Cube World | Admin & Chat Commands

  • Cube World Admin & Chat Commands, Cube World Admin Commands, Cube World Chat Commands, Cube World, cube world, Admin & Chat Commands, Admin Commands, Chat Commands
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    Chat commands can be entered by pressing ENTER and typing in the command.

    Chat Commands

    /connect <server address> Connect to the specified server. Will attempt to seamlessly connect to the server if you are on the same seed as the server, or were disconnected from the server. Make sure to disconnect from one server before attempting to join another server

    ./disconnect Disconnect from the current server.

    /namepet <name> Name your pet to desired name.

    /name <name> Name your currently logged in player.

    !goto<player> !tp<location> Teleports you to the chosen player.

    /pvp When two players type pvp in the commandline to enter a pvp fight


    Admin commands can be entered by pressing ENTER and typing in /login <YourPassword> which by default is "changeme".


    Basic Admin Commands


    /player <player>

    Displays the given player's character information in the format '{player}' is a lvl [level] [class] ([specialization]).

    /pm {player} {message}

    Sends a private message to {player} in the format '{you} (PM): {message}'.


    Displays information about the server, including the current cube world revision and OS.


    List the names of all connected players.


    List the names and world locations of all connected players.

    /whereis [player]

    Shows your position if [player] is left blank.

    Shows [player]'s position if specified and if player is currently online.

    /login <password>

    Elevates your permissions to enable Admin Commands.

    <password> is configurable in config/serverconfig.cfg, by default it is 'changeme'.

    Additional Admin Commands

    /say <message>

    Sends <message> to all players.


    /kick <player>

    Forcibly disconnects <player>.


    /setclock <time>

    Sets the current world time to <time>.

    <time> must be in 24hr clock format, e.g. '13:37'.

    /ban <player> [reason]

    Blacklists a <player> and announces it in chat as '<player> has been banned: [reason]'.
    If no [reason] is specified, 'No reason specified' is used by default.

    /unban {IP}

    Unban an IP address.

    /kill <player>

    Kills a player and then announces it in chat as '<player> was killed'.

    /stun <player> [duration]

    Stun <player> for [duration] milliseconds. (1 second is 1000 milliseconds)
    If no [duration] is specified, <player> is stunned for 1000ms.

    /heal <player> [amount]

    Heals a player for [amount] HP.
    If no [amount] is specified, <player> is healed for 1000 HP.




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