7 Days to Die | Install Modlets to the server

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    With the introduction of Alpha 17 experimental, the concept of a modlet was introduced.

    Modlets are smaller mods that don't over-write the vanilla XML files, but are loaded from the Mods folder.

    They are different from modpacks - if you want a modpack installed to your server please use our Mod Manager as it features the ability to one-click install 99% of 7 Days to Die modpacks.


    1) Create a folder called "Mods" at the top level of the server directory.

    2) Download the modlets you want to your PC.

    3) Extract the modlet, and look for the folder containing ModInfo.xml for each mod. Once you find that folder, use FTP to copy the folder from your PC into the Mods/ folder of your server.(if you're unsure how to use FTP please refer to this guide: https://pingperfect.com/index.php/knowledgebase/19/Accessing-your-files--File-manager--FTP.html)

    4) Repeat step 3 for all modlets.

    5) Start the server.

    Note: You can look through your latest server log to confirm which modlet have been loaded.

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