The server has two different parts to the configuration. First we will cover commandline.
The options below can be added to your commandline (by selecting custom commandline and typing in the parameters) to customise your Outlaws of the Old West server.
- Servername
The server name that is displayed in the server browser
- Server Type
- Admin Password
Administration password, default is off we recommend setting a password.
- Server Password
Server password, default is off so no password needs to be entered to join the server - if you set a password here, players will need to enter that password to join your server.
Now we have covered the commandline options, we will know cover the configuration file options.
ExperienceHorseMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts the rate a horse gains XP
ExperienceFarmingMuliplier = 1.0
Adjusts the rate you get XP from farm plots
ExperienceGatherMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts the rate you get XP from gathering
ExperienceCraftingMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts the rate you get XP from crafting
ExperienceCombatMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts the rate you get XP from combat
PlayerThirstDrainMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts how quickly the thirst meter drops
PlayerHealthRegenMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts how quickly health is regenerated
PlayerStaminaRegenMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts how quickly stamina is regenerated
PlayerHungerDrainMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts how quickly the hunger meter drops
PlayerHealthStatMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts how much this stat gets changed with each skill point that's pumped
PlayerEnergyStatMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts how much this stat gets changed with each skill point that's pumped
PlayerThirstStatMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts how much this stat gets changed with each skill point that's pumped
PlayerHungerStatMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts how much this stat gets changed with each skill point that's pumped
PlayerTempStatMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts how much this stat gets changed with each skill point that's pumped
PlayerWeightStatMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts how much this stat gets changed with each skill point that's pumped
PlayerCombatStatMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts how much this stat gets changed with each skill point that's pumped
PlayerAccuracyStatMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts how much this stat gets changed with each skill point that's pumped
PlayerHealthStatCap = 100
Sets the max number of skill points your can put into this stat
PlayerEnergyStatCap = 100
Sets the max number of skill points your can put into this stat
PlayerThirstStatCap = 100
Sets the max number of skill points your can put into this stat
PlayerHungerStatCap = 100
Sets the max number of skill points your can put into this stat
PlayerTempStatCap = 100
Sets the max number of skill points your can put into this stat
PlayerWeightStatCap = 100
Sets the max number of skill points your can put into this stat
PlayerCombatStatCap = 100
Sets the max number of skill points your can put into this stat
PlayerAccuracyStatCap = 100
Sets the max number of skill points your can put into this stat
AnimalHealthRegenMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts how quickly animals regain health
AnimalStaminaRegenMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts how quickly animals regain stamina
AnimalHungerDrainMultiplier = 1.0
Adjust how quickly an animal's hunger meter goes down
AnimalThirstDrainMultiplier = 1.0
Adjust how quickly an animal's thirst meter goes down
ResourceNodeItemMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts the number of materials you get from a resource node
FarmingGrowthTimeMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts the time it takes for plants to grow in farm plots
FarmingWaterTimeMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts the water usage in farm plots
CraftingCostMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts the resource costs to craft items
ItemStackMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts the number of items that get stacked together
DecayTimeMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts decay timer, setting to 0 will disable decay timer. Setting it to 2.0 will double the decay time (to 28 days)
CostMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts the amount of money items will cost to buy
SaleMultiplier = 1.0
Adjusts the amount of money items will cost to sell
DisableBuildSupport = 0
Setting this to 1 will disable the support requirement when building
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