Eden Star | Server Configuration

  • Eden Star Server Configuration, Eden Star, Server Configuration, eden star, server configuration
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    All of these parameters can be added to the commandline in order to customise your Eden Star server.

    Server Settings

    -ServerName="<Your Server Name Here>"

    The name of the game server that will appear in the search listings.


    Sets the max players for the server, default is 8, max is 32


    The servers game port that the clients will connect to. The Steam Port is set to this port + 1


    The servers query port that will manage steams server browser duties and info.

    -ServerSaveKey="<Your Server Key Here>"

    A key that is appended to the save game file, necessary if you are running more than one instance of a server on one box.


    The interval in seconds of when the server will save, default is 3600 seconds (1 hour). Minimum save interval is 300 seconds (5 mins)


    The number of slots the server will save, e.g. 48. The server will iterate through this range per save.


    The slot the server will attempt to restore from


    Tells the server to restore from the last save slot.


    Password needed for users to log in


    Password needed to connect an RCON client too.


    Port number that RCON will listen from a connection.


    Gameplay Options

    -DayCycleLength=## (300 - 3600)

    Set overall day cycle length in seconds

    -DaytimeRatio=## (10 - 90)

    Set percentage ratio of daytime, default 80

    -MiningSpeed=## (25 - 300)

    percentage multiplication of default (100) mining speed

    -HarvestYield=## (1-10)

    Amount gathered with each item harvested(mining)


    Makes crafting, upgrades and any buildable items free



    -HungerRate=## (0 - 10)

    Speed at which your hunger depletes. Default = 1. 0 being the lowest depletion speed

    -ThirstRate=## (0 - 10)

    Speed at which your thirst level depletes. Default = 1. 0 being the lowest depletion speed



    -DamageTakenByPlayerFromAIUnderTheShield=## (0 - 10)

    Amount of damage players take from A.I. under and Eden Kit Shield

    -DamageTakenByPlayerFromAIInWorld=## (0 - 10)

    Amount of damage players take from A.I. outside of an Eden Kit Shield. Default = 1.

    -DamageTakenByPlayersFromPlayersUnderTheShield=## (0 - 10)

    Amount of damage players take from other players inside an Eden Kit Shield. Default = 1.

    -OfflineDamageTakenByPlayersFromPlayersUnderTheShield=## (0 - 10)

    Amount of damage offline players take from other players inside an Eden Kit Shield. Default = 1.

    -DamageTakenByPlayersFromPlayersInWorld=## (0 - 10)

    Amount of damage players take from other players outside of an Eden Kit Shield. Default = 1.

    -OfflineDamageTakenByPlayersFromPlayersInWorld=## (0 - 10)

    Amount of damage offline players take from other players outside of an Eden Kit Shield. Default = 1.


    If friendly players in the same colony can do damage to each other.



    -StructureDecayUnderTheShield=# (0 - 1)

    Enable or Disable Decay damage that structures take under and Eden Kit Shield. Default = 0

    -StructureDecayInWorld=## (0 - 1)

    Enable or Disable Decay damage that structures take outside of an Eden Kit Shield

    -DamageTakenByStructuresFromPlayersUnderTheShield=## (0 - 10)

    Multiplier for player damage to structures under the Eden Kit Shield. Default = 0.7

    -DamageTakenByStructuresFromPlayersInWorld=## (0 - 10)

    Multiplier for player damage to structures outside the Eden Kit Shield. Default = 1

    -DamageTakenByStructuresFromAIUnderTheShield=## (0 - 10)

    Multiplier for AI damage to structures under the Eden Kit Shield. Default = 0.7

    -DamageTakenByStructuresFromAIInWorld=## (0 - 10)

    Multiplier for player damage to structures outside the Eden Kit Shield = 0.7

    -StructureDurabilityFactor=## (0 - 10000)

    Durability modifier for structure HP. Default = 200



    -DamageTakenByAI=# (0 - 10)

    AI Damage Multiplier. Default = 1

    -EnemyNumbers=# (0 - 1)

    Enemies in world Multiplier. Default = 1


    Enable or disable spawning of enemies. Default = false

    -HiveSpawning=## (0 - 10)

    Hives to Spawn Multiplier. Default = 1

    -HiveSpawnInterval=## (0 - 10)

    Time Interval Multiplier for Hive Spawning. Default = 1

    -EnemyAttackMultiplier=## (0 - 10)

    World Multiplier for Numbers of Enemies that are allowed to attack Players. Default = 1

    -EnemyAttackPerWaveMultiplier=## (0 - 10)

    Frequency of Attacks per Wave Multiplier. Default = 1

    -EnemyAttackWaveDelay=##### (0 - 1200)

    Delay between waves in seconds. Default = 1


    Enable or disable spawning of aggressive fauna. Default = false


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