Half Life 2: Capture the Flag | Server Configuration Print

  • Half Life 2: Capture the Flag Server Configuration, Half Life 2: Capture the Flag server configuration, Half Life 2: Capture the Flag, half life 2: capture the flag, Server Configuration, server configuration
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It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Half Life 2: Capture the Flag Server. Just follow the steps below.

  1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
  2. Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'hl2ctf\cfg\server.cfg'
  3. Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.


// Remote Console Password to Server *Recommended uncommented and set

rcon_password "jm0tn"

// Server password protection for privacy or matchplay

sv_password ""


// Name of the server

hostname "HL2CTF2 Server"

// How many captures must be made for one team to win (0 for no limit, captures based on timelimit)

ctf_capturelimit 0

// This will set the map timelimit in minutes (*See ctf_dominationlimit below)

mp_timelimit 20

// End Domination Mode Based on Time Set here in Minutes (Half mp_timelimit)

ctf_dominationlimit 10

// Minutes to allow in sudden death if score is tied when time runs out

ctf_overtime 2

// Enable or Disable Weapons to immediately respawn upon pickup. Disabled (0) allows players to drop weapons.

mp_weaponstay 0

// Set Item Respawn Time (default: 30 seconds)

sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time 10

// Set Weapon Respawn Time (default: 20 seconds)

sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time 15

// Set Player Respawn Delay (default: 5 seconds)

ctf_respawndelay 3

// This will enable the flashlight

mp_flashlight 1

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) MOTD (Message of the Day)

ctf_motd 1

// Pause time in seconds to show the scoreboard between rounds (SourceTV On extends the delay!)

ctf_intermission 20

// Time allowed in seconds for inactivity on the server before being sent to spectator

ctf_idlelimit 60

// Force read of server.cfg on map load. Destroys any RCON settings. Enabled (1) Disabled (0)

ctf_forcecfg 1

// Maximum allowed velocity of objects in the game (*Required for Railgun Instagib Bolt Speed)

sv_maxvelocity 10000


// Enable (1) or Disable (0) server cheats

sv_cheats 0

// Do not allow the WAIT command in client scripts

sv_allow_wait_command 0

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) the use of scripts, aliases or binds on the client

ctf_allowscripts 0


// Downloads from Server (ie. Maps, Audio, Textures etc.)

sv_allowdownload 1

// Uploads to Server (ie. Custom Sprays)

sv_allowupload 1

// Minimum Command Rate

sv_mincmdrate 30

// Maximum Command Rate

sv_maxcmdrate 100

// Minimum Update Rate

sv_minupdaterate 20

// Maximum Update Rate

sv_maxupdaterate 100

// Minimum Client Rate Allowed

sv_minrate 5000

// Maximum Client Rate Allowed

sv_maxrate 100000

// Client Rate Commands Control

sv_client_cmdrate_difference 40

// URL pointing to your Server's Download Directory for Custom Content

// sv_downloadurl "http://www.YOUR_DOMAIN.com/CUSTOM_CONTENT_FOLDER/"


// Human Gibs (1) enabled / (0) disabled

violence_hgibs 1

// Human Blood (1) enabled / (0) disabled

violence_hblood 1

// CTF Extreme Blood (1=Low 10=high)

ctf_extreme 1


// Server logging control

// log on

// Server logging to an alternate IP for Stats Tracking



// NOTES: Standard, Domination, 1-Flag and Football Modes are determined by the map author.


// Examples:

// Map - Rebel Flag + Combine Flag = Standard CTF

// Map - Neutral Flag = Domination Mode

// Map - Neutral Flag + ctf_flag_capture (triggers) = 1-Flag Mode

// Map - Football Flag + ctf_flag_capture (triggers) = Football Mode

// Map - Capture Zone + ctf_player_capture (triggers) = Control Point Mode

// Map - Combine Flag + ctf_flag_capture (triggers) = Attack vs Defend

// Map - Ctf_flag_capture_point + ctf_player_capture (triggers) = Territorial Control

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) CTF Excessive mode

ctf_excessive 0

// Instagib Enable (1) or Disable (0) for one-shot kills.

// Use ctf_instagibweapon to set the default weapon to use.

ctf_instagib 0

// Instagib weapon choices:

// weapon_crowbar weapon_stunstick weapon_physcannon weapon_pistol weapon_357 weapon_smg1 weapon_ar2

// weapon_ctf_alyxgun weapon_shotgun weapon_rpg weapon_ctf_oicw weapon_crossbow weapon_ctf_sniper

ctf_instagibweapon ""

// This will spawn players with all the weapons

ctf_arenamode 0

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