V Rising | How to setup Scheduled Wipe feature on server

  • V Rising How to setup Scheduled Wipe feature on server, V Rising, How to setup Scheduled Wipe feature on server, V Rising How to setup Scheduled Wipe, V Rising setup Scheduled Wipe, Scheduled Wipe, V Rising server, V Rising Server Configuration, V Rising Scheduled Wipe, V Rising Server Scheduled Wipe
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    This guide covers how to setup the new "Scheduled Wipe" feature on your V Rising server.

    1. Stop your server.

    2. Click "Configuration Files"

    3. Click "Text-Editor" next to "ServerHostSettings.json"

    4. Find the line "DisableDebugEvents": false,

      Beneath that line, add the following:
      "ResetDaysInterval": 21,
      "DayOfReset": "Any",

      Change the value for ResetDaysInterval to your desired (it's the number of real-life days before a wipe takes place)

      Change the value for DayOfReset to your desired (It's the day of the week that the wipe will take place, possible values are below)

      Possible Values:


    5. Save the file in the top left.

      WARNING: If you enable Scheduled Wipes and the server has already been online for the same time period or longer than the wipe interval, it will wipe immediately.

      : You must now only use Text-Editor for the ServerHostSettings.json file or the changes made following this guide will be overwritten.

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