7 Days to Die | Delete a player from the server

  • 7 Days to Die Delete a player from the server, Delete a player from the server, Delete player, 7 Days to Die, 7 days to die
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    NEW - Alpha 20+

    In the file manager under Saves and your world, there is a Players.xml file and a Player folder. In there, if you find the entries relating to the specific player's Epic Online Services ID, and delete them that should remove the specific player's data for you.

    Epic Online Services ID can be found in the server logs when the player is connecting to the server. It will look something like this:

    2022-05-18T00:33:20 10342.766 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=186, PltfmId='Steam_76561198250305574', CrossId='EOS_000222ff4b0c4d3db6b6f135f72f2cf0', OwnerID='Steam_76561198250305574', PlayerName='beckron99'

    The Epic Online Services ID is the "Cross ID" ergo: "EOS_000222ff4b0c4d3db6b6f135f72f2cf0"

    1. Go to your Gamepanel and open the file manager.

    2. Navigate to Saves\YourWorldName\YourSaveName\Player

    3. Find <Epic Online Services ID>.ttp and <Epic Online Services ID>.ttp.bak and <Epic Online Services ID>.map

    4. Delete all three.

    5. Go back to the Gamepanel and start your server.


    OLD - PRE ALPHA 20

    In the file manager under Saves and your world, there is a Players.xml file and a Player folder. In there, if you find the entries relating to the specific player's Steam ID, and delete them that should remove the specific player's data for you.

    1. Go to your Gamepanel and open the file manager.

    2. Navigate to Saves\YourWorldName\YourSaveName\Player

    3. Find <PlayersSteamID64>.ttp and <PlayersSteamID64>.ttp.bak

    4. Delete both.

    5. Go back to the Gamepanel and start your server.

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