Ground Branch | How to change starting map and map rotation

  • Ground Branch, Groundbranch, gameserver, guide, map, maps, config, Map Selection, Map, How to change map, Ground Branch Map Selection, ground branch, How to change mission, Mission, mission, How to change map and mission, How to change Map and Mission, Ground Branch Map Rotation, Maplist.ini, Ground Branch Starting Map
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  • Print

    There are currently two methods in which the starting map and mission can be selected; via the commandline, or via the config file.

    Set the starting map (Via Commandline)

    1. The first thing you'll want to do is go into the command line manager, and select the "Change Map and Mission Commandline"

    2. You should see a field labelled map, click it and select your desired map from the dropdown menu

    3. Then click the field labelled mission, and select your desired mission.

      Be aware that Available missions vary from map to map, but by default may include:

      • Deathmatch
      • IntelRetrieval
      • TeamElimination
      • TerroristHunt
      • Uplink

      To manually see which missions are available for what map, look in the following directory:

    4. Save the commandline and press "Apply"

    Set the map rotation (Via Config file)

    1. Go to your game panel, click "Configuration Files"

    2. Click "Text-Editor" next to "MapList.ini"

    3. Under this section -> [/script/rbzookeeper.zkmaplist]

      Add a MapList= entry for each map that you wish to include.

      For example,

    4. Click "Save" in the top left.

    5. If you want to customise map options, change/add/remove the properties after the ? in the MapList= entry.

    6. Press "Save" in the top left.

      Coop/PvE example:


      PvP example:


    If you are struggling with getting this setup on your server, please contact us with a support ticket and we will happily help you get it setup!

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