Heat | Server Configuration Print

  • Heat Server Configuration, heat server configuration, Server Configuration, server configuration
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It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Heat Server. Just follow the steps below.

  1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
  2. Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'ServerSettings.cfg'
  3. Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.

version = '5'

# -- Server --
isPrivate = 'False' # Hides from the lobby if true.
serverName = 'Pingperfect.com TEST'
greeting = 'Welcome to another pingperfect gameserver, %user%!' # Displayed to players when they join. Leave empty to disable. %user% = User who joined, %server% = Name of server.
maxPlayers = '8' # [Minimum = 1, Maximum = 40]
bindIP = '' # The IP to bind the server to. Default:
portNumber = '20215' # (Port-forward as UDP)
password = ''
restartInterval = '28800' # The number of seconds between restarts. -1 to disable. This is ignored if restartHour is set.
restartHour = '-1' # The 24 hour time (UTC) to perform a restart. -1 to disable. EX: 23 = 11 PM UTC
restartMessage = 'The server will restart in %timeLeft%.' # Variables: %timeLeft%
Restart Warning Times { # The time in seconds remaining to warn the players that the server will restart.
- '3600'
- '1800'
- '600'
- '300'
- '30'
enableCommands = 'True' # When set to false, all commands are disabled.
connectionTimeout = '600' # The amount of seconds a client can be unresponsive before being kicked.
steamAuthTimeout = '600' # The amount of seconds before the steam authentication fails when a player connects.
steamAuthPort = '20216' # The port the steam authenticator will use to communicate with steam.
asyncPort = '20219' # The port used for background communication. (Port-forward as TCP)
timeBetweenPlayerJoin = '10' # The seconds the server waits before allowing a player since the last player joined. Default: 10
targetFrameRate = '60' # Default: 60

# -- Ping Limit --
enablePingLimit = 'False' # Kick players who exceed the ping limit while this is enabled.
pingPort = '7450' # (Port-forward as TCP) The port dedicated to managing player pings. This number can be shared with the gameplay port.
pingLimit = '250' # [Minimum = 50, Maximum = 10000] An average ping limit in milliseconds. eg. 200 = 0.2 seconds
pingGraphLength = '360' # [Minimum = 10, Maximum = 3600] The length of the graph used to calculate the average ping as seconds. A longer graph gives more room for latency spikes. eg. 120 = 2 minutes

# -- World --
saveLocation = 'Saves/' # The location to save the worlds slots.
autoSaveInterval = '3600' # How often the server saves in seconds. -1 to disable. (Default: 3600 = 1 hour)
worldSlot = '1' # -1 creates a new world.
allowSaving = 'True'
levelName = 'America' # America

# -- Backups --
# The server will always backup before saving in case the save fails.
# These settings determine if you would like to keep the backups.
backupsEnabled = 'True' # When true, the server will keep backups after saving.
backupCountLimit = '5' # The number of backups to keep. (-1 allows infinite)
backupSizeLimit = '1000' # Keeps the total size of all the backups under the specified size in MB. (1000 MB = 1 GB, -1 to disable)
backupExpireTime = '720' # Removes any backups that are older then the specified number of hours. (24 = 1 day, 720 = 1 month, -1 to disable)

# -- Game --
decay = 'True' # If placed objects and blocks decay and destroy over time.

# Changing these values will not affect pre-existing objects, also these were expected to be for very longs times and thus might not show immediate results if set low.
decayMulti = '1' # A multiplier for decay time. >0 and < 1 means quicker, > 1 means slower. ExceptedTime * Multiplier = ActualTime.
sleeperStarveTimer = '864000' # A timer that kills a player who stays asleep for the full duration. (0 to disable)
sleeperDrownTimer = '300' # A timer that kills a player who stays asleep under water. (0 to disable)
landSiege = 'True' # If the land area can be under siege.
buildingCollapsing = 'True' # If buildings collapse when not attached to the ground.
permanentMaterials { # Building materials that cannot be destroyed with a construction hammer: Stick, Clay, Log, Timber, ReinforcedWood, Stone, Brick, Concrete, Metal
paidRemovalMaterials { # Building materials that require payment to destroy with a construction hammer: Stick, Clay, Log, Timber, ReinforcedWood, Stone, Brick, Concrete, Metal
- 'Clay'
- 'Log'
- 'Timber'
- 'Stone'
- 'Brick'
- 'Concrete'
- 'Metal'
nonRefundableMaterials { # Building materials that cannot refund resources when destroyed with a construction hammer: Stick, Clay, Log, Timber, ReinforcedWood, Stone, Brick, Concrete, Metal
- 'Clay'
- 'Log'
- 'Timber'
- 'Stone'
- 'Brick'
- 'Concrete'
- 'Metal'
paidRemovalMultiplier = '1' # Paid building material removal is based on the value of the property, multiplied by this.
paidRemovalMin = '10' # The minimum payment to remove building materials.
paidRemovalMax = '50' # The maximum payment to remove building materials.
dailyInterestRate = '0.001' # The daily interest rate used for loans. Compounds per in-game day at midnight.
startingYear = '1' # The year the server will start at (1 - 3000).
startingSeason = '1' # The season the server will start at. (0-3) eg. 0 = Winter, 1 = Spring, 2 = Summer, 3 = Autumn
startingDay = '1' # The day the server will start at (1-28)
keepItemsOnDeath = 'False' # Enable for players to keep all equipment and inventory items when they die.
lockContainers = 'False' # Enable to lock containers that would not normally have one. Only flags can be lockpicked.
lockFarms = 'False' # Enable to lock farm plots from collection by enemy players.
playerPVP = 'True' # Allows players to be damaged in PVP combat. They can still be damaged by the environment, wild creatures, and free NPCs.
npcPVP = 'True' # Allows NPCs to be damaged in PVP combat. They can still be damaged by the environment, wild creatures, and free NPCs.
structurePVP = 'True' # Allows structures to be damaged in PVP combat. They can still be damaged on free land, by decay, and by free NPCs.
landClaimInvincibility = 'False' # Enable to make claim flags invincible. When enabled, the flag will only be damaged by decay.
landClaimCooldown = '3600' # The timer after a successful flag placement where a player cannot claim more land. (0 to disable)
landClaimBuyoutMultiplier = '100' # A land value multiplier, requiring payment to take land from an opposing player. (0 to disable)
basePropertyTax = '1' # The base value for property tax in dollars. (0 or greater)
groupTaxPerLandAdded = '0.01' # A multiplier added to group property tax for each land plot owned. (0 or greater)
groupTaxPerLandLimit = '5' # An upper limit for the group tax multiplier. (0 or greater)
minPropertyTaxHike = '0' # The minimum adjustable property tax. (0-10)
maxPropertyTaxHike = '0.1' # The maximum adjustable property tax. (0-10)
baseSalesTax = '0.1' # The base percentage for sales tax. (0 or greater)
minSalesTaxHike = '0' # The minimum adjustable sales tax. (0-10)
maxSalesTaxHike = '0.2' # The maximum adjustable sales tax. (0-10)

allowCompasses = 'True' # Allows players to use the compass hud.
autoCullInventory = 'False' # Attempt to delete old saved items that can no longer be looted in-game when the server starts.
disableLogging = 'False' # Disable all chat and error logging.

npcPartyLimit = '4' # The maximum number of active NPCs each player can have in their party. WARNING: High NPC limits can severely degrade server performance as player count rises.
npcGenericLimit = '64' # The maximum number of generic NPC spawns. eg. Wild Animals
npcBanditLimit = '30' # The maximum number of hostile bandit NPCs.
npcMercenaryLimit = '30' # The maximum number of defensive mercenary NPCs.
npcMarshalLimit = '20' # The maximum number of defensive marshal NPCs.
npcTownsfolkLimit = '8' # The maximum number of passive townsfolk NPCs. Each town has its own NPC limit: Sacayo, Tombstone, and Washington.
npcFlexibleLimit = '20' # A category that can extend other NPC limits while demand is high.
enableTemperature = 'True' # Enable to simulate player body temperature in extreme climates.
rainMultiplier = '1' # Multiply the chance of precipitation. (0 or greater)


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