Path Of Titans | How to migrate / move your server to our hosting

  • Path Of Titans, How to migrate your server to our hosting, How to move your server to our hosting, Path Of Titans How to migrate your server to our hosting, Path Of Titans How to move your server to our hosting
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    This guide covers the entire process of moving your Path Of Titans server from another host to our hosting. Provided you follow the process entirely, you won't have any issues, lose any data etc from the transfer.

    First, we must discuss the two different types of servers.

    1) Remote Database - These types of servers are typically used when you want to cluster one or more server together, so that dinos can be shared between them. This is NOT the default server type.

    2) Local Database - These types of servers are typically a standalone server, where the dinos only exist in that server, they can't be transferred to another server. This IS the default server type.

    You need to be certain (we advise checking if you are even a tiny bit unsure) of what type of server you have, so you can follow the correct migration/move process.

    Moving your server if it's of the REMOTE DATABASE type

    1. You do not need to move any files, as servers of the remote database type have their save data stored in the Alderon Games cloud.

    2. Make a note of your server's GUID - if you can't find it, contact your former hosts support and ask them to provide it to you, or look in the game logs the guid is usually found in a line such as

      [2023.08.18-06.56.45:286][201]AlderonLog: IAlderonCommon:RegisterServer: Url: Json: {"uuid":"a0578ba3-9ce1-24hc-8l3d-995d954224kf","branch":"production","name":"server-name"

      a0578ba3-9ce1-24hc-8l3d-995d954224kf would be your servers GUID

    3. Go to our gamepanel

    4. Click "Commandline Manager"

    5. Click "Select" next to the "Custom" commandline, click the "Database" drop down menu and select the "Remote" value.

    6. Make sure you input a valid "Server Auth Token" - either use the existing one for your previous host server, or generate a new one as covered here:
      You must use the same Alderon account but you can use a different auth token

    7. Type the GUID from your previous host server into the ServerGUID field, make sure any other commandline options you want to set are correct, then click "Apply"

    8. If you are running a modded server, YOU MUST make sure you add your mods as follows:

    9. Startup your server, enjoy!

      If you have any problems, please submit a support ticket and we will gladly assist you.

    Moving your server if it's of the LOCAL DATABASE type

    1. You will need to transfer your "DatabaseCache" and "SaveGames" folders from your previous host's server to your server hosted with us.

      Those folders are located at the following path ServerRoot/PathOfTitans/Saved/

      We strongly advise you do this by downloading those two folders from your server with your previous host to your PC. Then FTP the files from your PC to your server hosted with us.

      If you are unsure how to use FTP please follow this guide:

      If you have any struggles performing this process, please contact us via support ticket and we will gladly help you.

    2. Go to our gamepanel

    3. Click "Commandline Manager"

    4. Make sure you input a valid "Server Auth Token" - either use the existing one for your previous host server, or generate a new one as covered here:
      You must use the same Alderon account but you can use a different auth token

    5. Type the GUID from your previous host server into the ServerGUID field, make sure any other commandline options you want to set are correct, then click "Apply" If you are not sure what your GUID is ask your previous host to provide it or look in the game logs the guid is usually found in a line such as

      [2023.08.18-06.56.45:286][201]AlderonLog: IAlderonC<span style="margin: 0px;

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