ARMA 2 | Server Configuration

  • ARMA 2 Server Configuration, arma 2 server configuration, ARMA 2, arma 2, Server Configuration, server configuration
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    It's easy to configure your Pingperfect ARMA 2 Server. Just follow the steps below.

    1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
    2. Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'default\config.cfg'
    3. Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.

    // Password for private servers. Uncomment this if you wish to run a private server

    // password = "my password"; 



    Password to protect admin access

    type: #login mypassword 

    in ingame client chatbox to login as admin

    type: #missions 

    in ingame client chatbox to display the mission list


    passwordAdmin = "2112"; 


    // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list




    Message of the day. It can be several lines, separated by comma

    empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval




    "Welcome to my server name",

    "hello world",



    // Time interval (in seconds) between each message of the day




    25% or more players need to vote for mission to become effective

    set to 1.5 to turn off missions voting





    Maximum amount of server slots

    server will always display 64 slots if maxPlayers is >64 and server is empty





    Gamespy reporting url for public server list inclusion

    use for LAN server





    If specified player connects/disconnects and player id are written to file.

    log file is persistant and appends data on server restart.





    Specifies the mission rotation and related difficulty settings.

    leave blank i.e   class Missions {};

    to enable player's selection from mission list & difficulty settings

    (voted on if no admin logged in)


    class Missions


    class Mission_01   // name for the mission, can be anything


    template = mymission.Chernarus; // omit the .pbo suffix


    difficulty: recruit, regular, veteran & expert 

    as specified in *.Arma2profile


    difficulty = "regular";   


    The following options are seen in the lobby of a multiplayer game. These 

    options can be useful for setting time limits and score limits in such games 

    as Capture the Flag and Death Matches. Other popular uses include 

    accelerate time, setting the mission difficulty or switching the intro on/off.


    param1 =   

    param2 = 


    class Mission_02


    template = anothermission.Chernarus; 

    difficulty = "veteran";

    param1 =   

    param2 = 




    // If class missions is blank start voting when 1 players connect.



    // Do not allow players with duplicate ids to connect



    // If set to 1 players must use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server.



    // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available




    Quality from 1 to 10

    refer to: 

    for codec info. 7 is the best.





    Set the timestamp format used on each report line in server-side RPT file.

    possible values are:

    none (default), short & full





    Enables persistent battlefield

    dependent on the mission specifiying persistence, otherwise has no effect.

    missions must contain either instant respawn or base respawn options located in the missions description.ext file





    Enables signature verification for addons

    this will prevent pbo hacks by only allowing pbos that pass servers public key checks




    // Signature timeout fix



    // See ArmA Biki for additional signature commands


    // EOF


    Looking for a game server host known for brilliant 24/7 customer support and quality hardware?  

    Try a Pingperfect Arma 2 server today!  


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