Arma Cold War Assault / Operation Flashpoint | Server Configuration

  • Arma Cold War Assault / Operation Flashpoint Server Configuratio, arma cold war assault / operation flashpoint server configuratio, Arma Cold War Assault / Operation Flashpoint, arma cold war assault / operation flashpoint, Server Configuration, server configuration
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    It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Arma Cold War Assault / Operation Flashpoint Server. Just follow the steps below.

    1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
    2. Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'server.cfg'
    3. Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.

    passwordAdmin = "Kdgc4"; //Admin password, which must be entered by any admin who wants to sign into admin status and perform admin commands

    password = ""; //Server password, when set, must be entered by anyone who wants to join the server

    hostname="Arma - CWA Server"; //Server name, exactly as it will be displayed in the server browser

    steamport =2302;    //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly

    steamqueryport        =2303;    //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly



    "                                            ",

    "   Welcome to another Pingperfect gameserver",

    "              ",

    "             Purchase your server now       ",

    "             Have a Good Game               ",

    "                                            ",

    }; // Welcome message (Message of the day, MOTD) as it will be displayed on the server

    motdInterval=1;    //The time interval between when the welcome message (Message of the Day) is displayed

    3rdPersonView=2; //Switch from 1st and 3rd person

    maxCustomFileSize=200000; //Self-explanatory, maximum custom file size

    voteThreshold=0.33; // when one third agrees, this is enough to confirm a vote

    reportingIP=""; // private server - no reporting

    voteMissionPlayers=1; // start voting when 3 players connect

    checkfiles[]={"HWTL\dta\data3d.pbo","dta\data3d.pbo"}; //list of files to check for identity

    kickduplicate=1; // do not allow duplicate id 

    maxPlayers = 1; // maximum allowed players on server

    equalModRequired=0; // require equal mod




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