It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Counter Strike Condition Zero Server. Just follow the steps below.
- Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
- Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'czero\server.cfg'
- Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.
//Automatic Bot and Human Players Team Balancing
//Team balancing in Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (when
//playing with bots in the game) can be a bit confusing. The following settings
//will allow the human players to switch teams, and then allow and force the bots
//to change teams to keep them balanced (at the beginning of the next round).
bot_auto_vacate 1
mp_autoteambalance 1
mp_limitteams 0
//bot_auto_vacate 1
//This setting will force the bots in Counter-Strike: Condition Zero to
//automatically leave to make room for human players (set to "0" to disable).
//Refer to the "Automatic Bot and Human Players Team Balancing" section above for
//more information about team balancing.
//bot_quota #
//This setting will cause the given number of bots in Counter-Strike: Condition
//Zero to be maintained in the game. If a bot is kicked, a new bot will be added
//to maintain the quota (set to "0" to disable the quota).
//bot_quota_match #
//This setting sets the ratio of the number of bots in Counter-Strike: Condition
//Zero per human player (i.e. "number_of_bots = number_of_human_players *
//bot_quota_match_ratio"). As human players join or leave the server, the number
//of bots in the game will be adjusted accordingly.
//Note that this command overrides the "bot_quota" command.
//changelevel <MAPFILENAME>
//Ends the current game, loads the specified map filename (without the ".bsp"
//file extension), and starts a new game on it. The main difference between the
//"changelevel" and the standard "map" command is that the players are not kicked
//from the server when changing to the new map.
//Note that this command can access maps contained in mounted Game Cache Files,
//as well as in the game's local "Maps" folder.
//Toggles the saving of console logs to the filename "QConsole.log" in the
//directory "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Counter-Strike" or
//"C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Condition Zero". The default is
dem_forcehltv 0
//Set to "1" to enable "Half-Life TV" (HLTV) mode for demo playback.
HL.exe -condebug
//Saves console logs to the filename "QConsole.log" in the directory "C:\Program
//Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Counter-Strike" or "C:\Program
//Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Condition Zero".
//To enable the saving of console logs, start Counter-Strike or Counter-Strike:
//Condition Zero with the "-condebug" command line parameter (e.g. "C:\Program
//Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Counter-Strike\HL.exe -condebug" or
//"C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Condition Zero\HL.exe
hostname "Counter-Strike Server"
//Sets the host name of the server.
hud_takesshots 0
//Set to "1" to enable taking an automatic screenshot when the final scores are
//displayed when the current map ends (after the duration of the "mp_timelimit"
//The screenshots will be located in the directory "C:\Program
//Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Counter-Strike\CStrike" or "C:\Program
//Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Condition Zero\CZero" with the filenames
//Note that this command is listed within the game's advanced multi-player
//options menu as "Automatically Take End-Game Screenshots".
// listmaps
//Displays a list of the maps contained in the current server map rotation file
//"MapCycle.txt", and is used for Counter-Strike's and Counter-Strike: Condition
//Zero's player map voting system ("mp_mapvoteratio" and "votemap").
log off
//Set to "on" to enable saving detailed server logs (lMMDD###.log).
logsdir logs
//Directory to save detailed server logs. The default directory is C:\Program
//Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Counter-Strike\CStrike\Logs" or "C:\Program
//Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Condition Zero\CZero\Logs".
//Ends the current game, loads the specified map filename (without the ".bsp"
//file extension), and starts a new game on it. The main difference between the
//standard "map" and "changelevel" command is that the players are kicked from
//the server when changing to the new map.
mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt
//Sets the file which will be used for the current server map rotation.
maxplayers 32
//Maximum number of allowed players. Note that this cannot be set after a game
//has started.
mp_autokick 0
//Set to "1" to enable the automatic kicking of idlers (campers) and
//team-killers. Note that this command is listed within the game's multi-player
//setup menu as "Kick Idlers and Team-Killers". Also note that friendly-fire mode
//("mp_friendlyfire") must be enabled to use this command.
mp_autoteambalance 0
//Set to "1" to enable auto-balancing of teams. Note that the default for
//Counter-Strike is "1", and the default for Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is
//Refer to the "Automatic Bot and Human Players Team Balancing" section above for
//more information about team balancing.
mp_buytime 1.5
//This setting controls the amount of allowed time (in minutes) that players can
//buy weapons and equipment after a round has started (Minimum = .5 minutes,
//Maximum = none). The setting also supports partial minutes (e.g. "1.3" = 78
//seconds, "1.5" = 90 seconds, "1.8" = 108 seconds, etc...).
//Note that this command is listed within the game's multi-player setup menu as
//"Buy Time (Minutes)".
mp_c4timer 45
//Sets the duration (in seconds) until the detonation of the C4 bombs (Minimum =
//15 seconds, Maximum = 90 seconds).
mp_chattime 10
//Sets the duration (in seconds) that players can chat after a map is complete
//(before the next map is loaded, based on the "mp_timelimit" setting). A lower
//value means a faster map change.
mp_fadetoblack 0
//Set to "1" to fade the player's screen to black when killed. Note that this
//command is listed within the game's multi-player setup menu as "Disable
//Chase/Death Cam".
mp_flashlight 0
//Set to "1" to allow players to use the flashlight.
mp_footsteps 1
//Set to "0" to disable hearing players' footsteps.
mp_forcecamera 0
//Set to "0" to spectate anyone (which is the default), "1" to spectate
//teammates-only (with no free-look), "2" to spectate first-person only, or "3"
//to spectate teammates-only (with free-look).
//Note that this command is listed within the game's multi-player setup menu as
//"Death Camera Type" and selected using a dropdown box, and that setting "3" is
//not displayed within that dropdown box. Also note that any setting other than
//"mp_forcecamera 0" will disable the "Half-Life TV" (HLTV) "Picture-In-Picture"
//spectator mode.
mp_freezetime 6
//This setting controls the length (in seconds) of the game freeze/pause period
//at the beginning of a round. Set to "0" to disable the game freeze/pause
//Note that this command is listed within the game's multi-player setup menu as
//"Freeze Time (Seconds)".
mp_friendlyfire 0
//Set to "1" to enable friendly-fire mode.
mp_hostagepenalty 5
//Maximum number of allowed hostage kills before the player is kicked from the
//game (set to "0" to disable). Note that this command is listed within the
//game's multi-player setup menu as "Kick After (X) Hostage Kills".
mp_limitteams #
//This setting limits the maximum number of players that one team can have over