkraine, RaptorHoodie, BrianHoodie, RedBlackLumber, GreyBlackLumber, WhiteHiTops, BlackHiTops, GreenHiTops, RedHiTops, CamoPantsShort, BrownPantsShortPockets, DenimJacket, BlackSportsJacket, BlackSportsPants, GreenVarsityJacket, HockeyMaskCa
    nada, HockeyMaskMorocco, YellowSportsPants, GreenPantsShortPockets, YellowSportsJacket, BlackVarsityJacket, Pitchfork, HockeyStick, MeatCleaver, Scythe, ScaryMask, SkullMask, HalloweenHoodie, PumpkinHoodie, HockeyMaskSweeden, RedFootballHelmet, PoliceJacket, GreyZipperJacket, MK18, SewingKit, RoyaleHoodie, NVGear, MilitaryHelmet, BlackRedCap, BlueBlackCap, W
    hiteBlackCap, BlackWhiteBeanie, GreenWhiteBeanie, WhiteJacket, GasFilter, Beer, BowlDogFood, BrownLeatherJacket, RedVarsityJacket, XmasHoodie1, XmasHoodie2, SantaHat, ElfHat, PurpleGreenHoodie, PadLock, M1, Candy, Needles, Thread, Scissors, CricketBat, LockAdvanced, BottleMultiVits, AntibioticTablets, MultiVitTablets, AntibioticBox, MushroomSoup, Att_Muzzle_
    Suppressor, Att_Sight_Small, Att_Flash_Flash, Att_Laser_Laser, Att_Mag_Extended, Att_Sight_ACOG, Att_Sight_Sniper, Att_Muzzle_BottleSup, EmptyBottle, BigTexChili, Att_Mag_Extended_556, Att_Mag_Extended_AWM, Att_Mag_Extended_1911, Att_Mag_Extended_AK, Lighter, Att_Mag_Extended_Uzi, Att_Mag_Extended_UMP, MajorHoodie, NateHoodie, Chainsaw, Heatpack, PowerBatter
    y, HoneyJar, LMG, SawnOffShotgun, WhiteWinterJacket, IceAxe, GLAmmo, GrenadeLauncher, AdvancedArmor2, TacticalMachette, BrassKnuckles, ImproKnuckles, Canteen, WalkieTalkie, ShortAxe, GeigerCounter, VCR, PropaneCan, MeasureTape, BandageAnti, CanBeans, PowerDrill, GasStove, GreenTea, RangeFinder, Juice, PowerLead, HuntingRifleGreen, BlackRedMaxTrainers, BrownW
    hiteMaxTrainers, BrownSportsJacket, BrownSportsPants, PinkWhiteHoodie, Mead, Microphone, Mech, Money, Cup, Fork, PlayingCards, PollenTrap, GennyEngine, SVD, BandanaBlack, BandanaBlue, BandanaGreen, BandanaRed, BandanaCamo, BasketballWhite, BasketballYellow, BasketballBlue, BasketballBlack, StalkerMask, SBookElectricity, Glock, GPU, HDD, SatNav, WhiteBeanie,
    PurpleGreenBeanie, ArmyBootsGreen, FingerlessGlovesBlack, FingerlessGlovesWhite, PurpleGreenMaxTrainers, KeyCardRed, HideBear, HideWolf, HideDeer, HideRabbit, HideBearDried, HideWolfDried, HideDeerDried, HideRabbitDried, CabbageSoup, SilverNecklace


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