Holdfast: Nations At War | Admin Commands

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    Console Commands

    Some commands take arguments that determine how they behave. You've already seen one example of this - the server_admin_password above is an argument to the login command. Another would be setting God Mode on the servers.

    rc set characterGodMode 1 Enables god mode, the argument is 1.

    rc set characterGodMode 0 Disables god mode, the argument is 0.

    Where commands take arguments, they will be listed in angle brackets (<argument>). In some cases, arguments are optional. These will be surrounded by square brackets ([<optionalArgument>]). Where more than one optional argument is available, all arguments up to the desired argument must be given.

    e.g. For a command of the form rc command <argument1> [<optional1>] [<optional2>] [<optional3>], to use <optional2>, we must also provide <optional1>. Arguments will be listed in the form argument (type): description, where argument is the name of the argument, type indicates the form the argument takes, and finally a description of the argument. Possible types of argument are:

    String: Any amount of text
    Boolean: true or false
    Integer: A non-floating point number (i.e. no decimals)
    Float: A floating point number (i.e. has decimals)
    List: A specific list of options that will be provided (e.g. faction choices of British, Prussian, or French)


    • Some arguments will require numbers representing a position or rotation. These can be worked out in game by typing get in the console to give the current player's position and rotation.
    • Some arguments will require the ID of a player. This is visible in the Admin/Mute Players Window (reached by pressing P by default), or by using the command rc playerlist.
    • All remote commands can be added into your Server Configuration file for each map rotation, so you can automatically run commands when the map is selected. For example, you may want to always spawn 100 bots on a certain map for training purposes.

    Top Level Commands

    Command Description Arguments
    game <MapName> <mapRotationIndexToOverload> [<GameMode> <AttackerFaction> <DefendingFaction>] Change level to <MapName> using the settings defined in <mapRotationIndexToOverload>.

    Optional overloads <GameMode>, <AttackerFaction> and <DefendingFaction>.

    e.g. rc game BlackForest 2

    • MapName (String): Name of the map, same as in a server config file
    • <mapRotationIndexToOverload> (Integer): map rotation number
    • GameMode (String): game mode to use (optional)
    • AttackerFaction (String): attacking faction to use (optional)
    • DefendingFaction (String): defending faction to use (optional)
    help [<command>] Display help text about console commands

    e.g. rc help get

    command (String): Optionally provide another command name to get further help on that specific command.
    broadcast <message> Send an admin message to all players on the server (can also be done in Admin chat with /bc <message>)

    e.g. rc broadcast Live at 18:30

    message (String): The text you want to broadcast. Subsequent calls to this will immediately replace the current message.
    carbonPlayers <command> [<arguments>] Bot controls. For more details see the section on Bot Commands See the section on Bot Commands
    cls Clear the console. Useful if you're recording and want to clear your admin password before starting. N/A
    fileReloader <fileType> Allows reloading of server configuration files without a server reboot. Useful for refreshing ban lists or tweaking map rotations.

    e.g. rc fileReloader serverConfigFile

    fileType (List): One of the following options.
    • serverConfigFile: The Server Configuration file
    • blackWhiteLists: The blacklist / whitelist
    • bannedPlayers: Banned players file
    • bannedMachines: Banned machines file
    • mutePlayersVoip: The VOIP muted players file
    • mutePlayersChat: The chat muted players file
    • all: Loads all but the Server Configuration.
    get [<variable>] Fetches the value of a server setting (or all values if no variable provided). See Configuration Variables

    e.g. rc get characterGodMode

    variable (List): See Configuration Variables
    mapRotation <index> Switches to the map configuration specified in the Server Configuration file.

    e.g. rc mapRotation 1

    index (Integer): The number of the rotation to switch to. The first in the file is 1, the second 2, etc.
    playerlist [mode] List the players connected to the server mode (String): One of the following options:
    • connected: (default) List players that are connected to the server (both spawned and not spawned in)
    • ingame: List players that are currently mid-round (spawned in)
    • not-ingame: List players who aren't in-game (not spawned in, not on scoreboard)
    scorelog Prints out a score log including a list of who killed who N/A
    serverAdmin <command> <ID> Server admin commands. All generally accessible through the in-game "P" menu.

    e.g. rc serverAdmin slay 14

    command (List): One of the following commands.
    • ban
    • kick
    • chatMute
    • chatUnmute
    • voipMute
    • voipUnmute
    • permChatMute
    • permVoipMute
    • slay

    ID (Integer): The ID of the player to affect

    set <variable> <value> Sets the value of a server setting. See Configuration Variables

    e.g. rc set characterGodMode 1

    variable (List): See Configuration Variables

    value (?): The value and its type will depend on the variable used.

    teleport <target/s> <destination> Teleports a specified player / set of players to another position on the map.

    e.g. rc teleport me 200.5,11.1,435

    target/s (Integer): The ID of the player


    target/s (String): Either me, all, defending, or attacking

    destination (Floats): The X,Y,Z co-ordinate in space for the teleport - the Y co-ordinate is height, so try to drop them gently!


    destination (String): Can be set to me to spawn on the player

    emplacementLimit <emplacement> <side> <limit> Sets the number of emplacements of a particular type that are buildable for each team emplacement (List): An Emplacement Type

    side (List): Either attacking or defending

    limit (Integer): The limit to set

    restart <parameter> Restarts the server based on a parameter parameter (List): Either status, now, or cancel
    vehiclesSpawn <numhorses> [<faction>] [<cavalryClass>] Spawns riderless horses numhorses (Integer): The number to spawn

    faction (List): British, French, or Prussian

    cavalryClass (List): CuirassierDragoon or Hussar

    vehiclesDespawn <ID> Despawn a horse ID' (Integer): The ID of the horse to despawn.
    vehiclesManager <command> [<arguments>] Server management for spawned horses (similar to bot controls) See section on Horse Bot Commands

    Configuration Variables

    There are a number of server-side variables that can be tweaked which affect how the game behaves. These generally carry over between map rotations, so once they're set they can only be reset manually or by restarting the server. A recommendation for server owners would be to add the appropriate commands to set defaults into their starter map rotation (such as Training Grounds) so that they can restore the settings without a restart. See Server Configuration for how to do this.

    Typing rc get will list the full set of variables and their current values. The ones listed below are those likely to be of use to server admins.

    As of version 0.38, all settings below can be reset to their default values by issuing the command rc set default. This is useful to insert into specific map rotations as an easy reset.

    Game Settings

    Command Description Arguments Default
    default Resets all settings to default. Does not take an argument N/A
    characterGodMode <setting> GOD MODE for characters setting (List): 0 to enable, 1 to enable for all players, 2 to enable for attackers, 3 to enable for defenders 0
    allowFriendlyDamageDefences <enable> If enabled, friendly players may destroy the emplacements created by their own faction enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    characterFallDamageEnabled <enable> Toggles players' fall damage enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable true
    forceFirstPersonMode <enable> Toggles forced first person mode enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    allowFiring <enable> Toggles the ability for players to shoot with firearms enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable true
    meleeArenaAllowShooting <enable> Toggles the ability for players to shoot with firearms in meleearena enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    drawCannonPathTrajectories <enable> Draw Cannon Path Trajectories enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    drawFirearmTrajectories <enable> Broadcasts debug info to the clients when a player shoots a firearm. If you want to clear existing trajectories, get people to shoot into the ground in first person (i.e. bury the trajectories) before turning off. enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    broadcastMeleeDebugDataStrikeInfo <enable> Broadcasts hit info for the melee debug data to debug melee strikes enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    allowPreviewAnimations <enable> Allows usage of the preview animations on the clients (dance, etc...) enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    lanternsAsProjectiles <enable> Allows usage of hand held lanterns as artillery projectiles enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    maxDistanceAllowedForHealing <distance> Specifies the max distance for surgeon heals distance (Float): The healing distance 2
    fullPlayerHealingProcessTime Specifies the full time in seconds for a full healing process to finish time (Float): The time in seconds 10
    voiceChatEnabled <enable> Specifies whether voice chat is enabled or not enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable true
    voiceChatEnabled <faction> Specifies whether voice chat is enabled for a certain faction enable (faction): Attacking to enable for attackers only, Defending to enable for defenders only. Both
    voiceChat3D <enable> Specifies the spatial settings of the Voice Chat players enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable true
    attackingFactionMaterialPoints <materials> Set the material points for the attacking faction (for Sapper building) materials (Integer): The number of materials to assign 50
    defendingFactionMaterialPoints <materials> Set the material points for the defending faction (for Sapper building) materials (Integer): The number of materials to assign 50
    spawnSectionsCapturable <enable> Toggles the ability to make spawn capture points capturable enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable true
    autoWeatherRotation <enable> Specifies whether the server switches the weather automatically at random intervals enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    characterRespawnTime Instructs the clients to change the respawn time. If lower than 5 may still show a 5s progress bar. time (Float): The time in seconds 5
    explosionScaleMultiplier <multiplier> Specifies the explosion scale multiplier multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    ragdollForceMultiplier <multiplier> Specifies the ragdoll effects multiplier multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    orderSystemEnabled <enable> Toggles the officer order system. Defaults to true. enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable true
    instantBuildMode <enable> Toggles instant emplacement building. enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable true
    crouchToStrikeDelay Set minimum delay between going from crouch to melee strike (Default: 0.1 = transition time from crouch to combat stance). time (Float): The time in seconds 0.1
    characterMeleeBlockToIdleDelay The duration it takes for a pressed block to return to idle ('block lingering')  
    characterMeleeBlockLingerToStrikeMinDelay The duration after which you are allowed to exit 'block lingering' to perform a strike (default 0.05). Lower to make feints quicker, increase to slow down feinting. time (Float): The time in seconds  
    characterMeleeBlockToBlockWindow Time window in which you are allowed to directly switch to a block after letting go off another block. time (Float): The time in seconds  
    characterMeleeHitOpponentStunTime The duration of a melee hit stun time (Float): The time in seconds  
    show_serverperformance_warning <enable> Toggles the server performance indicators. enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable true

    Cavalry Management

    Command Description Arguments Default
    vehicleHorseForAll <enable> Allows all characters to ride horses enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    vehicleHorseForOfficer <enable> Allows officers to ride horses enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    useSpecialHorseVariants <enable> Spawn the holiest of horses enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    secondsToPassAfterDismounted Despawn time for a horse after the death/dismount of his rider. time (Float): The time in seconds 30
    secondsSpawnedBeforeDespawn Defines the time a horse needs to have been alive before it gets despawned. time (Float): The time in seconds 60
    secondsToPassAfterHealthUpdated Defines the time required to pass before a horse is despawned after it has been damaged. If the timer was at 5 seconds, it will reset back to the defined time. time (Float): The time in seconds 15

    Character Movement

    Command Description Arguments Default
    characterJumpForce <force> The jump force of the characters force (Float): A multiplier value 1
    characterRunSpeed <multiplier> The run speed of the characters (multiplies with below options) multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    characterRunForwardSpeed <multiplier> The forward run speed of the characters multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    characterRunStrafeSpeed <multiplier> The strafe run speed of the characters multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    characterRunBackwardsSpeed <multiplier> The backwards run speed of the characters multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    characterWalkSpeed <multiplier> The walk speed of the characters (multiplies with below options). This will also apply when walking while holding objects (e.g. ammo boxes) multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    characterWalkForwardSpeed <multiplier> The forward walk speed of the characters multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    characterWalkStrafeSpeed <multiplier> The strafe walk speed of the characters multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    characterWalkBackwardsSpeed <multiplier> The backwards walk speed of the characters multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    ladderMoverSpeedMultiplier <multiplier> Multiplies ladder mover speed multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    ladderMoverRotationMultiplier <multiplier> Multiplies ladder mover rotation multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    rocketMoverSpeedMultiplier <multiplier> Multiplies rocket mover speed multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    rocketMoverRotationMultiplier <multiplier> Multiplies rocket mover rotation multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1


    Command Description Arguments Default
    characterInfiniteFirearmAmmo <enable> Toggles infinite firearm ammo for testing purposes enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    characterWeaponDamageScale <scale> Sets the scale of the damage that weapons do (NOT CURRENTLY WORKING) scale (Float): A multiplier value 1
    characterWeaponApplyHorizontalDeviation <enable> Specifies whether the firearm weapons apply horizontal deviation enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable true
    characterWeaponFirearmApplyDrop <enable> Specifies whether hand weapons can damage DamageableObjects (does not appear to be implemented) enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable true
    characterMeleeBlockStunTime The duration of a melee block stun time (Float): The time in seconds 0.8
    characterMeleeHitOpponentStunTime The duration of a melee hit stun time (Float): The time in seconds 0.35
    characterMeleeInterruptedStunTime The duration of a melee interrupted stun time (Float): The time in seconds 0.4
    characterMaimedTime The duration of a maim time (Float): The time in seconds 1.5
    characterSecondaryAttackMaimedTime The duration of a maim from secondary attack (shove/kick) time (Float): The time in seconds 0.45
    characterMaimedMovementTime The duration of a maim movement time (Float): The time in seconds 0.45
    characterSecondaryAttackTime The duration of a secondary attack duration time (Float): The time in seconds 0.85
    secondaryAttackCooldownDuration The duration of the cooldown between secondary attacks time (Float): The time in seconds 1
    meleeChambering <enable> Toggles melee chambering enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable true
    allowBlocking <enable> Make it possible to disable melee blocks enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable true
    allowWeaponHoldSwapOverride <enable> Server administrators are now able to allow players to change to another weapon direction while blocking is disabled. enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    characterExplosiveFirearms <enable> Enables or disables the ability for firearms to shoot exploading projectiles. enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false


    Command Description Arguments Default
    cannonMoverSpeedMultiplier <multiplier> Multiplies cannon mover speed. Note this will also affect cannon recoil! multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    cannonMoverRotationMultiplier <multiplier> Multiplies cannon mover rotation multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    allowAmmoSelectorUIDebugShow <enable> Allows players to use the debugging ammo selector panel. This is bound to O by default and will open an instant artillery ammo selection panel. enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    pathProjectileVelocity <value> Sets the path velocity of the rocket projectile with given input value (Float): Value to set 145
    rocketProjectileVelocity <value> Sets the velocity of the rocket projectile with given input value (Float): Value to set 22
    rocketProjectileGravity <value> Change gravity of the rocket value (Float): Value to set 40
    rocketProjectileDamageRadius <value> The radius of the rocket projectile's impact value (Float): Value to set 3
    rocketProjectileRandomizedInterval <value> The frequency of random positioning of the projectile in seconds value (Float): Value to set 2
    rocketProjectileDeviation <value> Set a positive value that can be used to randomize the flight deviation value (Float): Value to set 5
    mortarProjectileDamageRadius <value> Set a positive value that can be used for mortar aoe damage value (Float): Value to set 3.5
    mortarProjectileVelocity <value> Set a positive value that can be used for mortar projectile velocity value (Float): Value to set 60
    artyProjectileBounceSpeedReduction <value> Set a positive value that can be used for bounce slowdowns value (Float): Value to set 0.666


    Command Description Arguments Default
    shipDrivingFieldsScale <scale> Specifies the scale of the fields that are used when driving ships. Multiplies their speed. scale (Float): A multiplier value 1
    shipFlyMode <enable> Interplentary travel! Enable ships to fly. enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable false
    windDirectionAffectsShipSpeed <enable> Specifies whether the wind direction affects the speed of the ships enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable true
    rowboatSpawnHoldInteractionTime Rowboat spawning action duration time (Float): The time in seconds 5
    rowboatSpawnHoldInteractionTimeWhileSinking Rowboat spawning action duration while sinking time (Float): The time in seconds 0.5
    rowboatCooldownBetweenSpawns Rowboat spawning delay between spawns time (Float): The time in seconds 120
    rowboatCooldownBetweenSpawnsWhileSinking Rowboat spawning delay between spawns while sinking time (Float): The time in seconds 5
    shipSailWindUnitMultiplier <multiplier> Wind affect potency on the sails multiplier multiplier (Float): A multiplier value 1
    renderOcean <enable> Toggles the ocean rendering enable (Boolean): true to enable, false to disable true

    Nature Settings

    These settings will allow you to change the time of day and weather of the current map.


    These commands should be prefixed with rc nature time.

    e.g. To enable dynamic time, rc nature time dynamicTime true

    Command Description Arguments
    timeOfDay Sets the time of day to the specified hour time (Float): The hour in a 24 hour clock. i.e. 12 is midday, 23 is 11pm midnight
    dynamicTime <enable> Enabled dynamic time enable (boolean): true to enable, false to disable
    dynamicTimeSpeed <speed> Sets the rate of change of dynamic time speed (Float): Looks to be a scale of hours per second. Set it to 12 and watch night turn into day into night into day ...


    These commands should be prefixed with rc nature weather.

    e.g. To set the wind direction to North, rc nature weather wind direction North

    Command Description Arguments
    preset <name> [<transitionTime>] Set the weather to one of the defined presets name (List): The name of the preset to select from the list here

    transitionTime (Float): The length of time in s for the change to happen over (defaults to 1s)

    wind strength <value> Set the strength of the wind Z value (Float): The wind strength to set
    wind direction <value> Set the direction of the wind Z value (List): One of North, NorthEast, East, SouthEast, South, SouthWest, West, NorthWest
    atmosphere temperature <value> Set the temperature. Affects snow cover on ground and type of precipitation (snow, rain) value (Float): Degrees
    atmosphere fallIntensity <value> Set the rainfall intensity value (Float): A range between 0 and 1
    fog enabled <enable> Toggle fog on the map enable (boolean): true to enable, false to disable
    fog visibility <value> The level of visibility in fog. The larger the number, the thinner the fog. value (Float): Visibility in m
    ocean choppinesss <value> Ocean choppiness value (Float): The rollin' of the ocean
    ocean depth <value> Ocean depth value (Float): How low can you go
    Weather Presets
    • Custom
    • Calm
    • Storm
    • Fog
    • Snowy
    • CalmRain
    • Calm2
    • Calm3
    • Calm4
    • Fog2
    • Fog3
    • Random

    Bot Commands

    Holdfast has some fairly dumb bots. While they won't put up a fight, they are useful for testing ranges, or just satisfying your need to kill. All commands are prefixed with rc carbonPlayers . Note that most commands apply to all bots, except where a bot could literally not follow the command (non-flagbearers switching to a BearingFlag for example).

    e.g. To spawn 50 bots you would issue the command rc carbonPlayers spawn 50.

    Command Description Arguments
    spawn <number> [<interval>] Spawn a number of bots on the server. Bots spawn (and respawn) as random classes and factions distributed across spawn points. number (Integer): The number of bots to spawn

    interval (Integer): Seconds between each spawn. Defaults to 0.

    disperse Randomly disperse bots over the map N/A
    join Join all of the bots in the centre of the map N/A
    forceInputAxis <enable> Toggles whether the bots shuffle around randomly, or respond to the value set by inputAxis enable (boolean): true to enable, false to disable
    forceInputRotation <enable> Toggles whether the bots spin around randomly, or respond to the value set by inputRotation enable (boolean): true to enable, false to disable
    inputAxis <sideways> <forwards> Sets the movement inputs for ALL bots sideways (Float): The amount of strafe input in the range -1 to +1. Positive is to the right.

    forwards (Float): The amount of forward/backward input in the range -1 to +1. Positive is forwards.

    inputRotation <rotation> Sets the direction for ALL bots to face direction (Float): The direction in degrees taken from North. i.e. 90 is East, 180 South, etc.
    playerAction <action> Tells all bots to take a certain action action (List): See the list of actions.
    switchWeapon [<weapon>] Tell all bots to switch to this weapon (if they have it in their loadout) weapon (List): See the list of weapons. With no argument will switch between fists and firearm.
    voicePhrase <phrase> Bots will should this phrase phrase (List): See the list of voice phrases.
    voicePhraseRandom Bots will each shout a random phrase N/A
    meleeAttack <attack> Bots will do the specified melee attack (if holding a melee weapon). attack (List): One of MeleeStrikeHigh, MeleeStrikeLow, MeleeStrikeLeft, MeleeStrikeRight
    Bot Actions
    Action Description
    Action Description

    Horse Commands

    These commands will override ALL horses on the server, not just non-player horses.

    Holdfast has some fairly dumb bots. While they won't put up a fight, they are useful for testing ranges, or just satisfying your need to kill. All commands are prefixed with rc vehiclesManager.

    e.g. To set horse speed you would issue the command rc vehiclesManager cappedSpeed 2; vehiclesManager forceCappedSpeed true.

    Command Description Arguments
    forceInputAxis <enable> Toggles whether the horses respond to the value set by inputAxis enable (boolean): true to enable, false to disable
    inputAxis <sideways> <forwards> Sets the movement inputs for ALL horses sideways (Float): The amount of strafe input in the range -1 to +1. Positive is to the right.

    forwards (Float): The amount of forward/backward input in the range -1 to +1. Positive is forwards.

    interval (Integer): Seconds between each spawn. Defaults to 0.

    forceCappedSpeed <enable> Force a capped speed enable (boolean): true to enable, false to disable
    cappedSpeed <speed> Sets the capped speed speed (float): The speed to set
    forceRandomInputAxis <enable> Toggles whether the horses input should be set randomly by forcedRandomInputAxisIntervalX and forcedRandomInputAxisIntervalY enable (boolean): true to enable, false to disable
    forcedRandomInputAxisIntervalX <interval> Sets the time interval between randomly choosing a X-axis (left/right) input interval (Float): The time in seconds between changes.
    forcedRandomInputAxisIntervalY <interval> Sets the time interval between randomly choosing a Y-axis (forward/backward) input interval (Float): The time in seconds between changes.


    Command Description Arguments
    shipList List all spawned ships N/A
    spawnships <ShipType> <number> <Faction> [<colorvariation>] [<shipnameindex>] Spawns a number of ships for the given faction. If no faction specified, will randomly choose between British and French shiptype (List): A defined Ship Type

    number (Integer): The number of ships to spawn

    faction (List): Either British or French

    color variation (Integer): Determines the ship's color

    shipnameindex (Integer): Sets the ships name

    removeships <ID> Remove ships from the game selection (List): Either all or the ID of the specific ship to remove

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