It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Just Cause 2 Multiplayer (JC2) Server. Just follow the steps below.
- Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
- Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'config.lua'
- Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.
-- Welcome to the JC2-MP server configuration file!
Server-related options.
Server =
-- The maximum number of players that can be on the server at any
-- given time. Make sure your connection and server can handle it!
-- Default value: 5000
MaxPlayers = 1,
-- Used to control what IP this server binds to. Unless you're a dedicated
-- game host, you don't need to worry about this.
-- Default value: ""
BindIP = "",
-- The port the server uses.
-- Default value: 7777
BindPort = 7777,
-- The time before a player is timed out after temporarily losing
-- connection, or crashing without properly disconnecting.
-- Default value (in milliseconds): 10000
Timeout = 10000,
-- The name of the server, as seen by players and the server browser.
-- Default value: "JC2-MP Server"
Name = "JC2 Server",
-- The server description, as seen by players and the server browser.
-- Default value: "No description available"
Description = "Welcome to another game server",
-- The server password.
-- Default value: ""
Password = "ServerPassword",
-- Controls whether the server announces its presence to the master server
-- and therefore to the server browser.
-- Default value: true
Announce = true,
-- Controls how often synchronization packets are broadcast by the server
-- in milliseconds
-- Default value (in milliseconds): 180
SyncUpdate = 180,
-- CAUTION: Setting this variable to true unlocks a number of potentially
-- unsafe operations, which include:
-- * Native Lua packages (.dll, .so)
-- * Execution of Lua from arbitrary paths (Access to loadfile/dofile)
-- * Unbound io functions, allowing for access to the entire file-system
-- Default value: false
IKnowWhatImDoing = false
Sync rate options. These values control how often synchronization
packets are sent by the clients, in milliseconds. This lets you
control how frequent the sync comes in, which may result in a
smoother or less laggy experience
SyncRates =
-- Default value (in milliseconds): 75
Vehicle = 75,
-- Default value (in milliseconds): 120
OnFoot = 120,
-- Default value (in milliseconds): 1000
Passenger = 1000,
-- Default value (in milliseconds): 250
MountedGun = 250,
-- Default value (in milliseconds): 350
StuntPosition = 350
Streamer-related options. The streamer is responsible for controlling the
visibility of objects (including players and vehicles) for other players.
What this means is that if you want to extend the distance at which objects
remain visible for players, you need to change the StreamDistance.
Streamer =
-- The default distance before objects are streamed out.
-- Default value (in metres): 500
StreamDistance = 500
Vehicle-related options.
Vehicle =
-- The number of seconds required for a vehicle to respawn after
-- vehicle death.
-- Default value (in seconds): 10
-- For instant respawn: 0
-- For no respawning: nil
DeathRespawnTime = 10,
-- Controls whether to remove the vehicle if respawning is turned off,
-- and the vehicle dies.
-- Default value: false
DeathRemove = false,
-- The number of seconds required for a vehicle to respawn after it is
-- left unoccupied.
-- Default value (in seconds): 45
-- For instant respawn: 0
-- For no respawning: nil
UnoccupiedRespawnTime = 45,
-- Controls whether to remove the vehicle if respawning is turned off,
-- and the vehicle is left unoccupied.
-- Default value: false
UnoccupiedRemove = false,
Player-related options.
Player =
-- The default spawn position for players. If you do not use a script
-- to handle spawns, such as the freeroam script, then this spawn position
-- will be used.
-- Default value: Vector3( -6550, 209, -3290 )
SpawnPosition = Vector3( -6550, 209, -3290 )
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