Avorion | Server Configuration

  • Avorion Server Configuration, avorion server configuration, Server Configuration, server configuration, Avorion, avorion
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    It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Avorion Server. Just follow the steps below.

    1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
    2. Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'Saves\avorion_galaxy\server.ini'
    3. Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.


    Seed=EiqkY5oYjd    //The random seed used for galaxy generation. Accepts upper and lower case letters and numbers.

    Difficulty=-1    //Note the typo. The difficulty of the server. Accepts an integer between -3 and 3. 

    HardcoreEnabled=false    //Toggles hardcore mode server wide

    InfiniteResources=false    //Toggles infinite resources (or "creative mode") server wide

    CollisionDamage=1    //A multiplier for damage to colliding objects. Accepts floating-point numbers, e.g. 0.5 is 50% collision damage.

    SafePlayerInput=false    //Disabling this will result in much smoother performance at the time of this writing. Enabling this may result in very bad performance over slow networks.

    PlayerToPlayerDamage=true    //Enables/Disables player to player damage server wide.

    LogoutInvincibility=true    //A player's ships are indestructible as long as the player is offline.

    LogoutInvincibilityDelay=30    //The time in seconds that a player must be offline until his ships become invincible.

    DevMode=false    //Enables/Disables devmode

    ExplicitCallables=true    //Toggles explicit callables

    BigWreckageDespawnTime=1800    //Time in seconds it takes for new (as in: not created by the generator but during gameplay, such as combat) large wreckages (more than 15 blocks) to disappear.

    SmallWreckageDespawnTime=900    //Time in seconds it takes for new (as in: not created by the generator but during gameplay, such as combat) small wreckages (15 blocks or less) to disappear.

    LootDiminishingFactor=0.00499999989    //Multiplier that's applied to the value of a block/wreckage/ship to determine the dropped money and resources.

    ResourceDropChance=0.400000006    //Chance of resources dropping from destroyed blocks

    TurretDropChanceFromTurret=0.0250000004    //The chance that a turret will drop from an NPC space craft when the turret is destroyed

    TurretDropChanceFromCraft=0.25    //The chance that a turret will drop from an NPC space craft when the craft is destroyed

    TurretDropChanceFromBlock=0.00499999989    //The chance that a ship system will drop from a block of wreckage when it is destroyed

    SystemDropChanceFromCraft=0.200000003    //The chance that a ship system will drop from an NPC space craft when the craft is destroyed

    SystemDropChanceFromBlock=0.00499999989    //The chance that a ship system will drop from a block of wreckage when it is destroyed

    ColorDropChanceFromCraft=0.0500000007    //The chance that a color will drop from a space craft when the craft is destroyed

    ColorDropChanceFromBlock=0.00249999994    //The chance that a color will drop from a block of wreckage when it is destroyed

    MaximumFightersPerSectorAndPlayer=-1    //The total number of fighters that can be in one sector at once, defaults to -1, meaning infinite.

    MaximumBlocksPerCraft=-1    //The total number of blocks that any ship can be made up of, defaults to -1, meaning infinite

    MaximumVolumePerShip=-1    //The total volume that ships can reach, defaults to -1, meaning infinite (Needs testing if it applies to AI)

    MaximumVolumePerStation=-1    //The total volume that stations can reach, defaults to -1, meaning infinite (Need testing if it applies to AI)

    MaximumPlayerShips=-1    //The total number of ships a player may own at any one time, defaults to -1, meaning infinite

    MaximumPlayerStations=-1    //The total number of stations a player may own at any one time, defaults to -1, meaning infinite

    MaximumBlocksPerTurret=250    //The total number of blocks per turret

    PlayerInventorySlots=1000    //The total number of player inventory slots

    AllianceInventorySlots=1000    //The total number of a single Alliance's inventory slots

    Version=0.30.2    //Server Version

    sameStartSector=true    //Indicates if all players should start in the same sector. If false, a random empty sector on the outer rim is populated and used as the home sector for each new player.

    startUpScript=data/scripts/server/server.lua    //Specifies a Lua script to run on server startup.

    startSectorScript=startsector    //Specifies a Lua script to run when generating a start sector for a player.


    saveInterval=600    //The time between server saves, in seconds.

    sectorUpdateTimeLimit=300    //The time that sectors which don't qualify for out-of-sector-simulation are kept within memory.

    emptySectorUpdateInterval=0.5    //The time between update steps of sectors without players.

    workerThreads=8    //Number of concurrent threads that are used to update sectors. (Identical to the "Threads" setting ingame.)

    generatorThreads=2    //Number of concurrent threads that are used to generate new sectors while players are calculating nav routes.

    scriptBackgroundThreads=2    //Number of concurrent threads that are used to run heavy script calculations that are called during gameplay, an example would be the generation of new ship models

    aliveSectorsPerPlayer=5    //Number of sectors kept alive for each player and alliance on the server, provided that there are player or alliance ships in that sector.

    weakUpdate=true    //Indicates if the sectors without players should be simulated with a "weak" update, which is less accurate but a lot faster than the normal update step.

    profiling=false    //Toggles performance and memory profiling. Server performance may suffer slightly, but /status command will print a lot more detailed output.

    sendCrashReports=true    //Toggle whether crash reports are sent

    hangDetection=true    //Toggle whether hang detection is on or off (hang detection identifies whether the server has crashed)

    sendSectorDelay=2    //Delay from sending sector

    placeInShipOnDeathDelay=7    //Delay when player dies and should is to be placed in ship


    port=27000    //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly

    broadcastInterval=5    //The time between server mass update broadcasts in seconds.

    isPublic=true    //Privacy setting. If enabled, only one administrator is allowed on the server and the server will not show up on the LAN menu. (Same as the command line parameter -public)

    isListed=true    //Privacy setting. If enabled together with useSteam, the server will show up in public server lists. (Same as the ingame setting "List Publicly")

    isAuthenticated=true    //Privacy setting. Toggles Steam user authentication. (Identical to the ingame setting "Authenticate Users")

    sendStatsToAdmins=true    //Sends stats to the adminstrator if true

    useSteam=true    //Determines whether the server is using Steam networking and can be joined via Steam, using options like "join game".

    rconIp=    //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly

    rconPassword=ki27c    //The password that is needed to connect to the RCON server. If blank, RCON is disabled.

    rconPort=35003    //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly


    maxPlayers=1    //The max number of players allowed on the server at one time, if you change this from the amount of player slots you have purchased, the Gamepanel will identify this and stop your server

    name=Avorion Server    //The name of the server, shown in the server list.

    description=Welcome to another Pingperfect.com Gameserver    //A description for the server, shown in the server list.

    password=    //Sets the password users attempting to join the server need to enter, if they enter incorrectly they will be kicked

    pausable=false    //Enables/Disables pausing the server

    accessListMode=Blacklist    //Determines whether the server uses a blacklist or a whitelist to restrict access.



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