Life is Feudal | LiF | Game Lags in the Morning

  • LIF, lag, latency, Life is Feudal Game Lags in the Morning, Game Lags in the Morning, Life is Feudal, LiF Game Lags in the Morning, Life is Feudal LiF Game Lags in the Morning, Game Lags in the Morning, LiF Game Lags in the Morning, Life is Feudal Game Lags in the Morning, Life is Feudal, LiF
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    LIF Lag in the morning:

    Every morning in LIF on every server there is allways lattency issues, this can continue for up to five minuites.

    This latency issue, known as "Morning Lag" is caused by crops and trees growing at a set time in the morning, this causes a flood of data to the database and in return lags the server. This is unfortunatly part of the game and there is very little we can do to help at our end.

    You may notice that the latency issue gets worse over time, this is due to an increased number of players planting trees and crops.

    There are steps you can take to help:

    Although morning lag is inevitable, there are a few steps you can take to reduce the effect it has on your server:

    • Limit the amount of trees grown per town
    • Do not allow players to grow tree walls
    • Remove tree stumps and low quality trees (Script at the bottom to do this, as well as a button in your control panel to do this easily)

    Run the following script in your database:

     DELETE forest, forest_patch 
    FROM forest, forest_patch 
    WHERE forest.GeoDataID = forest_patch.GeoDataID  AND 
          forest.Quality < 80;

    SET @c442 = 1;
    SET @c443 = 1;
    SET @c444 = 1;
    SET @c445 = 1;
    SET @c446 = 1;
    SET @c447 = 1;
    SET @c448 = 1;
    SET @c449 = 1;
    SET @c450 = 1;

    UPDATE forest_patch 
    SET Version = @c442:=@c442+1
    WHERE TerID = 442;

    UPDATE forest_patch 
    SET Version = @c443:=@c443+1
    WHERE TerID = 443;

    UPDATE forest_patch 
    SET Version = @c444:=@c444+1
    WHERE TerID = 444;

    UPDATE forest_patch 
    SET Version = @c445:=@c445+1
    WHERE TerID = 445;

    UPDATE forest_patch 
    SET Version = @c446:=@c446+1
    WHERE TerID = 446;

    UPDATE forest_patch 
    SET Version = @c447:=@c447+1
    WHERE TerID = 447;

    UPDATE forest_patch 
    SET Version = @c448:=@c448+1
    WHERE TerID = 448;

    UPDATE forest_patch 
    SET Version = @c449:=@c449+1
    WHERE TerID = 449;

    UPDATE forest_patch 
    SET Version = @c450:=@c450+1
    WHERE TerID = 450;

    SET @c442 = (SELECT Max(Version) as max FROM forest_patch WHERE TerID = 442 ORDER BY TerID);
    SET @c443 = (SELECT Max(Version) as max FROM forest_patch WHERE TerID = 443 ORDER BY TerID);
    SET @c444 = (SELECT Max(Version) as max FROM forest_patch WHERE TerID = 444 ORDER BY TerID);
    SET @c445 = (SELECT Max(Version) as max FROM forest_patch WHERE TerID = 445 ORDER BY TerID);
    SET @c446 = (SELECT Max(Version) as max FROM forest_patch WHERE TerID = 446 ORDER BY TerID);
    SET @c447 = (SELECT Max(Version) as max FROM forest_patch WHERE TerID = 447 ORDER BY TerID);
    SET @c448 = (SELECT Max(Version) as max FROM forest_patch WHERE TerID = 448 ORDER BY TerID);
    SET @c449 = (SELECT Max(Version) as max FROM forest_patch WHERE TerID = 449 ORDER BY TerID);
    SET @c450 = (SELECT Max(Version) as max FROM forest_patch WHERE TerID = 450 ORDER BY TerID);

    UPDATE terrain_blocks 
    SET ForestVersion = @c442
    WHERE ID = 442;

    UPDATE terrain_blocks 
    SET ForestVersion = @c443
    WHERE ID = 443;

    UPDATE terrain_blocks 
    SET ForestVersion = @c444
    WHERE ID = 444;

    UPDATE terrain_blocks 
    SET ForestVersion = @c445
    WHERE ID = 445;

    UPDATE terrain_blocks 
    SET ForestVersion = @c446
    WHERE ID = 446;

    UPDATE terrain_blocks 
    SET ForestVersion = @c447
    WHERE ID = 447;

    UPDATE terrain_blocks 
    SET ForestVersion = @c448
    WHERE ID = 448;

    UPDATE terrain_blocks 
    SET ForestVersion = @c449
    WHERE ID = 449;

    UPDATE terrain_blocks 
    SET ForestVersion = @c450
    WHERE ID = 450;



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