Mordhau | RCON Commands and How to Use RCON

  • Mordhau RCon Commands and How to use RCon, Mordhau, mordhau, RCon Commands and How to use RCon, Mordhau RCon Commands, Mordhau How to use RCon, Mordhau RCon, Rcon, RCON, rcon, RCon
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    The RCON Commands can be run by using:

    • Our Gamepanel's 'Scheduled Task' system (this method allows you to automate them)
    • Run manually at any time of your choosing with the 'RCON Client' function of the Gamepanel found inside the "Current Activity and Stats" menu
    • Using a third party tool such as mcrcon (Created by Tiiffi and available here: micron )


    Command Description


    Provides a list of these commands.


    Prevents the connection from being timed out due to inactivity. Only usually necessary if you are not listening to any broadcasts (see above), or the server has been inactive for too long.

    listen <Type> <Start/Stop>

    This command will allow you to toggle listening for broadcasted data from the server. Supported types: all login, matchstate, killfeed, scorefeed, chat


    Retrieve a list of what types of broadcasts you are listening for


    Displays a list of PlayfabID's for all current admins


    Displays a list of PlayfabID's for all current bans and their duration


    Displays a list of PlayfabID's for all current mutes and their duration


    Displays a list of PlayfabID's for all players on the server, displaying their name, ping, and team (if applicable).


    Displays a list of all of the current maps in the map rotation, as well as their ArrayIndex.

    addmap <MapName> <ArrayIndex> <UpdateConfig>

    Adds a map to the map rotation. For MapName see Server Map Names. ArrayIndex would be the position you wish to insert the map (see the ArrayIndex from maplist), you can set this to 0 to place at the top. UpdateConfig is a boolean, setting to True would save the change to the Game.ini file, False would hold it in memory only.

    removemap <MapName> <UpdateConfig>

    Removes a map from the map rotation. See the maplist command for the valid map name to use. UpdateConfig is a boolean, setting to True would save the change to the Game.ini file, False would hold it in memory only.

    addadmin <PlayerName/PlayfabID>

    Adds a player or PlayfabID to the list of admins.

    removeadmin <PlayerName/PlayfabID>

    Remove a player or PlayfabID from the list of admins.

    addbots <Amount> <Team>

    Adds the specified amount of bots to the server. The team is 0 by default for non-team modes, otherwise 0 for the Red team, and 1 for the Blue Team.

    removebots <Amount> <Team>

    Removes the specified amount of bots from the server. The team is 0 by default for non-team modes, otherwise 0 for the Red team, and 1 for the Blue Team.

    changelevel <MapName>

    Changes the current map to the specified Map. For a list of valid maps see Server Map Names.

    say <Message>

    Send a generic message as the server

    customsay <Message> <MessageType>

    Currently disabled/non-functional.

    string <String>

    Used for modding.

    event <EventName>

    Used for modding.

    spawnserveractor <ActorPath> <Transform>

    Used for modding.

    kick <PlayerName/PlayfabID> <Reason>

    Kicks the specified player or PlayfabID for the given reason. Player name can only be used if the player is currently on the server.

    ban <PlayerName/PlayfabID> <Reason> <Duration>

    Bans the specified player or PlayfabID for the given reason and duration. Duration must be an integer, in minutes. Player name can only be used if the player is currently on the server.

    unban <PlayFabID>

    Unbans a specified PlayfabID.

    mute <PlayerName/PlayfabID> <Duration>

    Mutes the specified player or PlayfabID for the given duration. Duration must be an integer, in minutes. Player name can only be used if the player is currently on the server.

    unmute <PlayFabID>

    Unmutes a specified PlayfabID.


    Displays the current scoreboard on the server. Output is as follows: PLAYFABID, NAME, TEAM (0 for Red or No Team, 1 for Blue -1 for spectator), LEVEL/MMR (0 for unranked or bot), SCORE, KILLS, DEATHS, ASSISTS


    Displays the current server info. HostName, ServerName, Version, GameMode and Map.


    Returns server performance statistics - minimum, average and maximum tick rate

    writetoconsole <Message>

    Displays a message in the console, that won't be seen by players.

    changeteam <PlayerName/PlayfabID> <Team>

    Changes the team of the specified Player or PlayfabID. The team is 0 for the Red team and 1 for the Blue team. It cannot be used to force a player into Spectator.

    modifyinivar <File name> <Section name> <Variable name> <Value> <Type>

    The file name should be 'game' or 'engine'. The section name and variable name must match an INI heading and value from that file. Supported types: bool, int, float, string, text, vector2d, vector, rotator, color


    Will output how many seconds are remaining on the current match.

    extendmatchduration <Duration in seconds>

    Allows you to extend the current match duration, Duration must be in Seconds.

    setmotd <Url>

    Must link to a valid Markdown file, see MOTD Markdown Guide

    teleportplayer <PlayerName/PlayfabID> <x=#,y=#,z=#>

    Teleports the specified Player or PlayfabID to the coordinates provided. Must be provided in the format: x=#,y=#,z=# . You can get these coordinates from the SDK, or using in-game console commands such as ShowDebug CAMERA

    killplayer <PlayerName/PlayfabID>

    Kills the specified Player or PlayfabID. The player must be on the server to function.

    getteamdamage <PlayerName/PlayfabID>

    Displays the current team damage of a specified Player or PlayfabID. Must be a team mode, and player must be on the server.

    renameplayer <PlayerName/PlayfabID> <New name>

    Renames the specified Player or PlayfabID to the new name.

    chatlog <Num messages to retrieve>

    Returns the specified number of recent chat messages. You should use the Chat Listen Broadcast instead (see above) to get a real-time feed of chat messages.


    Shuts down the server



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