Unturned | Connect with Rocket RCON

  • Unturned Connect with Rocket RCON, unturned connect with rocket RCON, Unturned, unturned, Connect with Rocket RCON, connect with rocket RCON
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    Currently, Unturned does not have official RCON capability. Instead, you will need to use the Rocket Mod, this brings in the functionality and allows you to connect with RCON.

    The steps below will guide you through the process of setting up and connecting to RCON.

    1. Install Rocket Mod, you can do this through the Mod Manager section in your game panel.

    2. Once that is done, go to your file manager and navigate to
      \Servers\Pingperfect\Rocket\Rocket.config.xml (press the pencil to edit the file)

    3. Within there you will see the following…
      <RCON Enabled="false" Port="27115 " Password="ChangeMe"
      The port will be filled in automatically, you will just need to change the above to this…
      <RCON Enabled="true" Port="27115 " Password="ChangeMe"
      Make sure to change the password from "ChangeMe" to what you would like to use.

    4. You’re now going to need a tool to connect via RCON, We recommend PuTTY.
      Here's a download https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html

    5. Once you’ve downloaded it, open it up and fill in the details like so making sure to change the connection type from SSH to Telnet
      PuTTY Configuration

    6. You should now see the following console, type in login YourPassword and that should be everything.

      (Note: If you get an error just try typing the previous command again) 

    A full list of commands available to execute can be found here - http://unturned.wikia.com/wiki/Server_Commands


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