Heat | Admin Commands

  • Heat Admin Commands, Heat, Admin Commands, admin commands, Admin commands
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    These server commands are only accessible by designated admins.

    Command Description
    /addXP [amount] (username) Gives [amount] xp to yourself or optionally (username).
    /ban [userName] (days|reason) Bans the desired player from the server. You can optionally specify the number of days and/or a reason.
    /banlist (userName) Lists the users that have been banned. Optionally searches by (username).
    /bottle [liquid] Bottles a liquid and adds it to the inventory.
    /build [shape] (radius) (material) Creates a shape out of blocks. Possible shapes are sphere,ball,cube,box,maze,plane,cylinder,spiral,pyramid,structure,structures
    /butcher (radius) ("silent") Kills all monsters and critters in a radius.
    /card Displays a list of available cards.
    /categoryList Lists out the names of all of the categories, for use with /giveCategory.
    /changeAppearance Opens the Character Customization menu
    /clearinv (userName) Clears the inventory of you or (username).
    /config Modify the server configuration. Displays entire config.
    /dailyInterest Displays the daily interest rate.
    /dawn Sets the game clock to sunrise
    /day Sets the game clock to the sun's peak.
    "high"|"off"|typeName] Turns debug logging on or off. This will show in the server console.
    /debugDecay Receive debug messages from the decay system.
    /debugwindow Opens/Closes the debug window.
    /do (emote) Perform an emote.
    /drought Makes every player and NPC dehydrated.
    /dusk Sets the game clock to sunset.
    /energize (userName) (amount) Energize yourself, or optionally (userName).
    /explore Explore the current state of the map.
    /famine Makes every player and NPC starve.
    /fishSpawning Enable or disable fish on your client.
    /fly (userName) Toggles fly mode for yourself or optionally (userName).
    /flySpawning Enable or disable flies on your client.
    /fps Displays information about the current frame rate of the server.
    /getpregnant (player) Makes you pregnant.
    /give Give an item to a player.
    /giveall Gives max of every item available.
    /giveCategory [search] Gives a full stack of all items belonging to the given search category
    /giveMaterial [material] Gives a full stack of all items belonging to the given material
    /giveSearch [search] Gives a full stack of all items containing the given search string
    /godmode (username) Enables godmode for yourself or (username).
    /guild [message] Sends a [message] to your guild.
    /heal (userName) Heals yourself or optionally (userName) to full health, and removes health realted status effects.
    /heat Maximize your heat level.
    /help (command) Displays info about commands or optionally about (command).
    /hud Displays a list of available HUDs.
    /hydrate (userName) Hydrates yourself or optionally (userName) to full hydration.
    /imitate [userName] [message] Forces a [userName] to say a [message].
    /infiniteCarry Sets your weight limit to max
    /inventory Displays a count of the cached inventory.
    /itemlist Lists out the names of all of the items, for use with /give.
    /kick [userName] Disconnects the specified player from the server.
    /killall (radius) ("silent") Kills all entities in a radius from you. Chests are not destroyed. Only objects in loaded pages will be killed.
    /killbyblueprint [blueprint] (radius) ("silent") Kills all entities in a radius from you. Everything with the blueprint specificed will be destroyed. Only objects in loaded pages will be killed.
    /killbytype [type] (radius) ("silent") Kills all entities in a radius from you. Everything with the type specificed will be destroyed. Only objects in loaded pages will be killed.
    /lag (millis) Causes the server to lag for 1 second or optionally (millis).
    /list Displays a list of online players.
    /logout Disconnects from the current server.
    /loop [count] [interval] [duration] (name) Repeats the previous [count] commands every second until [duration] seconds has passed. Enter -1 for infinite duration. Optionally you can repeat the command every (interval) seconds instead. If you specify a (name), this name can be used to stop the specific repeat.
    /me [message] Displays a custom message starting with your name.
    /menu Displays a list of available menus.
    /mute /help mute
    /night Sets the game clock to the sun's end.
    /notice [message] Shows a message from the server with [message].
    /notify [message] [closeText] Send a notification to with the given message and close text
    /nourish (userName) Nourishes yourself or optionally (userName) to full nourishment.
    /permission Change and modify user/group permissions.
    /ping Sends a ping to the server and it replys with a pong.
    /poll [userName(s)] [message] Shows a popup to all players on the server for text input.
    /pollTo [userName(s)] [message] Shows a popup to the specified players for text input.
    /popup [message] Shows a popup to all players on the server.
    /popupTo [userName(s)] [message] Shows a popup to the specified players.
    /pos (username) Shows what your or (username)'s current position is.
    /question [message] Shows a popup to all players on the server for a yes or no question.
    /questionTo [userName(s)] [message] Shows a popup to the specified players for a yes or no question.
    "force"] Exits the game. If the "now" option is provided, the application will exit without asking first. If the "force" option is provided instead, the application will exit immediately without asking.
    /registry Change and modify registered users.
    /relog Disconnects and attempts to relog into the same server.
    /repeat (interval) (count) [command/text] Enters a [command/text] every second or optionally every (interval) seconds. Can optionally only repeat (count) times.
    /report [username] Submit a short report of the specified player's cheats or exploits.
    /research Displays the available research blueprints.
    /save Forces a save to occurr right now. This does not reschedule the next auto save.
    /serverInfo Broadcast the servers info to the player who sent the command.
    /servertimeonline Returns the server's total time online.
    /servertimesession Returns the server's current session time.
    /setmove Set movement properties.
    /setpathctrl Set path controller properties.
    /setWeightLimit [amount] Sets your weight limit
    /shownametags Toggles name tags above players heads.
    /shutdown Saves and stops the server. /restart will show a restart notice instead of a shutdown.
    /stophunger (userName) Stops Hunger on yourself or optionally (userName).
    /stoploop (name) Stops the previously started loop. Optionally you can specify the name of the loop if one was given to the loop when it was started.
    /stoprepeats Stops all repeating commands that are currently running.
    /stopthirst (userName) Stops Thirst on yourself or optionally (userName).
    /suicide Kills yourself.
    /temperature Display the global temperature.
    /time Controls the world's time. Use a /help time for full list
    /tp Teleports the player to a desired location.
    /tpl [location] Teleports the player to a alias location.
    /tpllist Lists all Teleport location.
    /tplr [location] Removes an alias.
    /tplset [location] Sets the current position to an alias, will overwrite previous.
    /transferLand [player] Transfer land to a player
    index] Unbans the desired player on the server. You can optionally provide an index from the /banlist command.
    /uninjure Fixes Injuries.
    /unstick Unstick attached entities.
    /vacuum Takes the breath away from all players and NPCs.
    /version Displays the current version of the game.
    /videofly Toggles flying camera mode.
    /weather Overrides the weather for the world. Use a /help weather for full list
    /whitelist Allow specific players to log in while the whitelist is enabled.
    /wipe ("all") Wipes and restarts the server. If the "all" flag is present, player names, levels, and blueprints are also lost.


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