Reflex Arena | Server Configuration

  • Reflex Arena Server Configuration, Reflex Arena server configuration, Reflex Arena, reflex arena, Server Configuration, server configuration
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    It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Reflex Arena Server. Just follow the steps below.

    1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
    2. Select the 'Configuration Editor' option next to 'dedicatedserver.cfg'
    3. Refer to the Configuration settings below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.

    Server Name   Reflex Server   //name of server as shown on server lists

    Map   //Pick a map from the dropdown menu, and the map you select will be run on your server.

    Game Mode   //Pick a gamemode from the dropdown menu, and the gamemode you select will be run on your server.

    Allow Editing of maps   //Tick to enable, un-tick to disable

    Public Server   //Tick to enable, un-tick to disable

    Time limit   600   //Time limit for each game round

    Password   //Server password to be entered by any player when they want to join the server

    Ref Password   //Password for referee mode

    Branding   //Tick to enable, un-tick to disable

    Enable Steam Integration   //Tick to enable, un-tick to disable

    Allow Modes     1v1 TDM   //Configures the game modes that can be voted on this server. We recommend you leave this unset (i.e, allow all modes)

    Country   GB   //Sets the country the server is located in, using its 2 letter country code.

    Start Workshop Map   //ID of workshop map you want to use.

    Map Rotation   default   //Leave as default.

    Allow voting   //Tick to enable, un-tick to disable, You can disable the ability to change map/mode with this command

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