It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Call of Duty United Offensive Server. Just follow the steps below.
- Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
- Select the 'Configuration Editor' option next to 'uo\team.cfg'
- Refer to the Configuration settings below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.
svhostname: My COD:UO Server //Server name displayed to users and on server lists
admin: Your Name //Name of the Server administrator
adminemail: //Email address of the server administrator
clan: //Your clan name
website: //Your website
scrmotd: Welcome to another gameserver //Set your message of the day to be displayed upon logging in
irc: //Your IRC channel
location: //Location of server (city)
Server Settings
svpunkbuster: //Punkbuster enabled
svpure: //Enable this to verify server and client side files. This can be used to help prevent hacked clients from connecting
ggamespy: //Enable displaying the server on gamespy master servers
scrbattlerank: //Enable rank advancement
scrdrawfriend: //Draw a team icon over teammates
scrforcerespawn: //Force respawning - DM & TDM
ggametype: //Change the gametype: bel - Behind Enemy Lines dm - Deathmatch re - Retrieval sd - Search and Destroy tdm - Team Deathmatch ctf - Capture the Flag dom - Domination bas - Base Assault
scrfreelook: //Allow spectators to roam freely
scrkillcam: //Show where the player who killed you is after you die
scrspectateenemy: //Allow spectators to view enemies
logfile: games_mp.log //Logfile name
glogsync: //Enable this to write new log entries immediately to the new file. Disable this to buffer log writes.
scrshellshock: //Enable shell shock
scrfriendlyfire: //Friendly fire damage
svminPing: 0 //Minimum allowed ping
svmaxPing: 250 //Maximum allowed ping
svzombietime: 5 //Set zombie time
scrteambalance: 0 //Control team balancing. Set this to 0 to disable, otherwise the server will balance teams within the given number of players
scrdrophealth: // Allow players to drop a health pack when killed
svobituary: //Set the display of obituary announcements
rconpassword: //RCON Password
gpassword: //Password to join game server
svprivateclients: 0 //Max number of server slots reserved for players with the private password
svprivatePassword: //Password to join private reserved slots
Voting Settings
All voting settings are either YES or NO
Weapon Settings
All weapon settings are either YES or NO
Vehicle Settings
All vehicle settings are either YES or NO
Base Assault Settings
scrbasclearscoreeachround: //Clear the team and player scores at the beginning of each round
scrbasscorelimit: //Control team balancing. Enabling this will balance teams within the given number of players
scrbasendrounddelay: 10 //Sets the delay in seconds after a round ends.
scrbasrespawnwavetime: 10 //Sets the time in seconds between wave respawns.
scrbasroundlength: 30 //Sets the map round length in minutes
scrbasroundlimit: 2 //Sets the maximum number of round wins per map
scrbasstartrounddelay: 15 //Sets the delay in seconds before a round begins.
scrbastimelimit: 20 //Sets the round length in minutes. This can range from 0 to 1,440 minutes.
Behind Enemy Lines Settings
scrbelalivepointtime: 10 //Number of seconds to get a point for staying alive as allied
scrbelscorelimit: 50 //Sets the map score limit
scrbeltimelimit: 30 //Sets the map time limit in minutes. This can range from 0 to 1,440 minutes
Capture the Flag Settings
scrctfclearscoreeachround: //Clear the team and player scores at the beginning of each round
scrctfshowoncompass: //Show flag carriers on the client's compass
scrctfendrounddelay: 10 //Sets the delay in seconds after a round ends
scrctfroundlength: 20 //Sets the map round length in minutes
scrctfroundlimit: 0 //Sets the maximum number of round wins per map
scrctfscorelimit: 7 //Sets the map team score limit per map
scrctfstartrounddelay: 10 //Sets the delay in seconds before a round begins.
scrctftimelimit: 20 //Sets the round length in minutes. This can range from 0 to 1,440 minutes.
Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch Settings
scrdmscorelimit: 50 //Sets the map score limit
scrdmtimelimit: 30 //Sets the map time limit in minutes. This can range from 0 to 1,440 minutes
Domination Settings
scrdomclearscoreeachround: //Clear the team and player scores at the beginning of each round
scrdomendrounddelay: 10 //Sets the delay in seconds after a round ends
scrdomrespawnwavetime: 10 //Sets the time in seconds between wave respawns
scrdomroundlength: 10 //Sets the map round length in minutes
scrdomroundlimit: 0 //Sets the maximum number of round wins per map
scrdomstartrounddelay: 10 //Sets the delay in seconds before a round begins
scrdomscorelimit: 7 //Sets the score limit per round
scrdomtimelimit: 30 //Sets the round length in minutes. This can range from 0 to 1,440 minutes.
Headquarters Settings
scrhqscorelimit: 450 //Sets the score limit per map
scrhqtimelimit: 30 //Sets the map time limit in minutes. This can range from 0 to 1,440 minutes
Retrieval Settings
scrreshowcarrier: //Show the objective carrier on compass
scrregraceperiod: 15 //Sets the time in seconds at round start where spawning and weapon choosing is still allowed. This can range from 0 to 60 seconds.
scrreroundlength: 4 //Sets the map round length in minutes
scrreroundlimit: 0 //Sets the maximum number of round wins per map
scrrescorelimit: 10 //Sets the map score limit
scrretimelimit: 20 //Sets the map time limit in minutes. The time limit can range from 0 to 1,440 minutes
Search and Destroy Settings
scrsdgraceperiod: 15 //Sets the time in seconds at round start where spawning and weapon choosing is still allowed. This can range form 0 to 60 seconds.
scrsdroundlength: 4 //Sets the map round length in minutes
scrsdroundlimit: 0 //Sets the maximum number of round wins per map
scrsdscorelimit: 0 //Sets the map team score limit per map
scrsdtimelimit: 30 //Sets the map time limit in minutes. This can range from 0 to 1,440 minutes
Map and Custom Settings
customdata1: // Enter custom config data here
svmaprotation: // Map Rotation
set sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm map mp_bocage gametype tdm map mp_depot gametype tdm map mp_powcamp gametype sd map mp_brecourt gametype sd map mp_harbor gametype sd map mp_railyard gametype bel map mp_carentan gametype bel map mp_hurtgen gametype bel map mp_rocket gametype re map mp_chateau gametype re map mp_neuville gametype hq map mp_dawnville gametype hq map mp_pavlov" map_rotate
customdata2: // Enter custom config data here
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