Project 5: Sightseer | Available Commands (How to Admin) Print

  • Project 5: Sightseer Available Commands (How to Admin), Project 5: Sightseer Available Commands, Project 5: Sightseer, project 5: sightseer, Project 5: Sightseer (How to Admin)
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Commands: Admin

These commands require you to have admin rights.
  • /admin - set yourself as admin (on first log onto the server).
  • /motd <message> - set the server's motd to <message>.
  • /addFlag <file name> - add a file as a flag for the players to use.
  • /addFilter or /filter <filter> - enable provided chat filter.
  • /removeFilter <filter> - disable provided chat filter.
  • /allowMod <mod name> - allow an already active mod on th server.
  • /disallowMod <mod name> - disallow a previously allowed mod on the server.
  • /addAdmin <player name> - give a player admin rights.
  • /removeAdmin <player id> - remove a player's admin rights. The <player id> is one of: steam id, player name, player ip and machine ID. A removal of a player should be done with 4 /removeAdmin commands with each of the ids.
  • /kick <player name> - kick a player from the server.
  • /ban <player name> - ban a player from the server, preventing them from logging onto it.
  • /unban <player id> - unban a player from the server, allowing them to log onto it again. The <player id> is one of: steam id, player name, player ip and machine ID. An unban of a player should be done with 4 /unban commands with each of the ids.
  • /upload <file name> - upload a file to the server.
  • /setServer <server data> - set a configuration on the server. This is outdated due to configuration everyone can see before choosing their spawn configuration.
  • /reloadServerData - reload server configuration. This is outdated due to configuration everyone can see before choosing their spawn configuration.
  • /removeServer <server data> - disabke a cinfiguration file from the server. This is outdated due to configuration everyone can see before choosing their spawn configuration.

Commands: Chat

Fairly typical chat commands.
  • /ver or /version - display current game version.
  • /played - display playtime.
  • /resetChat - resize chat window to default size.
  • /a or /all or /w or /word or /global <message> - send the <message> to everyone on the server.
  • /f or /faction or /t or /team <message> - send the <message> to everyone in the faction.
  • /g or /group <message> - send the <message> to everyone in the group.
  • /ignore <player name> - toggle ignoring of a player.
  • /pm or /w or /whisper <player name>:<message> - pm a player.
  • /r or /reply <message> - reply to the last pm.
Not really commands, but special characters that get turned into pictures in chat:
  • (H) - a heart symbol
  • (I) - a science symbol
  • (M) - a weight (tonn) symbol
  • (N) - a negative cross symbol
  • (S) - a shield sumbol
  • (T) - a time (clock) symbol
  • (Y) - a positive checkmark symbol

Commands: Creative mode

All of these commands require creative mode to be on.
  • /res - list nearby resources.
  • /biomes - list biomes underneath the player vehicle.
  • /goto <x> <z> - teleport to given coordinates.
  • /goto <player name> - teleport to the player with the given name.
  • /time <time> - set the current time of day to provided time and stop time from passing.
  • /time - enable time passing.
  • /rain <on> - set the rain to be <on>
  • /add <compound> <amount> - give yourself <amount> of <compound>.
  • /exe <code> - {requires enabled executable code} run given <code>.
  • /exeFile <file name> - {requires enabled executable code} run the given file.

Commands: Factions

These commands revolve around factions. Most of them require you to be a high-ranking member of a faction.
  • /leaveFaction - leave current faction. This will abandon all your outposts and reset research, however you get to keep the vehicle with its inventory.
  • /startCoup - start a coup, trying to become the new leader after a server-configured time (I believe default is 2 weeks). Requries others to vote in your favor.
  • /createFaction <faction name> - create a new faction (you must not already be in one).
  • /inviteFaction <player name> - {requires officer rank} invite a player to your faction (the player must not already be in one).
  • /kickFaction <player name> - attempt to kick a player from your faction.
  • /renameFaction <new faction name> - {requires ownership of the faction} rename your current faction.
  • /promote <player name> - attempt to promote a player.
  • /demote <player name> - attempt to demote a player.
  • /war <faction name> - declare war on a faction if at peace or make peace otherwise.
  • /war2 <faction name> - answer to /war from the other faction.
  • /ally or /alliance <faction name> - toggle alliance with a given faction.
  • /ally2 <faction name> - answer to /ally fom the other faction.

Commands: Miscellaneous

These commands don't fit into other categories, but are useful nevertheless.
  • /ver or /version - display current game version.
  • /played - display playtime.
  • /resetChat - resize chat window to default size.
  • /relocate or /reloc - reload localization.
  • /fps - toggle fps counter.
  • /ping - display current server ping (!seems to not yet be in the game!).
  • /get <option> - get an option or a file from the server.
  • /setName <name> - set the name of the current vehicle.
  • /stuck - unstuck your vehicle (equivalent to using unstick after right-clicking your vehicle).
  • /spin <speed> - make the camera spin with <speed> rotational speed (similarly to how the camera spins if you go afk).
  • /scenic - toggle scenic mode (your vehicle becomes invisible).
  • /mark or /marker <note> - create a marker at your current position with <note> attached (shown on the map). Alternitevely can be done by right-clicking on the map or the radar.
  • /who - list players (equivalent to pressing tab).
  • /note or /setNote <note> - create a <note> (text displayed in players list).
  • /quit or /exit - exit the game (equivalent to quitting to desktop).


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