Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (CoD4) | RCon Commands

  • Call of Duty 4 RCon Commands, Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty 4 Server, Call of Duty 4 Server RCon, Call of Duty 4 Server RCon Commands, Call of Duty 4 RCon
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    If you are using CoD4X, make sure your RCon password is longer than 8 characters

    Basic setup commands

    These commands are useful for managing your server
    Developer console can be enabled in Options > Game Options > Enable console.
    Press the tilde key and the console will pop up on top of the screen.

    *you always have to use /rcon prefix when using RCON commands

    You can log into RCON by /rcon login *password*. Once logged in, you can use all available RCON commands. You can do this only when you are directly connected to the server.

    1. Change server name: /rcon sv_hostname "*servername*"

    2. Change server password: /rcon g_password "*password*"
    *you can also remove the password completely by leaving the quotes blank

    3. Show the server status: /rcon status
    *shows name, guide, ip and other info of the connected players
    Map & game modes commands
    1. Change map: /rcon map *mapname*

    Valid map names:
    Backlot - mp_backlot
    Bloc - mp_bloc
    Bog - mp_bog
    Chinatown - mp_carentan
    Wetwork - mp_cargoship
    District - mp_citystreets
    Ambush - mp_convoy
    Countdown - mp_countdown
    Crash - mp_crash
    Winter Crash - mp_crash_snow
    Creek - mp_creek
    Crossfire - mp_crossfire
    Downpour - mp_farm
    Killhouse - mp_killhouse
    Overgrown - mp_overgrown
    Pipeline - mp_pipeline
    Shipment - mp_shipment
    Showdown - mp_showdown
    Strike - mp_strike
    Vacant - mp_vacant

    2. Change game mode: /rcon g_gametype *gamemode*

    Valid game modes:
    Deathmatch - dm
    Domination - dom
    Headquarters - koth
    Sabotage - sab
    Search&Destroy - sd
    Team Deatchmatch - war

    *restart the map after changing game mode by command /rcon map_restart
    **additionally, you can use /rcon fast_restart to quickly reset scores and map
    /rcon login [RCONPASSWORD]
    Login to remote rcon.

    /rcon kick [NAME]
    Kicks a player by name from the server. (Must include Color Codes)

    /rcon kick all
    Kicks all players from the server.

    /rcon onlykick [NAME]
    Kicks a player by name from the server. (Does not need Color Codes)

    /rcon onlykick all
    Kicks all players from the server.

    /rcon clientkick [ID]
    Kicks a player by client id from the server.

    /rcon banUser [NAME]
    Bans a user by their ingame name. Writes their GUID to ban.txt

    /rcon banClient [ID]
    Bans a user by their client number. Writes their GUID to ban.txt

    /rcon tempBanUser [NAME]
    Kicks and temporarily bans player by name from server.

    /rcon tempBanClient [ID]
    Kicks and temporarily bans player by client id from server

    /rcon unbanuser [NAME]
    Unban every player banned with [name]. If you want to unban a single player whose name appears more than once, you should edit "ban.txt" manually.

    /rcon map mapname
    Loads the map specified by mapname.

    /rcon map_rotate
    Loads next map in rotation set in sv_maprotation.

    /rcon map_restart
    Reloads the map.

    /rcon fast_restart
    Restarts the map.

    /rcon serverinfo
    Shows the current server's settings.

    /rcon systeminfo
    Shows the current System Information.

    /rcon status
    Displays info of all the players on the server.

    /rcon exec [FILENAME]
    Executes a Server Config File (located in your server's main directory)

    /rcon writeconfig [FILENAME]
    Saves a Server Config File

    /rcon say
    Post a console message to all players.

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