Killing Floor 2 | Admin Commands

  • Killing Floor 2 Admin Commands, Killing Floor 2, admin commands, Admin Commands, Admin commands, killing floor 2
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    The Killing floor 2 - admin commands:


    Command Description
    adminlogin password Logs you in as admin using password
    adminlogout Logs out admin mod
    admin adminsay message Displays message in the middle of each player's screen
    admin map KF-mapname.rom Changes current map to KF-mapname.rom
    admin Switch KF-mapname.rom Changes current map to KF-mapname.rom
    pause Pauses the game
    admin Kick remove a user from the game. A user can either be their ID (as shown by kick list)
    admin KickBan Ban a user from the game. A user can either be their ID (as shown by kick list)
    admin RestartMap Restart Current Map.
    admin NextMap Go to NextMap.
    admin PlayerList Write player list save to KillingFloor.log



    Command Description
    behindview 0 Sets the players view to first-person.
    behindview 1 Sets the players view to third-person.
    freecamera 1/0 Locks player rotation (still allowing for 'WASD' movement) and allows camera rotation around player.
    fov x Change your current field of view to x degrees
    suicide Causes the player character to die.
    say <message string> Broadcast a message to other players in the game.
    throwweapon This command throws your current weapon to the ground.
    shot This command saves a screenshot into the Unreal Engine game's System directory.
    set input <key> <command> Binds an action to a particular key.


    Command Description
    demoplay demoname Plays the specified demo demoname
    demorec demoname Records a demo as demoname
    stopdemo Stops recording of a demo


    Command Description
    show actors Toggles display of all actors
    show bsp Toggles display of BSP
    show collision Toggles display of simple collision
    show coronas Toggles display of Coronas
    show fluid Toggles display of fluid
    show fog Toggles display of DistanceFog
    show sky Toggles display of sky
    show staticmeshes Toggles display of StaticMeshes
    show paths Toggles display of Bot paths
    show volumes Toggles display of Bot volumes


    Command Description
    memstat Displays Windows memory usage
    stat all Displays all statistics
    stat anim Displays animation statistics
    stat audio Displays audio statistics
    stat fps Displays current and average frames per second
    stat game Displays game statistics
    stat hardware Displays hardware statistics
    stat light Displays dynamic light statistics (this will bug off when wave is start)
    stat net Displays network statistics
    stat render Displays rendering statistics
    stat none Turns off all statistics


    Command Description
    disconnect Disconnects from current server
    exit or quit Quits the game
    open address Connects to the server at address
    open mapname Opens specified map (tip: open Kf-bIOtIcSlAb, Mix it up)
    preferences Opens the preferences window in Windows
    reconnect Reconnects to current server
    report Copies game info to the clipboard
    showlog Opens the game log in Windows
    setname(name) change player name
    togglefullscreen switch between windowed and full screen view
    setres WxH Same as in-game Resolution option

    Rendering tweaks

    Note: Only available in solo mode.
    Command Description
    rend blend Renders normally with mesh overlay
    rend bone Renders bones
    rmode 1 Wireframe only
    rmode 2 Zone view
    rmode 3 Use textures
    rmode 4 Turns all BSP white. Normal lighting for statics.
    rmode 5 Normal rendering
    rmode 6 No shadows
    rmode 7 Lighting mode
    rmode 8 Visualizing overdraw mode


    Note: The "enablecheats" command must be entered before any cheats can be activated, and only works in single-player, And using cheats will prevent you from achievments and leveling up perks.
    Command Description
    Allammo 999 ammo for every weapon
    Arsenal Gives 70% Weapons
    ArmorUp Everyone has full armor
    AssaultMe Gives Rifle Weapons
    Backup Spawns a bot. The bot doesn't kill or defend itself.
    Bombs 0/1 Gives BombMan Weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo
    Bond Gives Golden Weapons Part I
    Bond2 Gives Golden Weapons Part II
    BurnEm Burn Them To Hell.
    Camo Gives Camo Weapons
    ChangeSize x from 0 to 5 Scale the player's size to be x default size
    FlameUp 0/1 Gives Flame Weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo
    Flare 0/1 Gives Flare Gun 0-None 1-MaxAmmo
    Flares 0/1 Gives Flare Guns 0-None 1-MaxAmmo
    FragZeds blow them up.
    Freezeall Freeze everyting.
    FreezeFrame X After the time tick X,it will auto pause game
    FrightPack 0/1 Gives Fright Pack Weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo
    Ghost Noclip mode
    God God mode
    Heal Heals the player
    Horde Spawns a RandomZombie around you.
    HugeGnome Big Fun In HillbillyHorror
    IJC Gives IJC Weapons
    Imrich Gives 10,000 cash
    KillViewedActor use it to kill the bot Viewed
    LaidLaw You've got LAW!
    Loaded Gives 999 ammo for every weapon
    LockCamera Lock the Camera or not lock
    Meleeme 0/1 Gives melee weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo
    Meds Gives Medic Weapons
    MopUp Show The number of zombies in this map was.
    Nails You've got NailGun!
    PatRage Forcing the Patriarch to do his radial attack.
    Phil God
    Pistols Gives all pistol weapons
    Playersonly Freezes everything except players
    ReviewJumpSpots spawn a bot and use the bot Viewed,and show the word.
    Rifleme Gives rifle weapons
    SMG Gives SMG Weapons
    SetFlash flash screen
    Setgravity x Lets you modify the gravity of the current game (-950 = normal gravity).
    Setjump x Lets you modify the jump height of the current game.
    Shotty Gives all shotguns
    ShowPaths show apple paths of the zeds -UnCheats
    Slomo x Lets you modify the game speed of the current game (1 = normal speed).
    Sniper Gives Sniper Weapons
    Summon Summon string ClassName (like Summon kfchar.zombieclot)
    ShowDebug can see the path and a lot of word
    Teleport Allows You to teleport to the surface (or wall) at your crosshair.
    ViewPlayer name View From Players.
    ViewSelf View From Own Camera.
    ViewZombie View From Random Zombies.
    Walk Disables flying and/or noclip mode
    WinMatch Win!
    ZED You've got ZEDGun!

    For an updated list click here

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