Miscreated | Advanced Server Configuration

  • Miscreated Advanced Server Configuration, Miscreated, miscreated, Advanced Server Configuration, advanced server configuration, miscreated advanced server configuration
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    There is a variety of advanced configuration you can perform with a Pingperfect Miscreated server, the options are provided below, just select the 'Text-Editor' option of the configuration files section next to hosting.cfg and then add the line for the configuration option you want to configure to your hosting.cfg file, save the file and start / restart your server.

    Advanced configuration options:

    • g_respawnAtBaseTime Adjusts the Respawn At Base duration
    • g_playerHealthRegen Health regeneration speed - default 0.111 (about 10 minutes)
    • g_playerFoodDecay Food decay speed - default .2777 (about 1.5 hours)
    • g_playerFoodDecaySprinting Food decay speed when sprinting - default 0.34722 (25% more than non-sprinting)
    • g_playerWaterDecay Water decay speed - default 0.4861 (about 1 hour)
    • g_playerWaterDecaySprinting Water decay speed when sprinting - default 0.607638 (25% more than non-sprinting)
    • g_playerTemperatureSpeed Simple overall temperature regulation speed (effects body+env equally) - default 1.0
    • g_playerTemperatureEnvRate Temperature environment rate per sec - default 0.0005
    • g_playerInfiniteStamina Infinite Stamina - default 0, 1 means infinite
    • g_craftingSpeedMultiplier Scalar for the crafting times - default 1.0
    • asm_percent Set the AI spawner location percentage, default: 33 (max is 90) - this helps control the AI spawn density
    • asm_disable Disable the AI spawner manager system - default 0
    • asm_maxMultiplier Set the multiplier for the AI spawner max amount - default 1.0
    • asm_hordeCooldown Set the cooldown on spawning hordes - default 900 (in seconds)
    • pcs_maxCorpses Maximum number of player corpses - default 20
    • pcs_maxCorpseTime Maximum time before a player corpse will despawn - default 1200 (in seconds)

    Whitelisted server ONLY options:

    • sv_msg_conn Display a message upon the player connecting
    • sv_msg_death Display a message upon a players death
    • g_gameRules_bases Disable base building
    • steam_inventory_enable Disable or enable Steam Inventory Service on Whitelisted servers

    Weather configuration options:

    Available weather patterns:

    • 01 - ClearSky
    • 02 - LightRain
    • 03 - HeavyRainThunder
    • 04 - HeavyStorm
    • 05 - TornadoStorm
    • 06 - TornadoStorm_Tornado
    • 07 - TornadoRainThunder
    • 08 - TornadoRainThunder_Tornado
    • 09 - LightFog
    • 10 - MediumFog
    • 11 - HeavyFog
    • 12 - TheMist
    • 13 - Rainbow
    • 14 - RainbowHalf
    • 15 - RadStorm
    • 16 - RadStorm_Peak
    • 17 - RadStorm_Outro
    • 18 - NuclearFlashFreeze
    • 19 - NuclearFlashFreeze_Peak
    • 20 - NuclearFlashFreeze_Outro
    • 21 - Snow

    wm_startPattern # or nameCan be used to immediately start a weather pattern by name or number. The number 0 will automatically select one. See Available Weather Patterns above for more info.

    wm_pattern x Can be used for constantly force a weather pattern. 0 | Means no pattern at all -1 | Means random pattern selection cycle (Default) x | See weather pattern list (needs to be a number)

    wm_forceTime hours Can be used to freeze time to a specific hour, -1 | Time not frozen , 0 | Midnight, 6 | Sunrise, 12 | Noon, 18 | Sunset

    wm_timeOffset hours Can be used to offset time from system time on server start up use 24-x for real negative offsets (as positive numbers),  -1 | random offset, 0 | no offset , 1 | +1 hour offset

    wm_timeScale speedscale Scale time of day speed, 0.5 | Half of real time, 1 | Real time, 4 | 4x as fast as real time, 512 | 512x as fast as real time

    wm_timeScaleNight speedscale Scale of night speed (relative to day)

    wm_timeScaleWeather speedscale Scale of weather speed (The weather speed is independent of day/night speed)


    Looking for a game server host known for brilliant 24/7 customer support and quality hardware? 

    Try a Pingperfect Miscreated server today! https://pingperfect.com/gameservers/miscreated-game-server-hosting.php 

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