Day of Dragons | Admin Commands

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    Command Description
    /showtags Shows Player ID's.
    /hidetags Hides Player ID's.
    /adult (PID) Grows player to full adult.
    /grow (PID) Unknown.
    /growself Unknown.
    /heal (PID) Fills players health/bile/food/water bars.
    /healself Fills your health/bile/food/water bars.
    /hero Makes you immune to damage.
    /port (PID) Teleports a player to you.
    /goto (PID) Teleports you to a player.
    /kill (PID) Kills a player.
    /killself Kills yourself.
    /boot Kicks a player from the server.
    /ban (PID) Kicks a player and blocks from re-joining until server restart.
    /unban (PID) Unbans a player without a server restart.

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